
第15章 A Bourgeois Bohemian波波族(2)

Often sporting such unconventional job titles as “creative paradox”,“corporate jeste” or “learning person”, Bobos work with a monklike selfdiscipline because they view their jobs as intellectual, even spiritual. It is a reverse the Midas touch: everything a Bobo touches turns to spiritualityspirituality n.精 , everything has to be about enlightenment. Even their jobs are a mission to improve the world.

It is now impossible to tell an espressosipping artist from a cappuccinocappuccino n.热牛奶咖啡 gulping banker, but it isn t just a matter of style. If you investigateinvestigate v.调查, 研究 people s attitudes towards sex, morality, leisure time and work, it is getting harder and harder to separate the antiestablishment renegade from the proestablishmentestablishment n.确立, 制定, 设施, 公司, 军事组织 company man. Most people seemed to have rebel attitudes and socialclimbing attitudes all scrambled together.



These Bobos are just normal middleclass people who are living out a protracted Adolescenceadolescence n.青春期 . Their political interests are either intensely close and personal(abortion or gun control), or very remote (the rainforests, Tibet or Third World poverty). But they will most likely express their conscience in their consumerism, relieved to be helping someone somewhere by collecting the handcarved artifactsartifacts n.史前古器物 of distant cultures.

Motivated by spiritual participation, but cautious of moral crusades and religious enthusiasmsenthusiasm n.狂热, 热心, 积极性, 激发热情的事物 , they tolerate a little lifestyle experimentation, so long as it is done safely and moderately. They are offended by concrete wrongs, such as cruelty and racial injustice, but are relatively unmoved by lies or transgressions that don t seem to do anyone any obviousobvious adj.明显的, 显而易见的 harm.



It is an elite that has been raised to oppose elites. They are by instinctinstinct n.本能 antiestablishmentarian, yet in some sense they have become a new establishment . They are prosperousprosperous adj.繁荣的 without seeming greedy; they have pleased their elders, without seeming conformists; they have risen toward the top without too obviously looking down on those below.

While bemoaningbemoan vt.哀叹 the Bobo s “boring politics”, the Bobos are an eliteelite n.精华, 精锐, 中坚分子 superior to their intolerantintolerant adj.不宽容的, 偏狭的 and warring predecessors—they ve certainly made shopping more fun, and they have a good morality for building a decent society.


