
第13章 A Poor Rule(3)

Ileen was of the opinion, also, that Boston is more cultured than Chicago, that Rosa Bonheur was one of the greatest of women painters, that Westerners are more spontaneousspontaneous adj.自发的, 自然产生的 and openhearted than Easterners, that London must be a very foggy city, and that California must be quite lovely in the springtimespringtime n.春天, 春季. And of many other opinions indicating a keeping up with the worlds best thought.


These, however, were but gleaned from hearsayhearsay n.谣言, 传闻, 道听途说 adj.传闻的 and evidence, Ileen had theories of her own. One, in particular, she disseminated to us untiringly. Flattery she detested. Frankness and honesty of speech and action, she declared, were the chief mental ornamentsornament n.装饰物, 教堂用品 vt.装饰, 修饰 of man and woman. If ever she could like any one, it would be for those qualities.


“Im awfully weary,” she said, one evening, when we three musketeersmusketeer n.持步枪的士兵, 步兵 of the mesquite were in the little parlor, “of having compliments on my looks paid to me. I know Im not beautiful.”


(Bud Cunningham told me afterward that it was all he could do to keep from calling her a liarliar n.(惯于)说谎者 when she said that.)


“Im only a little MiddleWestern girl,” went on Ileen, “who justs wants to be simple and neat, and tries to help her father make a humble living.”


(Old Man Hinkle was shipping a thousand silver dollars a month, clear profit, to a bank in San Antonio.)


Bud twisted around in his chair and bent the rim of his hat, from which he could never be persuaded to separate. He did not know whether she wanted what she said she wanted or what she knew she deserved. Many a wiser man has hesitated at deciding. Bud decided..


“Why—ah, Miss Ileen, beauty, as you might say, aint everything. Not sayin that you havent your share of good looks, I always admired more than anything else about you the nice, kind way you treat your ma and pa. Any one whats good to their parents and is a kind of homebody dont specially need to be too pretty.”


Ileen gave him one of her sweetest smiles. “Thank you, Mr. Cunningham.” she said, “I consider that one of the finest complimentscompliment n.称赞, 恭维, 致意, 问候, 道贺 vt.称赞, 褒扬, 恭维 Ive had in a long time. Id so much rather hear you say that than to hear you talk about my eyes and hair. Im glad you believe me when I say I dont like flattery.”


Our cue was there for us. Bud had made a good guess. You couldnt lose Jacks. He chimed in next.


“Sure thing, Miss Ileen,” he said, “the goodlookers dont always win out. Now, you aint bad looking, of course—but thats nixcumrous. I knew a girl once in Dubuque with a face like a cocoanutcocoanut n.可可,可可豆, who could skin the cat twice on a horizontal bar without changing hands. Now, a girl might have the California peach crop mashed to a marmalademarmalade n.橘子或柠檬等水果制成的果酱 and not be able to do that. Ive seen—er—worse lookers than you, Miss Ileen, but what I like about you is the business way youve got of doing things. Cool and wise—thats the winning way for a girl. Mr. Hinkle told me the other day youd never taken in a lead silver dollar or a plugged one since youve been on the job. Now, thats the stuff for a girl—thats what catches me.”


Jacks got his smile, too.


“Thank you, Mr. Jacks,” said Ileen, “If you only knew how I appreciateappreciate vt.赏识, 鉴赏, 感激 vi.增值, 涨价 any ones being candid and not a flatterer! I get so tired of people telling me Im pretty. I think it is the loveliest thing to have friends who tell you the truth.”


Then I thought I saw an expectant look on Ileens face as she glanced toward me. I had a wild, sudden impulseimpulse n.推动, 刺激, 冲动, 推动力 vt.推动 to dare fate, and tell her of all the beautiful handiwork of the Great Artificer she was the most exquisite—that she was a flawless pearl gleaming pure and serene in a setting of black mud and emerald prairies—that she was—a—a corker, and as for mine, I cared not if she were as crtiel as a serpents tooth to her fond parents, or if she couldnt tell a plugged dollar from a bridle buckle, if I might sing, chantchant n.圣歌, praise, glorify, and worshipworship n.崇拜, 礼拜, 尊敬 vi.敬神, 拜神 vt.崇拜, 尊敬 her peerless and wonderful beauty.


But I refrained. I feared the fate of a flatterer. I had witnessed her delight at the craftycrafty adj.狡诈的, 诡计多端的, 善于骗人的 and discreetdiscreet adj.小心的, 慎重的, 有思虑的, 贤明的 words of Bud and Jacks. No! Miss Hinkle was not one to be beguiled by the platedsilver tongue of a flatterer. So I joined the ranks of the candid and honest. At once I became mendaciousmendacious adj.虚假的, 说谎的 and didacticdidactic adj.教诲的,说教的.


“In all ages, Miss Hinkle,” said I, “in spite of the poetry and romance of each, intellect in woman has been admired more than beauty. Even in Cleopatra, herself, men found more charm in her queenly mind than in her looks.”
