
第11章 The Man Higher Up(7)

“Yes, I was seventyfive dollars loser up to that time. But while I had the cards that night I marked every one in every deck. That was labor. And then trade and commerce had their innings, and the bread I had cast upon the waters began to come back in the form of cottage pudding with wine sauce.


“Of course I was among the first to buy chips at Bill Bassetts game. He had bought the only cards there was to be had in town; and I knew the back of every one of them better than I know the back of my head when the barber shows me my haircut in the two mirrors.


“When the game closed I had the five thousand and a few odd dollars, and all Bill Bassett had was the wanderlustwanderlust n.旅行癖, 流浪癖 and a black cat he had bought for a mascot. Bill shook hands with me when I left.


“‘Brother Peters,’ says he, ‘I have no business being in business. I was preordained to labor. When a No. 1 burglar tries to make a James out of his jimmy he perpetratesperpetrate v.犯 an improfundity. You have a welloiled and efficacious system of luck at cards.’ says he. ‘Peace go with you.’ And I never afterward sees Bill Bassett again.”


“Well, Jeff,” said I, when the Autolycan adventurer seemed to have divulgeddivulged vbl.泄露,暴露 the gist of his tale, “I hope you took care of the money. That would be a respecta—that is a considerable working capital if you should choose some day to settle down to some sort of regular business.”


“Me?” said Jeff, virtuously. “You can bet Ive taken care of that five thousand.”


He tapped his coat over the region of his chest exultantly.


“Gold mining stock,” he explained, “every cent of it. Shares par value one dollar. Bound to go up 500 per cent. within a year. Nonassessable. The Blue Gopher mine. Just discovered a month ago. Better get in yourself if youve any spare dollars on hand.”


“Sometimes,” said I, “these mines are not—”


“Oh, this ones solid as an old goose.” said Jeff. “Fifty thousand dollars worth of ore in sight, and 10 per cent. monthly earnings guaranteedguarantee n.保证, 保证书, 担保, 抵押品 vt.保证, 担保.”


He drew out a long envelope from his pocket and cast it on the table. “Always carry it with me.” said he. “So the burglar cant corruptcorrupt adj.腐败的, 贪污的, 被破坏的, 混浊的,(语法)误用的 vt.使腐烂, 腐蚀, 使恶化 vi.腐烂, 堕落 or the capitalist break in and water it.”


I looked at the beautifully engraved certificate of stockcertificate of stock 股票.“In Colorado, I see.” said I. “And, by the way, Jeff, what was the name of the little man who went to Denver—the one you and Bill met at the station?”


“Alfred E. Ricks,” said Jeff, “was the toads designation.”


“I see,” said I, “the president of this mining company signs himself A. L. Fredericks. I was wondering—”


“Let me see that stock,” said Jeff quickly, almost snatching it from me.


To mitigate, even though slightly, the embarrassmentembarrassment n.困窘, 阻碍 I summoned the waiter and ordered another bottle of the Barbera. I thought it was the least I could do.
