
第10章 Rock Climb攀岩(2)

Friction is what keeps one alive if there is a fall. Sometimes the human body is used for friction. Many belay devices aid the belayer in protecting the climber above or below. The belayer should be secured to a fixed anchor in certain situations, the climber outweighsoutweigh v.在重量(或价值等)上超过 his belayer.







The belayer protects the life of the climber at all times. Should his/her climber fall, one hand is always the “brake hand”. The other hand is the “guide hand”. It is imperativeimperative n.命令, 诫命, 需要, 规则, 祈使语气 not to confuseconfuse vt.搞乱, 使糊涂 these functions in the heat of a fall. Practise until holding with the proper hand is automaticautomatic adj.自动的, 无意识的, 机械的 .

3. Position

Robbins continues by writing that friction is useless unless the body is bracedbraced adj.拉牢的 toward the direction of pull. Usually, this means a straight leg on the side of the rope going to the climber. The belayer places himself so as to minimizeminimize vt.将……减到最少 any adverseadverse adj.不利的, 敌对的, 相反的 action upon the body, and generally faces the wall.




Since it is not easy to judge the direction of force in a fall, much less the extent of force, the belayer must evaluateevaluate vt.评价, 估计, 求……的值 each situation and make use of the rock for the most secure position. Often he/she must be prepared for forces from various directions.


Conservationconservation n.保存, 保持, 守恒 of a route involves leaving it unchanged so others may enjoy nature and the climb. Use runners and “placed” protections whenever possible because they leave the rock intact. Pitons are not used for “free climbing” any more. They destroydestroy vt.破坏, 毁坏, 消灭 the rock. Bolts are used only when necessary, and, only with permission of the land manager. Take your litter with you unless it is organic. Even orange rinds are slow to disintegratedisintegrate vt.(使)分解, (使)碎裂 and not eaten by animals.




Final Tips

The amount of strength one is able to conserve conserve vt.保存, 保藏 is far more important in rock climbing than the amount of strength one has. Move with a bit of spring and rhythmrhythm n.节奏, 韵律 . Rest when you can. While resting, study the climb ahead. Use leg musclesmuscle n.肌肉, 臂力 for climbing, arms for balance and security.

Cautioncaution n.小心, 谨慎, 警告: loose loose adj.宽松的, 不精确的, 不牢固的, 散漫的, 自由的 rock is your enemy. It is impossible to tell whether a hold is solid by looking at it. All handholds should be tested. Handholds are struck with the heelheel n.脚后跟, 踵, 跟部 of the hand; footholdsfoothold n.立足处 are kicked for testing.




Rock climbing (not mountaineering as in climbing Mt. Everest) is a fastgrowing sport for all ages and both sexes. Indoor “Rock Gyms” are popular in the megapolismegapolis n.(=megalopolis)大城市, 多人口地 for staying in shape. They are no substitutesubstitute n.代用品, 代替者, 替代品 for outdoor climbing on “real” rock.

