
第6章 New Theories on Keeping Fit 减肥新说

Year after year cookbooks and diet books are the biggest seller, how not to eat it once youve learned how to cook it.

Looking for my book, thats what you do when you write a book. I cant find mine; all I can find are dirty novels, cookbooks and dietdiet n.通常所吃的食物, 会议 books.

Year after year cookbooks and diet books are the biggest seller, how not to eat it once youve learned how to cook it.





To sell a diet book you need some crazy idea of what to eat or not to eat. Heres a peanut butter diet book, the ice cream diet book, the bikini diet, none of these books agrees on what you should or shouldnt eat.

The Atkins Diet has been popular for year, Atkins make nutritionistsnutritionist n.营养学家 mad by saying you can eat just about all the fat you want, as long as you dont eat many carbohydratescarbohydrate n.碳水化合物, 醣类 , sugar and bread. I like Atkins because I cook with butter. The Scarsdale Diet was a popular fad for several years, it has a chart here indicatingindicating 指示, 标志 what you ought to weigh. Says a woman five feet four ought weigh between 110 and 123 pounds. If youre a man five foot eight, Doctor Tarnower said you should weigh between 137 and 153 pounds. Well Im a man five foot eight, who weighs between 205 and 206 pounds, according to him I should be six feet six inches tall.



Doctor Phil has a new book out, looks good but Id be afraid Doctor Phils diet might make baldbald adj.光秃的, 单调的, 枯燥的 .

The Pritikin Diet, everything is nonfat milk in these diets. Thats why kids arent drinking milk anymore tastes like fatfree dishwater. They only have chartschart n.海图, 图表 listing things you could eat, like half a piece of celerycelery n.旱芹, 芹菜 , 4.5 grams of applesauceapplesauce n.苹果酱, 胡说 . Is there anyone who knows what a gram of applesauce look like?

This is the most popular book these days, the South Beach Diet Book. There are some surprises in here, it has a list of foods to avoidavoid vt.避免, 消除 and one of them is apples. Maybe thats because apples are bad for the doctors business, “an apple a day keeps a doctor without pay.”




Youve all seen the diet ads at the back of bad magazines, before after, she took Hydroxycut to lose weight. Before, midpointmidpoint n.中点, 正中央 , after, boy, shes had that bathing suit a long while. If I really wanted to lose weight though I know what Id do, Id cut my eyebrows.

