
第5章 Conscience in Art(1)


“I never could hold my partnerpartner n.合伙人, 股东, 舞伴, 伴侣 vt.与……合伙,组成一对 vi.做伙伴, 当助手, Andy Tucker, down to legitimatelegitimate adj.合法的, 合理的, 正统的 v.合法 ethics of pure swindling.” said Jeff Peters to me one day.


Andy had too much imagination to be honest. He used to devise schemes of moneygetting so fraudulentfraudulent adj.欺诈的, 欺骗性的, 骗得的 and highfinancial that they wouldnt have been allowed in the bylawsbylaw n.次要法规,(社,团制定的)规章制度 of a railroad rebaterebate n.回扣, 折扣 vt.减少, 打折扣 vi.给……回扣, 打折扣 system.


Myself, I never believed in taking any mans dollars unless I gave him something for it—something in the way of rolled gold jewelry, garden seeds, lumbagolumbago n.腰痛 lotionlotion n.洗液, 洗剂, stock certificatescertificate n.证书, 证明书 vt.发给证明书,以证书形式授权给……, stove polish or a crack on the head to show for his money. I guess I must have had New England ancestorsancestor n.祖先, 祖宗 away back and inherited some of their stanch and rugged fear of the police.


But Andys family tree was in different kind. I dont think he could have traced his descent any further back than a corporation.


One summer while we was in the middle West, working down the Ohio valley with a line of family albumsalbum n.集邮本, 照相簿, 签名纪念册, headache powders and roach destroyer, Andy takes one of his notions of high and actionableactionable adj.可控告的 financiering.


“Jeff,” says he, “Ive been thinking that we ought to drop these rutabaga fanciersfancier n.空想家, 培育动物(或植物)的行家, 爱好者 and give our attention to something more nourishing and prolific. If we keep on snapshootingsnapshoot vt.快镜拍摄 these hinds for their egg money well be classed as nature fakers. How about plunging into the fastnessesfastness n.牢固, 固定(性), 不褪色(性), 放荡,僻静的处所, 抗(毒)性, 要塞, 巩固 of the skyscraperskyscraper n.摩天楼, 高耸的烟囱 country and biting some big bull caribous in the chest?”


“Well,” says I, “you know my idiosyncrasiesidiosyncrasy n.特质, 特性. I prefer a square, nonillegal style of business such as we are carrying on now. When I take money I want to leave some tangibletangible adj.切实的 object in the other fellows hands for him to gaze at and to distract his attention from my spoor, even if its only a Komical Kuss Trick Finger Ring for Squirting Perfume in a Friends Eye. But if youve got a fresh idea, Andy,” says I, “lets have a look at it. Im not so wedded to petty graftgraft n.嫁接, (接枝用的)嫩枝, (皮肤等的)移植, 渎职v.嫁接, 接枝, 移植(皮肤等), 渎职 that I would refuse something better in the way of a subsidysubsidy n.补助金, 津贴.”


“‘I was thinking,’ says Andy, ‘of a little hunt without horn, hound or camera among the great herd of the Midas Americanus, commonly known as the Pittsburg millionairesmillionaire n.百万富翁, 大富豪.’


“‘In New York?’ I asks.


“‘No, sir,’ says Andy, ‘in Pittsburg. Thats their habitat. They dont like New York. They go there now and then just because its expected of em.’


“‘A Pittsburg millionaire in New York is like a fly in a cup of hot coffee—he attracts attention and comment, but he dont enjoy it. New York ridiculesridicule n.嘲笑, 奚落 v.嘲笑, 奚落 him for ”blowing“ so much money in that town of sneaks and snobs, and sneers. The truth is, he dont spend anything while he is there. I saw a memorandummemorandum n.备忘录, 便笺, 便函, 买卖契约书 of expenses for a ten days trip to Bunkum Town made by a Pittsburg man worth 15,000,000 once. Heres the way he set it down:


R. R. fare to and from…… 21.00

Cab fare to and from hotel……2.00

Hotel bill (5 per day)……50.00




去旅馆来回车力……2. 00美元



总计5823.00 美元

“‘Thats the voice of New York,’ goes on Andy. ‘The towns nothing but a head waiter. If you tip it too much itll go and stand by the door and make fun of you to the hat check boy. When a Pittsburger wants to spend money and have a good time he stays at home. Thats where well go to catch him.’


“Well, to make a densedense adj.密集的, 浓厚的 story more condensed, me and Andy cached our paris green and antipyrine powderspowder n.粉, 粉末, 火药, 尘土 vt.搽粉于, 撒粉,使成粉末 vi.搽粉, 变成粉末 and albums in a friends cellar, and took the trail to Pittsburg. Andy didnt have any especial prospectusprospectus n.内容说明书, 样张 of chicanery and violence drawn up, but he always had plenty of confidence that his immoralimmoral adj.不道德的, 邪恶的, 放荡的, 淫荡的 nature would rise to any occasion that presented itself.


“As a concessionconcession n.让步 to my ideas of self-preservation and rectitude he promised that if I should take an active and incriminatingincriminate vt.控告……有罪, 使负罪, 控告 part in any little business venture that we might work up there should be something actual and cognizantcognizant adj.认知的 to the senses of touch, sight, taste or smell to transfer to the victim for the money so my conscience might rest easy. After that I felt better and entered more cheerfully into the foul play.
