
第14章 A DoubleDyed Deceiver(3)


“Glad to see you, Mr.—” said the consul.


The Kid laughed.


“Sprague Dalton.” he said. “It sounds funny to me to hear it. Im called the Llano Kid in the Rio Grande country.”


“Im Thacker.” said the consul. “Take that canebottom chair. Now if youve come to invest, you want somebody to advise you. These dingies will cheat you out of the gold in your teeth if you dont understand their ways. Try a cigar?”


“Much obliged,” said the Kid, “but if it wasnt for my corn shucks and the little bag in my back pocket I couldnt live a minute.” He took out his “makings”, and rolled a cigarette.


“They speak Spanish here.” said the consul. “Youll need an interpreterinterpreter n.解释程序, 解释者, 口译人员, 翻译员,讲解员, 注释器. If theres anything I can do, why, Id be delighted. If youre buying fruit lands or looking for a concession of any sort, youll want somebody who knows the ropes to look out for you.”


“I speak Spanish,” said the Kid, “about nine times better than I do English. Everybody speaks it on the range where I come from. And Im not in the market for anything.”


“You speak Spanish?” said Thacker thoughtfully. He regarded the kid absorbedly.


“You look like a Spaniard, too.” he continued. “And youre from Texas. And you cant be more than twenty or twentyone. I wonder if youve got any nerve.”


“You got a deal of some kind to put through?” asked the Texan, with unexpected shrewdnessshrewdness 机灵.


“Are you open to a proposition?” said Thacker.


“Whats the use to deny it?” said the Kid. “I got into a little gun frolicfrolic n.嬉闹 vi.嬉戏 adj.嬉戏的, 欢乐的 down in Laredo and plugged a white man. There wasnt any Mexican handy. And I come down to your parrotandmonkey range just for to smell the morningglories and marigoldsmarigold n.[植]万寿菊, 金盏草. Now, do you sabe?”


Thacker got up and closed the door.


“Let me see your hand.” he said.


He took the Kids left hand, and examined the back of it closely.


“I can do it.” he said excitedly. “Your flesh is as hard as wood and as healthy as a babys. It will heal in a week.”


“If its a fist fight you want to back me for,” said the Kid, “dont put your money up yet. Make it gun work, and Ill keep you company. But no barehandedbarehanded adj.赤手空拳的 scrappingscrap n.小片, 废料, 剪下来的图片, 文章, 残余物,废料, 打架 vt.扔弃, 敲碎, 拆毁 vi.互相殴打 adj.零碎的,废弃的, like ladies at a teaparty, for me.”


“Its easier than that.” said Thacker. “Just step here, will you?”


Through the window he pointed to a twostory whitestuccoed house with wide galleries rising amid the deepgreen tropical foliagefoliage n.树叶, 植物 on a wooded hill that sloped gently from the sea.


“In that house,” said Thacker, “a fine old Castilian gentleman and his wife are yearning to gather you into their arms and fill your pockets with money. Old Santos Urique lives there. He owns half the goldmines in the country.”


“You havent been eating loco weed, have you?” asked the Kid.


“Sit down again,” said Thacker, “and Ill tell you. Twelve years ago they lost a kid. No, he didnt die—although most of em here do from drinking the surface water. He was a wild little devil, even if he wasnt but eight years old. Everybody knows about it. Some Americans who were through here prospecting for gold had letters to Senor Urique, and the boy was a favorite with them. They filled his head with big stories about the States, and about a month after they left, the kid disappeared, too. He was supposed to have stowed himself away among the banana bunches on a fruit steamer, and gone to New Orleans. He was seen once afterward in Texas, it was thought, but they never heard anything more of him. Old Urique has spent thousands of dollars having him looked for. The madam was broken up worst of all. The kid was her life. She wears mourning yet. But they say she believes hell come back to her some day, and never gives up hope. On the back of the boys left hand was tattooed a flying eagle carrying a spearspear n.矛, 枪 in his claws. Thats old Uriques coat of arms or something that he inherited in Spain.”


The Kid raised his left hand slowly and gazed at it curiously.


“Thats it.” said Thacker, reaching behind the official desk for his bottle of smuggled brandy. “Youre not so slow. I can do it. What was I consul at Sandakan for? I never knew till now. In a week Ill have the eagleeagle n.鹰, 鹰状标饰 bird with the frogsticker blended in so youd think you were born with it. I brought a set of the needles and ink just because I was sure youd drop in some day, Mr. Dalton.”


“Oh, hell.” said the Kid. “I thought I told you my name!”


“All right, ‘Kid’, then. It wont be that long. How does Senorito Urique sound, for a change?”
