
第2章 Cinderella(2)

Then two white pigeons came in by the kitchen window, and afterwards the turtledoves, and at last all the birds beneath the sky, came whirringwhirry vi.匆忙,快速行进 and crowding in, and alighted amongst the ashes. And the pigeons nodded with their heads and began pick, pick, pick, pick, and the rest began also pick, pick, pick, pick, and gathered all the good grains into the dish. Hardly had one hour passed before they had finished, and all flew out again. Then the girl took the dish to her stepmother, and was glad, and believed that now she would be allowed to go with them to the festival. But the stepmother said, “No, cinderella, you have no clothes and you can not dance. You would only be laughed at.”And as cinderella wept at this, the stepmother said, “If you can pick two dishes of lentils out of the ashes for me in one hour, you shall go with us.” And she thought to herself, that she most certainly cannot do again. When the stepmother had emptied the two dishes of lentils amongst the ashes, the maiden went through the backdoor into the garden and cried, “You tame pigeons, you turtledoves, and all you birds beneath the sky, come and help me to pick the good into the pot, the bad into the crop.”


Then two white pigeons came in by the kitchenwindow, and afterwards the turtledoves, and at length all the birds beneath the sky, came whirring and crowding in, and alighted amongst the ashes. And the doves nodded with their heads and began pick, pick, pick, pick, and the others began also pick, pick, pick, pick, and gathered all the good seeds into the dishes, and before half an hour was over they had already finished, and all flew out again. Then the maiden was delighted, and believed that she might now go with them to the wedding. But the stepmother said, “All this will not help. You cannot go with us, for you have no clothes and can not dance. We should be ashamed of ashamed of 耻于…… you.” On this she turned her back on cinderella, and hurried away with her two proud daughters.


As no one was now at home, cinderella went to her mothers grave beneath the hazeltree, and cried—“Shivershiver v.颤抖 and quiverquiver vi.颤抖, 振动,little tree, silver and gold throw down over me.”


Then the bird threw a gold and silver dress down to her, and slippersslipper n.拖鞋 embroideredembroider vt.镶边, 装饰 with silk and silver. She put on the dress with all speed, and went to the wedding. Her stepsisters and the stepmother however did not know her, and thought she must be a foreign princess, for she looked so beautiful in the golden dress. They never once thought of cinderella, and believed that she was sitting at home in the dirt, picking lentils out of the ashes. The prince approachedapproach vt.接近, 动手处理 her, took her by the hand and danced with her. He would dance with no other maiden, and never let loose of her hand, and if any one else came to invite her, he said, “This is my partner.”


She danced till it was evening, and then she wanted to go home. But the kings son said, “I will go with you and bear you company.”For he wished to see to whom the beautiful maiden belonged. She escaped from him, however, and sprang into the pigeonhouse. The kings son waited until her father came, and then he told him that the unknown maiden had leapt into the pigeonhouse. The old man thought, “Can it be cinderella.” And they had to bring him an axeaxe n.斧 and a pickaxepickaxe n. 砍刀 that he might hew the pigeonhouse to pieces, but no one was inside it. And when they got home cinderella lay in her dirty clothes among the ashes, and a dimdim adj.暗淡的, 无光泽的 little oillamp was burning on the mantlepiece, for cinderella had jumped quickly down from the back of the pigeonhouse and had run to the little hazeltree, and there she had taken off her beautiful clothes and laid them on the grave, and the bird had taken them away again, and then she had seated herself in the kitchen amongst the ashes in her grey gown.


Next day when the festival began afresh, and her parents and the stepsisters had gone once more, cinderella went to the hazeltree and said—“Shiver and quiver, my little tree, silver and gold throw down over me.”


