
第13章 Let Me Feel Your Pulse(2)

There were turninglathes, carpenters outfits, claymodelling tools, spinningwheels, weavingframes, treadmillstreadmill n.踏车, 单调的工作, bass drums, enlargedcrayonportrait apparatusesapparatus n.器械, 设备, 仪器, blacksmith forges, and everything, seemingly, that could interest the paying lunatic guests of a firstrate sanitarium.


“The lady making mud pies in the corner,” whispered the physician in charge, “is no other than—Lula Lulington, the authoressauthoress n.女作家 of the novel entitled ‘Why Love Loves’. What she is doing now is simply to rest her mind after performing that piece of work.”


I had seen the book. “Why doesnt she do it by writing another one instead?” I asked.


As you see, I wasnt as far gone as they thought I was.


“The gentleman pouring water through the funnel,” continued the physician in charge, “is a Wall Street broker broken down from overwork.”


I buttoned my coat.


Others he pointed out were architects playing with Noahs arks, ministers reading Darwins “Theory of Evolution”, lawyers sawing wood, tiredout society ladies talking Ibsen to the bluesweatered spongeholder, a neuroticneurotic n.神经病患者 adj.神经质的, 神经病的 millionaire lying asleep on the floor, and a prominent artist drawing a little red wagon around the room.


“You look pretty strong.” said the physician in charge to me. “I think the best mental relaxationrelaxation n.松弛, 放宽, 缓和, 减轻, 娱乐 for you would be throwing small boulders over the mountainsidemountainside n.山腹, 山腰 and then bringing them up again.”


I was a hundred yards away before my doctor overtook me.


“Whats the matter?” he asked.


“The matter is,” said I, “that there are no aeroplanesaeroplane n.飞机 handy. So I am going to merrily and hastily jog the footpathway to yon station and catch the first unlimitedsoftcoal express back to town.”


“Well,” said the doctor, “perhaps you are right. This seems hardly the suitable place for you. But what you need is rest—absolute rest and exercise.”


That night I went to a hotel in the city, and said to the clerk, “What I need is absolute rest and exercise. Can you give me a room with one of those tall folding beds in it, and a relay of bellboys to work it up and down while I rest?”


The clerk rubbed a speck off one of his finger nails and glanced sidewise at a tall man in a white hat sitting in the lobby. That man came over and asked me politely if I had seen the shrubberyshrub n.灌木, 灌木丛 at the west entrance. I had not, so he showed it to me and then looked me over.


“I thought you had em,” he said, not unkindly, “but I guess youre all right. Youd better go see a doctor, old man.”


A week afterward my doctor tested my blood pressure again without the preliminary stimulant. He looked to me a little less like Napoleon. And his socks were of a shade, of tan that did not appeal to me.


“What you need,” he decided, “is sea air and companionshipcompanionship n.交谊, 友谊.”


“Would a mermaid—” I began, but he slipped on his professional manner.


“I myself,” he said, “will take you to the Hotel Bonair off the coast of Long Island and see that you get in good shape. It is a quiet, comfortable resort where you will soon recuperaterecuperate v.复原.”


The Hotel Bonair proved to be a ninehundredroom fashionable hostelry on an island off the main shore. Everybody who did not dress for dinner was shoved into a side diningroom and given only a terrapinterrapin n.[动]龟鳖类 and champagnechampagne n.香槟酒, 香槟色 table dhote. The bay was a great stamping ground for wealthy yachtsmen. The Corsair anchored there the day we arrived. I saw Mr. Morgan standing on deck eating a cheese sandwich and gazing longingly at the hotel. Still, it was a very inexpensive place. Nobody could afford to pay their prices. When you went away you simply left your baggage, stole a skiff, and beat it for the mainland in the night.


When I had been there one day I got a pad of monogrammed telegraph blanks at the clerks desk and began to wire to all my friends for getaway money. My doctor and I played one game of croquetcroquet n.槌球戏, 循环球戏 vi.击自己的球使其撞打对方的球 on the golf links and went to sleep on the lawn.


When we got back to town a thought seemed to occur to him suddenly. “By the way,” he asked, “how do you feel?”


“Relieved of very much,” I replied.


Now a consulting physician is different. He isnt exactly sure whether he is to be paid or not, and this uncertaintyuncertainty n.无常, 不确定, 不可靠, 半信半疑 insures you either the most careful or the most careless attention. My doctor took me to see a consulting physician. He made a poor guess and gave me careful attention. I liked him immensely. He put me through some coordinationcoordination n.同等, 调和 exercises.


“Have you a pain in the back of your head?” he asked. I told him I had not.


“Shut your eyes,” he ordered, “put your feet close together, and jump backward as far as you can.”
