
第13章 说东道西(1)

Heating up in Iceland

Brett has just returned from a trip to Iceland. He,s filling his sister Helen in on the details.

Helen:So, Frosty, how was your trip to the frozen north? Meet any other snowmen?

Brett:That shows what you know. Iceland may be chilly, but it,s one of the hottest places in Europe.

Helen:I have heard it,s become a popular tourist destination. Reykjavik is trendy with a lot of globetrotters nowadays.

Brett:I,m not talking about its popularity. I,m talking about the ground temperature there. Iceland,s full of hot springs.

Helen:Hot springs in Iceland? What are they like?

Brett:They,re amazing! The Blue Lagoon is a mineralrich seawater lake heated by lava. It,s near a power plant outside Reykjavik, and it,s absolutely spectacular.

Helen:It,s near a power plant?! Thanks, but I,ll pass. I,d like to have children someday.

Brett:That,s what I thought at first, too. But it actually turns out that the water in the lake is considered healthy. It has a high content of salt and silica, and they say it can help cure skin problems like psoriasis and eczema4.

Helen:I think I,ll stick to my bathtub. Besides, Iceland,s a long way from here.

Brett:Suit yourself, but you,re missing out on the best bath in the world!













Planet of the Humans: Why Haven,t Apes Evolved into Humans?

Virginia and her guest, Johnson, have just watched Planet of the Apes on DVD:

Johnson: Hmm. Apes that evolve into something humanlike? Pretty unlikely, methinks.

Virginina: Definitely. Evolution within a species or family of species does not have to increase in complexity.

Johnson: Right. If it did, every fish in the ocean would now have limbs and live on land.

Virginina: Exactly. Because countless ecological opportunities remained for fish underwater, plenty of them remained aquatic.

Johnson: Another thing: the most developed species, like humans and apes, are products of a very specific combination of selection pressures and genetic mutations over millions of years. There,s no reason why such a combination will repeat itself.

Virginina: Right. Planet of the Apes simply exploits the fallacy1 that presentday apes are traveling down the same evolutionary path as ourselves.

Johnson: When it,s widely accepted among scientists that at some point five to eight million years ago, humans and apes diverged2 to form the two separate species we know today.

Virginina: Yeah. As descendants of a common ancestor, apes are our evolutionary cousins.

Johnson: The main bone of contention3 remaining among the boffins4 is which species in the fossil record is the socalled“missing link.”

Virginina: What John say? Virginia not understand.













A Diet High in Whole Grains

Diane and her dad, Pete, are at a bakery, choosing some bread for lunch:

Pete:Ah! That,s what I want - nice, crusty white loaf.

Diane:But Dad, a man of your age should be eating healthier bread.

Pete: Hey, I,m not that old! Anyway, I don,t believe all that stuff and nonsense about white bread versus brown, brown rice versus white, and what have you.

Diane:Dad, I,m not a med student for nothing! There was a Harvard report published in a nutrition journal all about this. I think you should hear me out.

Pete:OK, OK. But no lectures. I know I,m overweight with high blood pressure, and I don,t see how eating wholegrain bread is gonna make much difference.

Diane:Well, it does. Research has shown that a diet high in whole grains helps in staving off diabetes in older men, even obese ones.

Pete:Hey, lay off on the “obese” bit; I,m cuddly OK. So, white bread increases the risk - is that what you,re saying?

Diane:Actually, no. Eating white bread and rice doesn,t increase the natural chance of developing diabetes per se, but eating whole grains instead will reduce it.

Pete:So I,m right! This white bread won,t do me any harm!

Diane:Yes, but it won,t do you any good, either.













Cut Back on Sodium Rich Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

Two colleagues, Bill and Mary, are havinge lunch in their office cafeteria.

Mary: I can,t believe my eyes, Bill. Are you having salad for lunch? No burger?

Bill:Get used to it, Mary. I,m off burgers for good. Most fast food is loaded with sodium.

Mary: I know. But why your sudden interest in lessening your salt intake?

Bill:My doctor says I should cut back on sodiumrich foods to lower my blood pressure.

Mary: Do you have hypertension? I would have thought you were too young.

Bill:Actually, my blood pressure isn,t that high yet, but they say it increases with age.

Mary: Well, I,m glad you,re starting to pay more attention to your diet.

Bill:I want to lower my risk of heart attack and stroke, too.

Mary: So do I. That,s why I,ve been trying to lower my cholesterol level.

Bill:I,ve noticed you,ve been munching4 away on lots of fruits and vegetables recently.

Mary: That,s right. I could stand to lose a few pounds, too.

Bill:In that case, you should come to my health club with me.