
第9章 The Golden Bird(1)


In oldenolden adj.古时的 times there was a king, who had behind his palace a beautiful pleasuregarden in which there was a tree that bore golden apples. When the apples were getting ripe they were counted, but on the very next morning one was missing. This was told to the king, and he ordered that a watch should be kept every night beneath the tree.


The king had three sons, the eldest of whom he sent, as soon as night came on, into the garden, but when midnight came he could not keep himself from sleeping, and next morning again an apple was gone.


The following night the second son had to keep watch, but it fared no better with him, as soon as twelve oclock had struck he fell asleep, and in the morning an apple was gone. 接下来的一夜二儿子奉命去看守,可他的情况同样糟糕;钟敲十二点时他也睡着了,早上同样少了一个苹果。

Now it came to the turn of the third son to watch, and he was quite ready, but the king had not much trust in him, and thought that he would be of less use even than his brothers, but at last he let him go. The youth lay down beneath the tree, but kept awake, and did not let sleep master him. When it struck twelve, something rustledrustle vi.发出沙沙声, 奋力工作, 急速移动 through the air, and in the moonlight he saw a bird coming whose feathers were all shining with gold.


The bird alightedalight vi.落下 on the tree, and had just pluckedpluck v.拔去(鸡、鸭等)毛, 采集 off an apple, when the youth shot an arrow at him. The bird flew off, but the arrow had struck his plumage, and one of his golden feathers fell down. The youth picked it up, and the next morning took it to the king and told him what he had seen in the night. The king called his council together, and everyone declared that a feather like this was worth more than the whole kingdom. If the feather is so precious, declared the king, “One alone will not do for me, I must and will have the whole bird.”


The eldest son set out, and trusting to his cleverness thought that he would easily find the golden bird. When he had gone some distance he saw a fox sitting at the edge of a wood so he cocked his gun and took aim at him. The fox cried, “Do not shoot me, and in return I will give you some good counselcounsel n.讨论, 商议, 辩护律师. You are on the way to the golden bird, and this evening you will come to a village in which stand two inns opposite to one another. One of them is lighted up brightly, and all goes on merrily within, but do not go into it, go rather into the other, even though it looks like a bad one.” “How can such a silly beast give wise advice.” thought the kings son, and he pulled the triggertrigger n.板机. But he missed the fox, who stretched out his tail and ran quickly into the wood. So he pursued his way, and by evening came to the village where the two inns were, in one they were singing and dancing, the other had a poor, miserablemiserable adj.痛苦的, 悲惨的 look. “I should be a fool, indeed.” he thought, “If I were to go into the shabbyshabby adj.破旧的, 褴褛的, 低劣的, 卑鄙的, 不公平的 tavern, and pass by the good one.” So he went into the cheerful one, lived there in riot and revel, and forgot the bird and his father, and all good counsels.


When many months had passed, and the eldest son did not come back home, the second set out, wishing to find the golden bird. The fox met him as he had met the eldest, and gave him the good advice of which he took no heed. He came to the two inns, and his brother was standing at the window of the one from which came the music, and called out to him. He could not resist, but went inside and lived only for pleasure.
