
第5章 城市导航City Guide(3)

If you are visiting with children or simply have a sweet tooth, don,t pass up a chance to visit Cadbury World when here. This is a is a scrumptiousscrumptious adj.极为愉快的, 绝妙的, 极好的, 味美的 exploration into the production, marketing and consumption of chocolate. Ride a beanmobile or take a wander down Cocoa Rd, paved with “talking chocolate splodges”. Nearby Bournville Village is quaint. It,s one of the world,s first garden suburbs; the Quaker Cadbury brothers built it to house their workers at the beginning of the 20th century. In the village is Selly Manor, an attractive halftimbered house with an Elizabethan herb garden which has been restored and opened to the public.

Go on a tour of the local Canals. Birmingham,s canalcanal n.运河, 小道, 导管, 槽, 沟渠 vt.开运河 network goes right through the heart of the city. Visit narrow boats moored at Gas St Basin, where the Worcester & Birmingham and Birmingham & Fazeley canals meet. If you fancy a go in the driving seat, you can hire a boat from here and have a turn on the tiller.

Check out the Custard Factory This premier arts centre was created with young people in mind. It offers music studios for jazz, drama, dance and crafts along with shops, cafés and trendy restaurants. A shoppers delight, it shouldn,t be missed.

Don,t miss seeing the Jewellery Quarter. Only a 15minute walk from the heart of the city, this part of town has been full of jewellers, workshops since the 16th century. The workshops are fascinating, and it can be a good place to find bargains. You may be lucky enough to catch the Craft & Antiques Sunday Market, which is on around once a month. At the Museum of the Jewellery Quarter visitors can look around the Smith & Pepper jewellery factory, which has been kept as it was in its heydayheyday int.喜悦、惊奇时所发声音 n.全盛期, 年富力强时期.

Ride the Shakespeare Express. Billed as England,s fastest regular steam train, this is a nostalgic way to get from Birmingham to StratforduponAvon. It generally runs four times a day during the summer from Snow Hill Station and stops at Tyseley (so you can see the Railway Museum) and takes about an hour and ten minutes to get to Shakespeare,s home town. This is certainly the most romantic means of reaching Stratford, Birmingham,s neighbour.

A little outside Birmingham but well worth the drive is Treak Cliff Cavern. This is one of many attractions in Derbyshire,s beautiful Peak District, and lays claim to be unique in the sense that it is the world,s only source of Blue John. This mineralmineral n.矿物, 矿石, whose name is believed to derive from the French bleujaune, or blueyellow, is a form of fluorspar and was known to the Romans. The mineral is made into a variety of beautiful ornaments ─ 18th and 19th century Blue John urns are highly prized in the antiques trade. Visitors can take guided tours of the cavern and there is a gift shop where you can buy examples of Blue John ornaments.

Don,t miss seeing Warwick Castle known as the finest medieval castle in England. Located a 30minute drive from Birmingham, it encapsulates over 1,000 years of English history. There are ramparts, battlementsbattlements n.碉堡上的城垛 and even a dungeon and torture chamber - all absolutely authentic and in excellent condition. Displays include medievalmedieval adj.中世纪的, 仿中世纪的, 老式的, <贬>原始的 weaponryweaponry n.武器, 军备 and a waxwork display of a weekend party circa 1898. The grounds, including the Peacock and Rose gardens, are especially popular.

Another great activity for families is to pay a visit to the West Midland Safari and Leisure Park. This 200acre safari park is located less than a 60minute drive from Birmingham. It will take you about an hour to drive through the animal reserves, where you can see elephants, rhino, giraffe, lions, monkeys, wallabies and tigers. The amusement park has many different rides and pther attractions include a seal aquariumaquarium n.养鱼池, 玻璃缸, 水族馆, reptile house and sea lion show. There are also plenty of themed places to eat and buy souvenirs.




在第二次世界大战中,曼彻斯特的重工业产量占据了当时英国的30%左右,在这里生产的大炮,枪支弹药等被不断的输送到前线,因此它成为了德军重点的照顾对象,经受了无数次的轰炸。二战结束后,曼彻斯特人民开始在废墟上重建自己的城市,如今的曼彻斯特已经成为英国西北的首都,是除了伦敦之外英国第二大繁华城市,全城到处遍布酒吧,Disco舞厅,电影院,歌剧院等, 被誉为“24hour party town” 。

四所大学除了University of Salford 之外,全部坐落在一条街道上--Oxford Street,在这条全欧洲最繁忙的街道上,你可以处处看到学生,自行车,还有公共汽车来往穿梭的身影。校园周围有银行,超市,购票中心,书店等等,极大地方便了学生的生活。三所大学有很多的设施是共同拥有的,包括Sugden Sports Centre。

曼彻斯特拥有全英国第二大的中国城,中国城内遍布饭店和超市。 每逢元宵节等重大节日,在这里都会举行盛大的庆祝活动,例如:舞狮,烟花会等。

曼彻斯特有2支英超俱乐部,一支是老牌劲旅--Man utd, 另外一支是今年刚刚升上英超的Man City。Man utd曾经因为拥有贝克汉姆等大牌球星在全世界有无数球迷,在中国也是广受关注;Man City在以200万英镑引进了大连队的孙继海后也以成为中国球迷关注的焦点。在孙继海首次亮相的比赛中,大约有1000名中国留学生球迷到场为他助威。

Manchester is a good choice for a visit in this country. If you are a new comernewcomer n.新来者, 新到的移民 to the area or haven,t visited for a while, the information provided on this and related pages will prove invaluable in assisting you to make your holiday or business venture here, as simple as a stroll down your local street back home.

Manchester of old; is no more. A new Manchester now greets visitors. Gone are the days when it was considered an old crumbling town, dirty, unloved and unwanted. Still very much an industrial metropolismetropolis n.首都, 主要都市, 都会, 大主教教区, 大城市 it has undergone a process of change, making it arguably one of the most lively and energetic cities in England.

Bouncing back from the 1996 bombing which destroyed its inner heart, the city has revamped and metamorphosisedmetamorphosis n.变形 into the vibrant, living, breathing city it is today. Don,t miss this fresh face, new and full of vitality; this city with life, awaits your discovery.