
第28章 名校风采Famous Universities(3)

A university of choice for high achieving students both within Australia and internationally, Melbourne places major emphasis on the quality of students, “Melbourne Experience”. Melbourne seeks to provide a campus environment and a rewarding learning experience supported by a powerful mix of facetoface teaching with newer online technologies and pedagogies, sophisticated multimedia learning tools and highquality teaching and learning infrastructure. At the postgraduate level, the student experience is enhanced through Melbourne,s combination of a School of Graduate Studies and a Postgraduate Students, Association working together in the dedicated Graduate Centre.

The University has successfully expanded its main campus, situated on the edge of Melbourne,s central business district, with the adjacent University Square development which includes a purposebuilt Law School and ICT Building, and an award winning energy efficient building accommodating research and development related activities. Twelve University residential colleges and halls of residence are located close to the campus.

University of Adelaide



目前阿得雷德大学有四个校区,大部分的学生都在主要校区 - North Terrace,虽然校园内不大,但如站在高耸的教室大楼上却能将阿得雷德市区中的繁忙,悦目的Torrens河及两边的花园和草坪全都纳入眼里。Waite和Roseworthy校区提供农业课程,位于主校区南方8公里及5公里处。Thebarton校区距离市中心西方约5公里处,是本校的主要研究中心,并与当地的工商界有密切的联系。


The University of Adelaide is Australia,s thirdoldest university. Founded in 1874, 2005 will see student numbers exceedexceed vt.超越, 胜过 vi.超过其他 18,000, including over 3,000 international students, most studying onshore, from 70 countries. It offers a broad range of courses and outstanding opportunities for research, within an environment that encourages and values personal interaction with teaching staff.

The University is committed to producing graduates whose skills go beyond the workplace, who are recognized globally for the impact of their creativitycreativity

n.创造力, 创造, knowledge, culture and tolerance. It is associated with four Nobel laureates and has produced nearly 100 Rhodes Scholars. On a per capita basis, research performance at the University of Adelaide is consistently among the highest in South East Asia.

The University is lead partner in four Cooperative Research Centres, is associated with a further fifteen CRCs, and hosts four national special or key research centres and a number of other specialist research concentrations. The University,s major strengths are in wine and food, biological sciences, physical sciences, information technology and telecommunicationstelecommunication n.电讯, 长途通讯, 无线电通讯, 电信学, environmental sciences and social sciences. North Terrace is the University,s main campus and the site of most teaching and research facilities, including the International Centre of Excellence in Water Resource Management announced in 2004. The CSIRO Division of Health and Human Nutrition is also located on this campus.

The Waite Agricultural Research Institute is the largest agricultural research cluster in the southern hemispherehemisphere n.半球, and leads the University,s worldrenowned work in agricultural science. Waite is home to three CRCs established with collocated government and industry partners, as well as the Australian Wine Research Institute, several CSIRO divisions, and the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics.

Roseworthy Campus, 50km north of Adelaide, is well known for its excellence in dryland agriculture and animal production. Roseworthy focuses on combining and integrating resources with collocated government and rural industry partners to serve as the hub of information transfer, communication, learning and new technologies for the rural community. From 2005, it will host the new CRC for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry.

The Adelaide University Research Park at Thebarton is one of the premier universityowned technology/ research parks in Australia where graduates develop their skills with some of the country,s most innovativeinnovative adj.创新的, 革新(主义)的 companies including some 40 commercial tenants, participants in the University,s business incubator, and the lucrative, industrylinked Graduate Entrepreneurial Programs.

In 2003 the University acquired the National Wine Centre situated in the green belt surrounding the city centre. It is presently used for teaching in wine sensory evaluation, and the acclaimed popular wine marketing program. It also houses the administrative offices of Australia,s peak wine industry organizations. The multiple awardwinning complex is also a major tourist attraction, with iconiciconic

[计] 图标的 contemporary architecture and a functioning vineyard.

Student Life

The University,s popularity among international students has grown rapidly in recent years. Adelaide is a friendly and safe city with a population of one million, who enjoy a relaxed lifestyle with a cost of living that is significantly lower than that of bigger Australian cities.

The student population includes approximately 3,000 international students from 70 countries. They enjoy a vibrant social life on campus, with facilities including cafeterias with international food, 60 student associations and a University gym. Other student needs are met with services in health, counselling, finance, education and welfare, childcare, language and study skills. There are five residential colleges just 10 minutes walk from the North Terrace campus. Full accommodation options are also available close to the city and international students enjoy concession rates for public transport.