
第17章 Let Me Feel Your Pulse(6)

As the old doctor said, it must have grown scarce and hard to find. But we followed our quest. Day by day we plumbed the valleys, scaled the heights, and tramped the plateaus in search of the miraculous plant. Mountainbred, he never seemed to tire. I often reached home too fatiguedfatigued adj.疲乏的 to do anything except fall into bed and sleep until morning. This we kept up for a month.


One evening after I had returned from a sixmile tramp with the old doctor, Amaryllis and I took a little walk under the trees near the road. We looked at the mountains drawing their royalpurple robes around them for their nights repose.


“Im glad youre well again.” she said. “When you first came you frightened me. I thought you were really ill.”


“Well again!” I almost shrieked. “Do you know that I have only one chance in a thousand to live?”


Amaryllis looked at me in surprise. “Why,” said she, “you are as strong as one of the ploughmules, you sleep ten or twelve hours every night, and you are eating us out of house and home. What more do you want?”


“I tell you,” said I, “that unless we find the magicthat is, the plant we are looking for—in time, nothing can save me. The doctor tells me so.”


“What doctor?”


“Doctor Tatum—the old doctor who lives halfway up Black Oak Mountain. Do you know him?”


“I have known him since I was able to talk. And is that where you go every day—is it he who takes you on these long walks and climbs that have brought back your health and strength? God bless the old doctor.”


Just then the old doctor himself drove slowly down the road in his rickety old buggybuggy adj.多虫的, 臭虫成灾的, <俚>神经病的 n.<美>童车, <俚>尤指旧汽车, 双轮单座的轻马车. I waved my hand at him and shouted that I would be on hand the next day at the usual time. He stopped his horse and called to Amaryllis to come out to him. They talked for five minutes while I waited. Then the old doctor drove on.


When we got to the house Amaryllis lugged out an encyclopaedia and sought a word in it. “The doctor said,” she told me, “that you neednt call any more as a patient, but hed be glad to see you any time as a friend. And then he told me to look up my name in the encyclopaedia and tell you what it means. It seems to be the name of a genus of flowering plants, and also the name of a country girl in Theocritus and Virgil. What do you suppose the doctor meant by that?”


“I know what he meant,” said I, “I know now.”


A word to a brother who may have come under the spell of the unquietunquiet adj.动荡的 Lady Neurasthenia.


The formula was true. Even though gropingly at times, the physicians of the walled cities had put their fingers upon the specific medicament.


And so for the exercise one is referred to good Doctor Tatum on Black Oak Mountain—take the road to your right at the Methodist meeting house in the pinegrove.—Absolute rest and exercise!


What rest more remedialremedial adj.治疗的, 补救的 than to sit with Amaryllis in the shade, and, with a sixth sense, read the wordless Theocritan idyl of the goldbannered blue mountains marching orderly into the dormitories of the night?
