
第13章 历程(5)

The next day, I quit my jobs and invested my last paycheck in art supplies and began doing what I loved. I hadn,t painted a picture in 15 years, because we barely scratched out a living on the farm in Missouri, and there hadn,t been money for the tubes of paint, and canvas and frames. I wondered if I could still paint or if I had forgotten how. My hands trembled the first time I picked up a brush. But before an hour had passed, I was lost in the colors spreading across the canvas in front of me. I painted pictures of old sailing ships and as soon as I started believing in myself, other people started believing in me, too. The first painting sold for 1,500 before I even had time to frame it.

The past six years have been filled with adventures. My children and I have gone swimming with dolphins, watched whales and hiked around the crater rim of the volcano. We wake up every morning with the ocean in front of us and the volcano behind us. The dream I had more than 40 years ago is now reality. I live on an island with a continuously erupting volcano. The only animals in the jungle are wild boars and mongooses and there aren,t any cannibals. But often in the evening, I can hear the drums from native dancers on the beach.

I,m free for the first time in my life. I am Tondalaya, the Fire Goddess of the Volcano, spelled with two “D”s and I,m living happily ever after.










My First Article

When I was sixteen I was already writing articles and offering them to any kind of editor whose address I could discover. These articles were of two kinds. The first, which I signed portentously “J.Boynton Priestley”, were serious, very serious indeed, and were full of words like “renaissance” and “significance” and “aftermath”, and suggested that their author was about a hundred and fifty years old. And nobody wanted them. They could not be given away. No editor had a body of readers old enough for such articles. The other kind were skits and burlesques and general funny work, written from the grimly determined humorous standpoint of the school magazine. One of these was accepted, printed and paid for by a London humorous weekly. I had arrived. (And my father, not to be found wanting on such an occasion, presented me with one of his fourpenny cigars, with which, as I fancy he guessed, I had been secretly experimenting for some months.)

The issue of the weekly containing my article burst upon the world. Riding inside a tram from Duckworth Lane to Godwin Street, Bradford, I saw a middleaged woman opening this very copy of the weekly, little knowing, as I made haste to tell myself, that one of its group of brilliant contributors was not two yards away. I watched her turn the pages. She came to the page; she hesitated; she stopped, she began to read my article. Ah - what delight! But mine, of course, not hers. And not mine for long, not more than a second, for then there settled on her face an expression I have noticed ten thousand times since, and have for years now tried not to notice - the typical expression of the reader, the audience, the customer, the patron. How shall I describe this curious look? There is in it a kind of innocence - and otherwise I think I would have stopped writing years ago - but mixed a trifle sourly with this admirable innocence is a flavoring of wariness, perhaps a touch of suspicion itself. “Well, what have we here?” it inquires dubiously. And then the proud and smirking Poet and Maker falls ten thousand feet into dubiety. So ever since that tram ride I have never caught a glimpse of the reader, the audience, the customer, the patron, without instantly trying to wedge myself into the rocks above the black tarn of doubt. As I do this, there is the flash of a blue wing - and the bird of delight has flown.


我十六岁就已写文章,发现哪位编辑的地址就把文章投给那位编辑。这些文章有两类。第一类,签上“J. Boynton Priestley”的大名,写得严肃,非常严肃,满篇是诸如“复兴”“意义”以及“后果”之类的词,暗示文章的作者年事已高。这类文章谁也不要。白送都送不掉。没有哪个编辑拥有的读者是老得可以看这类文章的。另一类是些讽刺文、游戏文章和一般的趣味作品,均按学校刊物那种严格确定的幽默观点写成。其中一篇为伦敦一家幽默周刊所采用、所刊登、所付酬。我获得成功。(这回我父亲应付难局颇为得法,将他四便士一支的雪茄烟送给我一支,我其实偷偷地以他的雪茄作试验已经长达数月,我看我父亲是早有所料的。)


Middle Age, Old Age