
第22章 人文景观Human Landscapes(1)

Sydney Opera House



与周围景色相映成趣。悉尼歌剧院是从50年代开始构思兴建,1955年起公开徵求世界各地的设计作品,至1956年共有32个国家233个作品参选,后来丹麦建筑师Jorn Utzon的设计屏雀中选,共耗时16年、斥资1200万澳币完成建造,为了筹措经费,除了募集基金外,澳洲政府还曾于1959年发行悉尼歌剧院彩券。

在建造过程中,因为改组后的澳洲新政府与Jorn Utzon失和,使得这位建筑师愤慨而于1966年离开澳洲,从此再未踏上澳洲土地,连自己的经典之作都无法亲眼目睹。之后的工作由澳洲建筑师群合力完成,包括Peter Hall、Lionel Todd与David Littlemore等三位,悉尼歌剧院最后在西元1973年10月20日正式开幕。

音乐厅是悉尼歌剧院最大的厅堂,共可容纳2679名观众,通常用于举办交响乐、室内乐、歌剧、舞蹈、合唱、流行乐、爵士等多种表演。此音乐厅最特别之处,就是位于音乐厅正前方,由澳洲艺术家Ronald Sharp所设计建造的大管风琴(Grand Organ),号称是全世界最大的机械木连杆风琴(Mechanical tracker action organ),由10 500个风管组成,此外,整个音乐厅建材使用均为澳洲木材,忠实呈现澳洲特有的风格。

歌剧院较音乐厅为小,拥有1547个座位,主要用于歌剧、芭蕾舞和舞蹈表演;另外悉尼歌剧院还有一个小型戏剧厅(Drama Theater)和剧场(Playhouse),分别可容纳544与398名观众,通常用于戏剧、舞蹈、或讲座和会议的举行。另一个Broadwalk Studio在重新整修后,于1999年重新启用,适于音乐和实验剧场使用。

Sydney Opera House must be one of the most recognizable images of the modern worldup there with the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building-and one of the most photographed.

An extraordinaryextraordinary adj.非常的, 特别的, 非凡的, 特派的 site on Sydney Harbour at Bennelong Point, an ambitious state Premier (Joseph J Cahill), a visiting American architect (Eero Saarinen) and a young Dane,s billowy sketches (Joern Utzon) were the key factors which generated one of the world,s most important modern buildings. Designed at the vast scale of the harbour itself, its low edges contain enough visual appeal for human interest. More remarkable is that the scheme makes no reference to history or to classical architecturalarchitectural adj.建筑上的, 建筑学的 forms. The roof is more important than the walls, consequently the language of walls - columns, divisions, windows and pediments - has been effectively dispensed with. As a public building, it conceals its usage in its lack of historical associations, and restores the concept of the “monument” as being acceptable in social terms.

The Sydney Opera House also embodiesembody vt.具体表达, 使具体化, 包含, 收录 timeless popular metaphors. The building,s organic shape and lack of surface decoration have made it both timeless and ageless. Moreover, it demonstrates how buildings can add to environmental experience rather than detract from it - something of spiritual value independent of function. The building and the setting look orchestrated, and the synergy between the setting and the building make it appear that the scheme actually involved flooding the harbour valley to set the building off to best advantage.

Despite so much richness, the building has had virtually no influence on the shape and form of Australian buildings which followed. It remains something of an enigmaenigma n.谜, 不可思议的东西 which crowns the silent collapse of Western Classical architecture from being the one language for great public buildings.

Joern Utzon,s historic resignation causes a furore and divided the Sydney architecture profession. There were rallies and marches to Sydney Town Hall led by architects such as Peter Killar and Harry Seidler; other architects resigned their profession and became teachers, chefs, film makers and artists in protest, and the Victorian Chapter of the RAIA (but not NSW) blackbanned the replacement of Uzton by an Australian architect. However, as with Governor Macquarie, Greenway, Light, Barnet and Griffin before him, Utzon,s vision had exceeded the norm. The immense difficulties of achievement were seen as a waste and the importance of controlling the state,s expenditure won the day. On 19 April 1966, the new architectural team (Lionel Todd, David Littlemore, and Peter Hall) was appointed in a whirlpoolwhirlpool n.漩涡, 涡流, 混乱, 纷乱 of debate.

Sydney Harbour Bridge



桥上分为车道、铁道和人行道。车道是8丝道,铁路是2线,两侧为人行道。从洛克斯区仰望,可见巨大的桥塔稳固地耸立着,也可从岩石区大桥行人道进入悉尼的海港大桥了望站(Sydney Harbour Bridge Pylon Lookout),爬上其顶端欣赏一望无际的海港美景。若想刺激一番也可以攀过悉尼海港大桥。




The Sydney Harbourharbour n.(=harbor) 海港 Bridge is one of Australia,s most well known and photographed landmarks. It is the world,s largest (but not the longest) steel arch bridge with the top of the bridge standing 134 metres above the harbour.

A history of the Sydney Harbour Bridge

It was as early as 1815 that Francis Greenway proposed building a bridge from the northern to the southern shore of the harbour.

It took some time for this to become a reality with design submissionssubmission n.屈服, 降服, 服从, 谦恭, 投降 invited in 1900. All the submissions were considered unsuitable and so the momentum for the bridge crossing stopped.

However, after the First World War more serious plans were made, with a general design for the Sydney Harbour Bridge prepared by Dr J.J.C. Bradfield and officers of the NSW Department of Public Works. The New South Wales Government then invited worldwide tenders for the construction of the Bridge in 1922 and the contract was let to English firm Dorman Long and Co of Middlesbrough.

The Sydney Harbour Bridge construction started in 1924 and took 1400 men eight years to build at a cost of £4.2 million. Six million hand driven rivets and 53,000 tonnes of steel were used in its construction. It now carries eight traffic lanes and two rail lines, one in each direction, but at the time of its construction the two eastern lanes were tram tracks. They were converted to road traffic when Sydney closed down its tram system in the 1950s.

The Bridge has an interesting past including its opening on 19 March 1932. The NSWNSW