
第7章 The Man Higher Up(3)

“‘Lordy!’ says Bill, ‘had you forgot you was in the desert? Didnt you see Colonel Manna drop down right before your eyes? Dont you hear the rustling of General Ravens wings? Im surprised at you, Elijah.’


“We overtook the stranger in the edge of some woods, and, as it was after sundown and in a quiet place, nobody saw us stop him. Bill takes the silk hat off the mans head and brushesbrush n.刷子, 毛刷, 画笔 vt.刷, 掸, 拂 it with his sleeve and puts it back.


“‘What does this mean, sir?’ says the man.


“‘When I wore one of these,’ says Bill, ‘and felt embarrassed, I always done that. Not having one now I had to use yours. I hardly know how to begin, sir, in explaining our business with you, but I guess well try your pockets first.’


“Bill Bassett felt in all of them, and looked disgusteddisgusted adj.厌恶的, 厌烦的.


“‘Not even a watch.’ he says. ‘Aint you ashamed of yourself, you whited sculpture? Going about dressed like a headwaiter, and financed like a Count! You havent even got carfare. What did you do with your transfer?’


“The man speaks up and says he has no assets or valuables of any sort. But Bassett takes his handsatchel and opens it. Out comes some collars and socks and a half a page of a newspaper clipped out. Bill reads the clipping careful, and holds out his hand to the heldup party.


“‘Brother,’ says he, ‘greetings! Accept the apologies of friends. I am Bill Bassett, the burglar. Mr. Peters, you must make the acquaintanceacquaintance n.相识, 熟人 of Mr. Alfred E. Ricks. Shake hands. Mr. Peters,’ says Bill, ‘stands about halfway between me and you, Mr. Ricks, in the line of havoc and corruptioncorruption n.腐败, 贪污, 堕落. He always gives something for the money he gets. Im glad to meet you, Mr. Ricks—you and Mr. Peters. This is the first time I ever attended a full gathering of the National Synod of Sharks—housebreaking, swindling, and financieringfinancier n.财政家, 金融家 vi.欺骗性地从事金融活动,欺骗, 骗取 all represented. Please examine Mr. Ricks credentials, Mr. Peters.’


“The piece of newspaper that Bill Bassett handed me had a good picture of this Ricks on it. It was a Chicago paper, and it had obloquiesobloquy n.漫骂, 毁谤 of Ricks in every paragraph. By reading it over I harvested the intelligence that said alleged Ricks had laid off all that portion of the State of Florida that lies under water into town lots and sold ’em to alleged innocent investors from his magnificently furnished offices in Chicago. After he had taken in a hundred thousand or so dollars one of these fussy purchaserspurchaser n.买方, 购买者 that are always making trouble (Ive had em actually try gold watches Ive sold em with acid) took a cheap excursionexcursion n.远足, 游览, 短程旅行, 远足队, 离题,[物]偏移, 漂移 down to the land where it is always just before supper to look at his lot and see if it didnt need a new paling or two on the fence, and market a few lemons in time for the Christmas present trade. He hires a surveyor to find his lot for him. They run the line out and find the flourishing town of Paradise Hollow, so advertised, to be about 40 rods and 16 poles S., 27 degrees E. of the middle of Lake Okeechobee. This mans lot was under thirtysix feet of water, and, besides, had been preempted so long by the alligatorsalligator n.产于美洲的鳄鱼 and gars that his title looked fishyfishy adj.鱼似的, 多鱼的, 腥臭的, (目光等)呆滞的,(在味道等方面)像鱼的.


“Naturally, the man goes back to Chicago and makes it as hot for Alfred E. Ricks as the morning after a predictionprediction n.预言, 预报 of snow by the weather bureau. Ricks defied the allegation, but he couldnt deny the alligators. One morning the papers came out with a column about it, and Ricks come out by the fireescape. It seems the alleged authorities had beat him to the safedeposit box where he kept his winnings, and Ricks has to westward ho! with only feetwear and a dozen 15andahalf English pokes in his shopping bag. He happened to have some mileagemileage n.英里数, 英里里程 left in his book, and that took him as far as the town in the wilderness where he was spilled out on me and Bill Bassett as Elijah III. with not a raven in sight for any of us.


“Then this Alfred E. Ricks lets out a squeaksqueak n.尖叫声, 吱吱声, 机会 v.发出尖叫声 that he is hungry, too, and denies the hypothesis that he is good for the value, let alone the price, of a meal. And so, there was the three of us, representing, if we had a mind to draw syllogismssyllogism n.[逻]三段论法, 推论法, 演绎 and parabolasparabola n.[数]抛物线, labor and trade and capital. Now, when trade has no capital there isnt a dicker to be made. And when capital has no money theres a stagnationstagnation n.停滞 in steak and onions. That put it up to the man with the jimmy.


“‘Brother bushrangersbushranger n.丛林居民,(澳大利亚的)以丛林为藏身之地的逃犯,’ says Bill Bassett, ‘never yet, in trouble, did I desert a pal. Hard by, in yon wood, I seem to see unfurnished lodgings. Let us go there and wait till dark.’