
第5章 The Man Higher Up(1)


Across our two dishes of spaghettispaghetti n.意大利式细面条, in a corner of Provenzanos restaurant, Jeff Peters was explaining to me the three kinds of graft.


Every winter Jeff comes to New York to eat spaghetti, to watch the shipping in East River from the depths of his chinchillachinchilla n.南美栗鼠 overcoat, and to lay in a supply of Chicagomade clothing at one of the Fulton street stores. During the other three seasons he may be found further west—his range is from Spokane to Tampa. In his profession he takes a pride which he supports and defends with a serious and unique philosophy of ethics. His profession is no new one. He is an incorporated, uncapitalized, unlimited asylumasylum n.庇护, 收容所, 救济院, 精神病院 for the reception of the restless and unwise dollars of his fellowmenfellowmen n.(同属人类的)人, 同胞.


In the wilderness of stone in which Jeff seeks his annual lonely holiday he is glad to palaver of his many adventures, as a boy will whistle after sundown in a wood. Wherefore, I mark on my calendar the time of his coming, and open a question of privilegeprivilege n.特权, 特别待遇, 基本公民权利, 特免 vt.给予……特权, 特免 at Provenzanos concerning the little winestained table in the corner between the rakish rubber plant and the framed palazzio della something on the wall.


“There are two kinds of graft,” said Jeff, “that ought to be wiped out by law. I mean Wall Street speculationspeculation n.思索, 做投机买卖, and burglary.” “Nearly everybody will agree with you as to one of them,” said I, with a laugh.


“Well, burglaryburglary v.入室行窃 ought to be wiped out, too.” said Jeff; and I wondered whether the laugh had been redundant.


“About three months ago,” said Jeff, “it was my privilege to become familiar with a sample of each of the aforesaid branches of illegitimateillegitimate adj.违法的, 非嫡出的, 庶生的, 私生的,不合理的, 不合逻辑的 n.非嫡出子, 庶子 vt.认为违法,认做私生子 art. I was sine que grata with a member of the housebreakers union and one of the John D. Napoleons of finance at the same time.”


“Interesting combination, ”said I, with a yawn. “Did I tell you I bagged a duck and a groundsquirrel at one shot last week over in the Ramapos?” I knew well how to draw Jeffs stories.


“Let me tell you first about these barnaclesbarnacles n.鼻钳似的刑具, <英口>眼镜 that clog the wheels of society by poisoning the springs of rectituderectitude n.正直, 公正, 清廉, 笔直 with their upaslike eye.” said Jeff, with the pure gleam of the muckraker in his own.


“As I said, three months ago I got into bad company. There are two times in a mans life when he does this—when hes dead broke, and when hes rich.


“Now and then the most legitimate business runs out of luck. It was out in Arkansas I made the wrong turn at a crossroad, and drives into this town of Peavine by mistake. It seems I had already assaultedassault n.攻击, 袭击 v.袭击 and disfigured Peavine the spring of the year before. I had sold 600 worth of young fruit trees there—plums, cherries, peaches and pears. The Peaviners were keeping an eye on the country road and hoping I might pass that way again. I drove down Main street as far as the Crystal Palace drugstoredrugstore n.<美> 药房, 杂货店 before I realized I had committed ambushambush n.埋伏, 伏兵 v.埋伏 upon myself and my white horse Bill.


“The Peaviners took me by surprise and Bill by the bridle and began a conversation that wasnt entirely disassociated with the subject of fruit trees. A committee of em ran some tracechains through the armholesarmhole n.袖孔 of my vest, and escorted me through their gardens and orchardsorchard n.果园, 果园里的全部果树, <美俚>棒球场.


“Their fruit trees hadnt lived up to their labels. Most of em had turned out to be persimmons and dogwoods, with a grove or two of blackjacks and poplars. The only one that showed any signs of bearing anything was a fine young cottonwoodcottonwood n.[植]三叶杨,棉白杨 that had put forth a hornets nest and half of an old corsetcover.


“The Peaviners protracted our fruitless stroll to the edge of town. They took my watch and money on account; and they kept Bill and the wagon as hostageshostage n.人质, 抵押品. They said the first time one of them dogwood trees put forth an Amsdens June peach I might come back and get my things. Then they took off the trace chains and jerked their thumbs in the direction of the Rocky Mountains; and I struck a Lewis and Clark lope for the swollen rivers and impenetrableimpenetrable adj.难以渗透的 forests.


“When I regained intellectualness I found myself walking into an unidentified town on the A., T. & S. F. railroad. The Peaviners hadnt left anything in my pockets except a plug of chewing—they wasnt after my life—and that saved it. I bit off a chunk and sits down on a pile of ties by the track to recogitate my sensations of thought and perspicacityperspicacity n.敏锐.
