
第18章 The Three Little Birds(2)


“Good day, mother.” said the boy.


“Many thanks.” said she.


“You will fish long enough before you catch anything.”


“And you will seek long enough before you find your father. How will you get over the water?” said the woman.


“God knows.”


Then the old woman took him up on her back and carried him through it, and he sought for a long time, but could not find his father.


When a year had gone by, the second boy set out to seek his brother. He came to the water, and all fared with him just as with his brother. And now there was no one at home but the daughter, and she mournedmourn v.哀悼, 忧伤, 服丧 for her brothers so much that at last she also begged the fisherman to let her set forth, for she wished to go in search of her brothers. Then she likewise came to the great stretch of water, and she said to the old woman, “Good day, mother.” “Many thanks.” replied the old woman. “May God help you with your fishing.” said the maiden. When the old woman heard that, she became quite friendly, and carried her over the water, gave her a wand, and said to her, “Go, my daughter, ever onwards by this road, and when you come to a great black dog, you must pass it silently and boldlyboldly adv.大胆地, 显眼地, without either laughing or looking at it. Then you will come to a great high castle, on the thresholdthreshold n.开始, 开端, 极限 of which you must let the wand fall, and go straight through the castle, and out again on the other side. There you will see an old fountain out of which a large tree has grown, whereon hangs a bird in a cage which you must take down. Take likewise a glass of water out of the fountain, and with these two things go back by the same way. Pick up the wand again from the threshold and take it with you, and when you again pass by the dog, strike him in the face with it, but be sure that you hit him, and then just come back here to me.” The maiden found everything exactly as the old woman had said, and on her way back she found her two brothers who had sought each other over half the world. They went together to the place where the black dog was lying on the road, she struck it in the face, and it turned into a handsome prince who went with them to the river. There the old woman was still standing. She rejoiced much to see them again, and carried them all over the water, and then she too went away, for now she was freed. The others, however, went to the old fisherman, and all were glad that they had found each other again, but they hung the bird on the wall.


But the second son could not settle at home, and took his crossbowcrossbow n.石弓, 弩 and went ahunting. When he was tired he took his fluteflute n.长笛, 笛状物, 凹槽, and made music. The king was hunting too, and heard that and went thither, and when he met the youth, he said, “Who has given you leave to hunt here?”

可是二儿子在家里待不住,拿起弓箭就打猎去了。当他疲倦的时候,就拿起笛子吹上一小段,碰巧国王也在打猎,听见笛声就朝青年走来,看见他就问 “谁允许你在这儿打猎的。”

“Oh, no one.”


“To whom do you belong, then?”


“I am the fishermans son.”


“But he has no children.”


“If you will not believe, come with me.”


That the king did, and questioned the fisherman, who told him everything, and the little bird on the wall began to sing—“The mother sits alone there in the prison small, o king of royal blood, these are thy children all. The sisters twain so false, they wrought the children woe, there in the waters deep where the fishermen come and go.”










Then they were all terrified, and the king took the bird, the fisherman and the three children back with him to the castle, and ordered the prison to be opened and brought his wife out again. She had grown quite ill and weak, so the daughter gave her some of the water of the fountain to drink, and she became strong and healthy. But the two false sisters were burnt, and the daughter married the prince.
