
第1章 Mammon andthe archer(1)


Old Anthony Rockwall, retired manufacturermanufacturer n.制造业者, 厂商 and proprietorproprietor n.所有者, 经营者 of Rockwalls Eureka Soap, looked out the library window of his Fifth Avenue mansion and grinned. His neighbour to the right—the aristocraticaristocratic adj.贵族的, 贵族化的, 贵族政治的 clubman, G. Van Schuylight SuffolkJones—came out to his waiting motorcar, wrinkling a contumeliouscontumelious adj.傲慢的, 侮辱性的 nostril, as usual, at the Italian renaissancerenaissance n.复兴, 复活, 新生, 文艺复兴, 文艺复兴时期 sculpture of the soap palaces front elevationelevation n.上升, 高地, 正面图, 海拔, 提高, 仰角, 崇高, 庄严.


“Stuckup old statuettestatuette n.小雕像 of nothing doing!” commented the exSoap King. “The Eden Museell get that old frozen Nesselrode yet if he dont watch out. Ill have this house painted red, white, and blue next summer and see if thatll make his Dutch nose turn up any higher.”


And then Anthony Rockwall, who never cared for bells, went to the door of his library and shouted “Mike!” in the same voice that had once chippedchip n.碎片, 筹码 v.削成碎片, 碎裂 芯片 off pieces of the welkin on the Kansas prairies.

安东尼·罗克韦尔呼唤佣人历来不按铃。他走到书房门口,叫道, “迈克!”那嗓门有如当年曾震破过堪萨斯大草原的苍穹。

“Tell my son,” said Anthony to the answering menial, “to come in here before he leaves the house.”


When young Rockwall entered the library the old man laid aside his newspaper, looked at him with a kindly grimnessgrimness n.严格, 严峻, 冷酷 on his big, smooth, ruddy countenance, rumpledrumple v.弄皱, 弄得乱七八糟 n.皱纹, 皱褶 his mop of white hair with one hand and rattled the keys in his pocket with the other.


“Richard,” said Anthony Rockwail, “what do you pay for the soap that you use?”


Richard, only six months home from college, was startled a little. He had not yet taken the measure of this sire of his, who was as full of unexpectednesses as a girl at her first party.


“Six dollars a dozen, I think, dad.”


“And your clothes?”


“I suppose about sixty dollars, as a rule.”


“Youre a gentleman.” said Anthony, decidedly. “Ive heard of these young bloods spending 24 a dozen for soap, and going over the hundred mark for clothes. Youve got as much money to waste as any of em, and yet you stick to whats decent and moderatemoderate adj.中等的, 适度的, 适中的 v.缓和. Now I use the old Eureka—not only for sentimentsentiment n.情操, 情感, 情绪, 观点, 多愁善感, 感情, but its the purest soap made. Whenever you pay more than 10 cents a cake for soap you buy bad perfumes and labels. But 50 cents is doing very well for a young man in your generation, position and condition. As I said, youre a gentleman. They say it takes three generations to make one. Theyre off. Moneyll do it as slick as soap grease. Its made you one. By hokey! Its almost made one of me. Im nearly as impoliteimpolite adj.无礼的, 粗鲁的 and disagreeable and illmannered as these two old Knickerbocker gents on each side of me that cant sleep of nights because I bought in between em.”


“There are some things that money cant accomplishaccomplish vt.完成, 达到, 实现.” remarked young Rockwall, rather gloomily.


“Now, dont say that.” said old Anthony, shocked. “I bet my money on money every time. Ive been through the encyclopaediaencyclopaedia n.百科全书 down to Y looking for something you cant buy with it, and I expect to have to take up the appendixappendix n.附录, 附属品,[解]阑尾 next week. Im for money against the field. Tell me something money wont buy.”


“For one thing,” answered Richard, rankling a little, “it wont buy one into the exclusiveexclusive adj.排外的, 孤高的, 惟我独尊的, 独占的,惟一的, 高级的 circles of society.”


“Oho! Wont it?” thundered the championchampion n.冠军, 拥护者, 战士 vt.拥护, 支持 of the root of evil. “You tell me where your exclusive circles would be if the first Astor hadnt had the money to pay for his steeragesteerage n.最低票价的舱位, 士官的二等室, 操纵, 驾驶, 掌舵 passage over?”

“啊哈!是这样吗?”这个万恶之源的金钱拥护者雷霆般地吼道。 “告诉我,要是首批阿斯特人没钱买统舱船票到美国来,你的排外社会圈子又会在哪儿呢?”

Richard sighed.


“And thats what I was coming to,” said the old man, less boisterouslyboisterously adv.喧闹地, 吵闹地. “Thats why I asked you to come in. Theres something going wrong with you, boy. Ive been noticing it for two weeks. Out with it. I guess I could lay my hands on eleven millions within twentyfour hours, besides the real estate. If its your liver, theres the Rambler down in the bay, coaled, and ready to steam down to the BahamasThe Babamas:拉丁美洲的巴哈马群岛,为著名的旅游胜地。 in two days.”

“这正是我打算要给你谈的事,”老头子说道,声音缓和了下来。 “我叫你来就是为了这个。最近,你有点不对劲,孩子。我已经注意观察你两个星期了,说出来吧。我想,在二十四小时内,可以调动一千一百万美元,房地产还不算。要是你的肝病发了,《逍遥号》就停泊在海湾,而且上足了煤,两天时间就可以送你到巴哈马群岛。

“Not a bad guess, dad, you havent missed it far.”


“Ah,” said Anthony, keenly, “whats her name?”


Richard began to walk up and down the library floor. There was enough comradeshipcomradeship 同志之友谊 and sympathy in this crude old father of his to draw his confidence.


“Why dont you ask her?” demanded old Anthony. “Shell jump at you. Youve got the money and the looks, and youre a decentdecent adj.正派的, 端庄的, 有分寸的, (服装)得体的,大方的 adj.<口>相当好的、像样的 boy. Your hands are clean. Youve got no Eureka soap on em. Youve been to college, but shell overlook that.”


“I havent had a chance.” said Richard.
