
第12章 A DoubleDyed Deceiver(1)


The trouble began in Laredo. It was the Llano Kids fault, for he should have confined his habit of manslaughtermanslaughter n.杀人, 一般杀人罪 to Mexicans. But the Kid was past twenty, and to have only Mexicans to ones credit at twenty is to blush unseen on the Rio Grande border.


It happened in old Justo Valdoss gambling house. There was a pokerpoker n.拨火棍, (用棍)戳的人, 纸牌戏 vt.烙制 game at which sat players who were not all friends, as happens often where men ride in from afar to shoot Folly as she gallops. There was a row over so small a matter as a pair of queens, and when the smoke had cleared away it was found that the Kid had committed an indiscretionindiscretion n.欠详虑, 不慎重, 轻率, 轻举妄动, and his adversary had been guilty of a blunder. For, the unfortunate combatantcombatant n.战士, 战斗员adj.战斗的, instead of being a Greaser, was a highblooded youth from the cow ranches, of about the Kids own age and possessed of friends and champions. His blunder in missing the Kids right ear only a sixteenth of an inch when he pulled his gun did not lessen the indiscretion of the better marksmanmarksman n.射手, 神射手.


The Kid, not being equipped with a retinueretinue n.(要人的一批)随行人员, 扈从, nor bountifully supplied with personal admirers and supporters—on account of a rather umbrageousumbrageous adj.多荫的 reputation, even for the border—considered it not incompatible with his indispensableindispensable n.不可缺少之物 adj.不可缺少的, 绝对必要的 gameness to perform that judicious tractional act known as “pulling his freight”.


Quickly the avengers gathered and sought him. Three of them overtook him within a rod of the station. The Kid turned and showed his teeth in that brilliant but mirthless smile that usually preceded his deeds of insolenceinsolence n.傲慢 and violence, and his pursuers fell back without making it necessary for him even to reach for his weapon.


But in this affair the Kid had not felt the grim thirst for encounter that usually urged him on to battle. It had been a purely chance row, born of the cards and certain epithetsepithet n.绰号, 称号 impossible for a gentleman to brook that had passed between the two. The Kid had rather liked the slim, haughty, brownfaced young chapchap n.<俗>伙伴, 家伙, 小伙子, 颚, 颊 v.(使)皲裂 whom his bullet had cut off in the first pride of manhood. And now he wanted no more blood. He wanted to get away and have a good long sleep somewhere in the sun on the mesquit grass with his handkerchief over his face. Even a Mexican might have crossed his path in safety while he was in this mood.


The Kid openly boarded the northbound passenger train that departed five minutes later. But at Webb, a few miles out, where it was flagged to take on a traveller, he abandonedabandon vt.放弃, 遗弃 n.放任, 狂热 that manner of escape. There were telegraph stations ahead; and the Kid looked askanceaskance adv.斜, 斜视 at electricity and steam. Saddle and spur were his rocks of safety.


The man whom he had shot was a stranger to him. But the Kid knew that he was of the Coralitos outfit from Hidalgo, and that the punchers from that ranch were more relentless and vengefulvengeful adj.复仇心重的, (利于)报复的 than Kentucky feudists when wrong or harm was done to one of them. So, with the wisdom that has characterized many great farmers, the Kid decided to pile up as many leagues as possible of chaparral and pear between himself and the retaliation of the Coralitos bunch.


Near the station was a store, and near the store, scattered among the mesquitsmesquit n.豆科灌木,牧豆树 and elms, stood the saddled horses of the customers. Most of them waited, half asleep, with sagging limbs and drooping heads. But one, a longlegged roan with a curved neck, snorted and pawed the turf. Him the Kid mounted, gripped with his knees, and slapped gently with the owners own quirt.


If the slaying of the temerarioustemerarious adj.不顾一切的, 极大胆的 cardplayer had cast a cloud over the Kids standing as a good and true citizen, this last act of his veiled his figure in the darkest shadows of disreputedisrepute n.坏名声, 无信誉, 不光彩. On the Rio Grande border if you take a mans life you sometimes take trash, but if you take his horse, you take a thing the loss of which renders him poor, indeed, and which enriches you not—if you are caught. For the Kid there was no turning back now.


With the springing roan under him he felt little care or uneasiness. After a fivemile gallop he drew it in to the plainsmans jogging trottrot v.(使)小跑, (使)快步走, 骑马小跑, 疾走 n.小跑, 骑马, 疾走, 忙碌, and rode northeastward toward the Nueces River bottoms. He knew the country well—its most tortuous and obscure trails through the great wilderness of brush and pear, and its camps and lonesome ranches where one might find safe entertainment. Always he bore to the east, for the Kid had never seen the ocean, and he had a fancy to lay his hand upon the mane of the great Gulf, the gamesome colt of the greater waters.