
第11章 A Poor Rule(1)


I have always maintained, and assertedassert v.断言, 声称 time to time, that woman is no mystery, that man can foretell, construe, subdue, comprehend, and interpret her. That she is a mystery has been foisted by herself upon credulouscredulous adj.轻信的 mankind. Whether I am right or wrong we shall see. As “Harpers Drawer” used to say in bygone years, “The following good story is told of Miss—, Mr.—, Mr.—and Mr.—.”


We shall have to omitomit vt.省略, 疏忽, 遗漏 “Bishop X” and “the Rev”, for they do not belong.


In those days Paloma was a new town on the line of the Southern Pacific. A reporter would have called it a “mushroom” town, but it was not. Paloma was, first and last, of the toadstool variety.


The train stopped there at noon for the engine to drink and for the passengers both to drink and to dine. There was a new yellowpine hotel, also a wool warehousewarehouse n.仓库, 货栈, 大商店 vt.贮入仓库,<俚>[经]以他人名义购进(股票), and perhaps three dozen box residences. The rest was composed of tents, cow ponies, “blackwaxy” mud, and mesquitetrees, all bound round by a horizon. Paloma was an abouttobe city. The houses represented faith, the tents hope, the twiceaday train by which you might leave, creditably sustained the role of charitycharity n.慈善, 施舍, 慈善团体.


The Parisian Restaurant occupied the muddiest spot in the town while it rained, and the warmest when it shone. It was operated, owned, and perpetratedperpetrate v.犯 by a citizen known as Old Man Hinkle, who had come out of Indiana to make his fortune in this land of condensed milk and sorghumsorghum n.[植]高粱属的植物, <美>高粱糖浆,甜得发腻的东西.


There was a fourroom, unpainted, weatherboarded box house in which the family lived. From the kitchen extended a “shelter” made of poles covered with chaparralchaparral n.丛林, 茂密的树丛 brush. Under this was a table and two benches, each twenty feet long, the product of Paloma home carpentry. Here was set forth the roast mutton, the stewed apples, boiled beans, sodabiscuits, puddinorpie, and hot coffee of the Parisian menu.


Ma Hinkle and a subordinatesubordinate adj.次要的, 从属的, 下级的 n.下属 v.服从 known to the ears as “Betty”, but denied to the eyesight, presided at the range. Pa Hinkle himself, with salamandrous thumbs, served the scalding viands. During rush hours a Mexican youth, who rolled and smoked cigarettes between courses, aided him in waiting on the guests. As is customary at Parisian banquetsbanquet n.宴会, I place the sweets at the end of my wordy menu.


Ileen Hinkle!


The spelling is correct, for I have seen her write it. No doubt she had been named by ear, but she so splendidly bore the orthographyorthography n.正确拼字, 正字法, 正字学 that Tom Moore himself (had he seen her) would have indorsed the phonography.


Ileen was the daughter of the house, and the first Lady Cashier to invadeinvade vt.侵略, 侵袭, 拥挤 the territory south of an eastandwest line drawn through Galveston and Del Rio. She sat on a high stool in a rough pine grandstandor was it a temple?—under the shelter at the door of the kitchen. There was a barbedwire protection in front of her, with a little arch under which you passed your money. Heaven knows why the barbed wire, for every man who dined Parisianly there would have died in her service. Her duties were light, each meal was a dollar. You put it under the arch, and she took it.


I set out with the intent to describe Ileen Hinkle to you. Instead, I must refer you to the volume by Edmund Burke entitled:A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. It is an exhaustiveexhaustive adj.无遗漏的, 彻底的, 详尽的, 无遗的 treatise, dealing first with the primitiveprimitive adj.原始的, 远古的, 粗糙的, 简单的 conceptions of beauty—roundness and smoothness, I think they are, according to Burke. It is well said. Rotundity is a patent charm, as for smoothness—the more new wrinkles a woman acquires, the smoother she becomes.


Ileen was a strictly vegetable compound, guaranteed under the Pure Ambrosia and BalmofGilead Act of the year of the fall of Adam. She was a fruitstand blondestrawberries, peaches, cherries, etc. Her eyes were wide apart, and she possessed the calm that precedesprecede v.领先(于), 在……之前, 先于 a storm that never comes. But it seems to me that words (at any rate per) are wasted in an effort to describe the beautiful. Like fancy, “It is engenderedengender v.造成 in the eyes.” There are three kinds of beauties—I was foreordainedforeordain vt.预先, 注定, 预定命运 to be homiletichomiletic adj.说教的; I can never stick to a story.


The first is the frecklefaced, snubnosed girl whom you like. The second is Maud Adams. The third is, or are, the ladies in Bouguereaus paintings. Ileen Hinkle was the fourth. She was the mayoressmayoress n.市长夫人, 女市长 of Spotless Town. There were a thousand golden apples coming to her as Helen of the Troy laundrieslaundry n.洗衣店, 要洗的衣服, 洗熨.