
第2章 智慧火花(2)

Olympic volunteers will find themselves on the other side of the rope lines, actually working with athletes, journalists and officials and playing an important role in the world,s most important athletic event. The return of the Olympic Games to Greece will be the most historic Olympic event of our lifetimes. Olympic volunteers won,t just watch history unfold on their television screens - they,ll have a onceinalifetime chance to share the excitement, and make history themselves.






Bagel,an Useful Invention

Sweet, salty, rich or light - no matter the taste, there,s a bagel to match it. Once relegated to the breakfast table, bagels are now served at any time of the day and in more flavors than you can shake a stick at.

In its basic form, a bagel consists of flour, water, salt and yeast. It,s twisted into a donut shape, and is the only bread product that is boiled in water before it,s baked. This creates its characteristic hard, glazed crust and chewy interior.

The origin of the bagel is something of a mystery, but it probably dates back to 1683. According to legend, a Jewish baker in Vienna, Austria wanted to thank the king of Poland for protecting his countrymen from Turkish invaders. He baked him a special hard roll shaped as a stirrup (bugel in German) in celebration of the king,s favorite pastime.

Two centuries later, courtesy of Eastern European Jewish immigrants, bagels hit American shores. There, the art of making bagels became a closely guarded secret as the Bagel Bakers, Union only admitted sons of its members as apprentices. However, as the bagel,s popularity grew, the secret diminished. Today, bagels can be found anywhere, from supermarkets to coffee shops, around the world.






Drinking Too Much Milk Can Result in a Net Loss of Calcium

Some research suggests that the animal protein in milk may actually increase the rate at which our bodies lose calcium. Diets high in animal protein increase the amount of acid in the body. In order to preserve a healthy acid balance, the bones release calcium. Therefore, drinking too much milk can result in a net loss of calcium from our bones.

Even though most doctors still believe milk is good for us, some people are turning to other foods to get calcium. Fortunately, calcium is present in a wide range of foods. Two of the best alternative sources of calcium are tofu and soy milk. One cup of either of these has almost as much calcium as a cup of milk, but has much less animal protein. Green leafy vegetables, like broccoli and Chinese cabbage, are also calciumrich. With these great alternatives to milk, one might even say it is time to put that old sacred cow out to pasture.




How Can an Accurate Vote Count Be Guaranteed

The American presidential election of 2000 was, to put it mildly, controversial. People still argue bitterly over whether George Bush truly won in Florida, the state whose electoral votes made him president even though he had garnered fewer votes nationwide than Al Gore, his main opponent.

The presidential election this November will be of crucial importance - and once again, observers generally agree, very close. In addition, the Senate is split 5149 in favor of the Republicans, so a shift of only two seats could either hand it to the Democrats or make it much likelier to cooperate with a rightwing Republican president. How can an accurate vote count be guaranteed?

It can,t, at least not in an absolute sense. All voting systems are open to tampering and error. The easiest elections to audit are the least technically sophisticated: voting with paper ballots. However, as David Horsey points out in today,s cartoon, ballot boxes can be “stuffed” - and occasionally have been in America, in cities or counties under the control of one tightly disciplined and unscrupulous political organization. Today oversight committees and the press make ballot stuffing far less likely, as do private polls of people leaving voting stations: if the polls produce different results from the balloting, then something is fishy.