
第26章 名校风采Famous Universities(1)

University of Sydney



悉尼大学位于澳大利亚最大的城市--悉尼,在该地区拥有10个教育和研究校区,同时在全国还拥有众多研究和教育机构。悉尼大学的主校区达令敦校区地处离市中心不远的内城市郊,相对于市中心,这里物价便宜,环境静谥,治安良好。距悉尼车站和渡口都不远。离海滩仅25分钟的车程。大学近期刚经过澳大利亚大学质量保证机构(Australian Universities Quality Agency)的审查,以其出色的表现受到了高度赞誉。


悉尼大学的教学与研究学术氛围浓厚、教育设施精良,在未来,学校还将实施名为Campus 2010 + Building for the Future的校园发展计划,进一步增强整体实力。大学拥有澳大利亚最大的图书馆,能够为世界各地的学子提供无与伦比的教学体验。

Founded in 1850, the University of Sydney is the oldest and one of the largest universities in Australia. Over 45,000 students are enrolledenrol vt.登记, 入学

vi.参军, 注册, including over 8,000 international students. It is a founding member of the prestigious Group of Eight key teaching and research universities in Australia and is consistently ranked amongst the top universities in Australia and the Asia Pacific.

The University enjoys an outstanding international reputation for the quality of its undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. It offers the widest range of courses of any Australian university and is located in the heart of the city of Sydney, the nation,s largest city and commercial capital. The beautiful and spacious main campus with its historic buildings creates a wonderful atmosphere for study and recreation, yet is only a short bus ride from the central business district. Separate campuses for Agriculture, Dentistry, Health Sciences, Law, Music, Nursing and Visual Arts are located in the city centre and surrounding regions.


The University of Sydney is Australia,s premier research institution with extensive connections worldwide and the largest cohort of PhD and research masters students in the country. In each of the last three years, 1998, 1999 and 2000 the University of Sydney was awarded more Large Grants by the Australian Research Council than any other Australian university - a measure of the quality of the University,s research community.

Academicacademic adj.学院的, 理论的 and Teaching Resources

The University attracts teachers from both Australia and overseas who have outstanding academic qualifications and extensive teaching experience. Academic activities are supported by sophisticated and comprehensive facilities including electron microscopesmicroscope

n.显微镜, optical fibre technology, biosciencesbioscience n.生物科学 laboratories, wind tunnels, language laboratories, music recording and computeraided design facilities, audiovisual support, video conferencing, plant breeding facilities, glasshouses, farms, veterinaryveterinary n.兽医 adj.医牲畜的, 兽医的 clinics and teaching hospitals.

Library and Computing Resources

Located centrally on the main campus is the famous Fisher library, which incorporatesincorporate adj.合并的, 结社的, 一体化的

vt.合并, 使组成公司, 具体表现 vi.合并, 混合, 组成公司 vt.[律]结社, 使成为法人组织 26 linked research libraries. The Fisher is the largest university library in the southern hemisphere and holds over 4.5 million items including an extensive range of digital media. Computing facilities are available in every part of the university and systems are constantly upgraded by a fulltime professional team of IT service support staff. All students and staff have easy access to sophisticated online computing facilities and services on all campuses and may also access University systems remotely.

Major Areas of Study

A vast range of programs is available and many programs have considerable flexibilityflexibility n.弹性, 适应性, 机动性, 挠性 within the degree structure. The main areas of study include Agriculture, Agribusiness, Aeronautical Engineering, Anatomy, Archaeology, Arts and Humanities, Art History, Architecture, Asian Studies, Biological Sciences, Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Business Studies, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Commerce, Communications, Computer Science, Data Communications, Dentistry (Graduate Entry), Ecology, Economics, Econometrics, Education, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science, Genetics, Geography, Geology, Health Sciences, History, Horticulture, Information Technology, International Law, International Trade, Land and Water Science, Languages, Literature, Logistics, Law, Management, Marketing, Mathematics, MBA, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Media, Medical Science, Medicine (Graduate Entry), Medical Radiation Technology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Multimedia, Music, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Nursing, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Orthoptics, Performance Studies, Pharmacy, Photomedia, Physics, Physiotherapy, Politics, Psychology, Radiography, Radiation Therapy, Religious Studies, Resource Economics, Rural Management, Science, Social Sciences, Software Engineering, Soil Science, Speech Pathology, Statistics, Telecommunications Engineering, Veterinary Science and Visual Arts.

International Student Services

The University of Sydney offers a comprehensive range of services for all its students, local and international. This includes assistance with application and enrolmentenrolment n.登记, 入学 procedures, airport pickup and orientation programs, information and welfare services, health services, courses and careers advisory services, free language support throughout courses of study, campus shops, banking and postal services, and subsidised, inexpensive meals.