
第24章 人文景观Human Landscapes(3)

Darling Harbour is host to over 700 events of some descritpion in an average year. The outdoor daytime and nghttime entertainment is usually free and you can often catch a performance or two just walking along the waterfront. Throughout the year Darling Harbour hosts a number of events including the Darling Harbour Circus and Street Theatre, the Darling Harbour Jazz Festival the Darling Harbour Waiter,s Race and the World,s Longest Buffet. If your the clubbing type and like to have a dance, then there,s a nightclub serving up funky tunes and exquisite exquisite adj.优美的, 高雅的, 精致的, 剧烈的, 异常的, 细腻的, 敏锐的 food late into the night at Cockle Bay.

The unique attractions at Darling Harbour include two of Australia,s leading museums - The National Maratime Museum and The Power House Museum. The Sydney Aquarium, the world,s largest movie screen and an indoor theme park are also situated at Darling Harbour.

Convention & Exhibition Space

Darling Harbour,s Convention and Exhibition is a world class facility that hosts everything from product launches and gala gala n.节日, 祝贺, 特别娱乐 节日的, 快乐的, 庆祝的 events to corporate meetings and consumer shows. The centre is the most technologically advanced and the largest facility of its kind in Australia.

Victorian Arts Centre


维多利亚艺术中心位于圣基尔达路的亚拉河(Yarra River)河畔,是一座宏伟的表演艺术场地,也是墨尔本市社交与文化活动的焦点,是墨尔本的标志性建筑之一。


艺术中心内有115米高的尖顶剧场、维多利亚剧场、剧院以及George FairFaxX摄影室、墨尔本音乐厅、表演艺术博物馆、Westpac展览厅以及Sydney Myer圆形露天剧场。艺术中心于1973年开始建造,1984年竣工首演。中心内有一个2677座位的音乐厅和拥有2000个座位的大剧院及420个座位的小剧场组成。




Opened 1982, it is internationally acclaimed for its stateoftheart facilities. it is a major Melbourne landmark on the banks of the Yarra River with a distinctive 115m webbed steel spire. The VictorianVictorian n.维多利亚女王时代的着名人物 adj.维多利亚女王时代的, 有维多利亚女王时代特色的 Arts centre houses the Melbourne Concert Hall, Performing Arts Museum, three major theatres collectively seating 5,880 people with a revolving stage especially for opera, and several restaurants.

Together with the adjacent National Gallery and nearby Australian Ballet Company, it forms a major arts precinct.

The site has a long history of entertainment, with Cooper and Bailey,s Great American International Circus one of the first travelling circuses to pitch its Big Top tent on the site in 1877. Fitzgerald Brothers, Circus, Australia,s biggest circus of the 19th century, permanently pitched its home there in 1901, entitled Olympia.

Three years later other attractions had amassed on the site, including a Japanese Tea House, openair theatre, miniature train, water chute and even a 15member military band. In 1907 Wirth Brothers, Circus took over from Fitzgerald and built their own Hippodrome with an iceskating ring, while Olympia was leased as a cinema. In the 1920s dancing halls grew up, including the Green Mill Dance Hall (later the Trocadero), but by the war the area was becoming dilapidateddilapidated adj.毁坏的, 要塌似的, 荒废的 and Wirth,s site was destroyed by fire in 1953.

From the 1940s a move was made to plan new buildings for the Art Gallery of Victoria, State Library and Museum. The idea to include a performance venue in the plans eventually grew to develop the area as an art complex. Construction of the Gallery was complete by 1968, but the other plans were delayed, and not finally completed and opened until 1984. The original idea for a copper spire to rise above the building was redesigned by Sir Roy Ground to become a 115metre (377 feet) latticework of gold webbing (inspired by a ballerina,s tutu), and this was replaced in 1996 with a spire 162 metres (531 feet) high!

The constituent parts of the Victorian Arts Centre are the State Theatre (seating over 2000), the Melbourne Concert Hall (seating 2600), the 890seat Playhouseplayhouse n.剧场, 儿童游戏室, 玩具小屋, the more intimate George Fairfax Studio (376 seats) and the new, flexible, Black Box, which can seat between 120 and 200.

Close to the theatre complex is the Sidney Myer Music Bowl, a major al fresco venue, seating over 13,000!

Australia War Memorial
