
第49章 China Is on the Move

“One Foot in the Future and One Foot in the Past。”This is my foremost impression as I visit Quzhou。One cannot miss the old and the new existing side by side。As a foreigner it is difficult to say which is the“Real China”。Is it the large number of people riding their old bicycles loaded down with goods or is it the black shiny luxury car being driven down the street?Is it the school in rural areas with the leaking roof or is it the ultra modern schools being built in Quzhou?Is it the four lane expressway or is it the single lane walking path to a remote village?Everywhere I look I see the old and the new existing side by side。“One Foot in the Future and One Foot in the Past”。

This is my second visit to Quzhou。My first trip was in 1998 when I came with a Sister City delegation。At the time I was Mayor of Red Wing,a small American city,so I was very interested in Chinese City Government,how it worked and how it cared for its people。

Quzhou and Red Wing,USA,began after a reunion was arranged in Red Wing to honor Chinese Farmers who in World War 2 had res-cued and saved American pilots。Chinese Farmers and American Pi-lots were reunited after nearly 50 years。The event was very emo-tional and created in the minds of Red Wing citizens an appreciation for what these Chinese friends had done for them。

In 1992,at a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the Doolittle Raid,US President George Bush spoke highly of this segment of history:“On this special occasion,we also salute those good people in China who,following the raid and without regard for their own well-being,provided shelter and protection for wounded Americans。Thanks to such humanitarian efforts,these Raiders were able to find their way back to safety。Although half a century has passed since their gold strike in the name of freedom,the Doolittle Raiders continue to inspire respect and awe among the American people。We will never forget their extraordinary contribution—nor that of their Chinese rescuers—to the worthy cause of liberty and justice。”

On this trip I was joined by a delegation of 14 citizens of Red Wing and I must say something of our welcome。We were made to feel like honored guests!The welcoming events were beyond deion。For example the students of Number 2 Middle School rolled out a block long Red Carpet and the street was lined with cheer-ing students waving Chinese and American flags。Many of the delega-tion members,including myself,had tears in their eyes and they will always remember the smiling faces of the students。

Your cities are much larger than ours and I’m sure much more difficult to manage,but,even in 1998 it was clear that China was beginning to grow rapidly。There was“energy”all around。New buildings were going up and most evident was the“energy”in the people who were attempting small business—every street was lined with small business owners。They were learning to make their lives better by earning extra money with their small businesses of fixing bicycles,cooking food,selling produce and working in hundreds maybe thousands of ways。

I thought at the time“just watch this country!It is on the move!”Everything seemed to be in place—energetic people,a government that was investing in infrastructure and a strong will to lift all their people out of poverty!

This visit to Quzhou was a little longer than the last(42 days)and it is clear that the thoughts I had in 1998 are indeed coming true。During the past 6 years Quzhou and China have accomplished what no other country has。Don’t misread me,China still has many chal-lenges in order to bring all its people up to where they want to be,but,they are well on their way。

I am 64 years old,so have observed life in America for many years and through my experience and from the stories my Father told me of the Depression Years in America,have a pretty good idea of how America grew in the past 100 years。

It seems that America grew slowly and had many struggles from 1900 to where we are today and as I observe what is occurring on China today it’s like looking at“An Old Movie”。To me China’s story is the same story that America has lived through the past 100 years。

I am especially familiar with farms and farm cooperatives。My stay in Quzhou has provided me with the opportunity to participate in meetings about agriculture。When I attend the meetings it seems as if I have been there before。I am thinking-am I watching a rerun of“An Old Movie”?This type of meetings has taken place in American com-munities and farms a number of years ago。

For example,in the 1950’s America had many small farms and farmers were struggling。I was raised on one of these small farms and life was hard and difficult。Since that time our thinking has changed from“Farming as a Way of Life”to looking at“Farming as a Business”。Today American farms are run like a business many are prospering。Farm numbers have declined drastically so the surplus of farmers were re-trained to more productive enterprises in urban areas。

My observation has it that the number of Chinese farmers will drop drastically and the farmers remaining will look at their farms as“A Business”as well as“A way of Life”and they will produce more and will be more prosperous。

So watching China today is like watching“an Old Movie”and the only difference is that it appears China will accomplish in half the time what it took America。The pace of change in China is stunning。

I must mention that the treatment received by everyone in China has been so wonderful and heartwarming。This welcome has been extended not only by officials,but,by everyone we encounter。There are many examples,but,to illustrate two。First we were in a local restaurant and our host suggested to the waitress that maybe we should have a fork in addition to chopsticks to eat our meal。The dilemma was that the restaurant did not have a fork,so,instead of informing us of such they left the restaurant and found a store that sold forks and purchased one for us。This was truly a kind gesture。The second occurred when we were leaving a hotel to return to our apartment at Number 2 Middle School we found that we needed a car。Our host offered to take us in his car even though we could have taken a taxi。We accepted his offer not realizing that the host followed in a taxi。Again truly a gesture of hospitality,the host rode in a taxi while we rode in his car。

I must also mention an added surprise for me was to discover that Quzhou has an“Elderly University”。What a pleasant place for the elderly to learn and socialize。The government and sponsoring agen-cies should be congratulated on honoring the elderly with such fine facilities and programs。

When I return to my city of Red Wing in the USA people will ask me what I liked best about China,and,even though the food was great,the walks through the city was enjoyable,the sounds and sights were wonderful and exciting,I will say it’s the people!I loved the children at Number 2 Middle School。I loved the hard working teachers,school administrators,and good people in all the governmental offices and all the people in the streets who smiled when I attempted the Chinese greeting“Nihao”。

The people of America and China are more alike than people gen-erally think。My message to the two countries is to get to know each other on a“Personal Level”,believe me you will like what you see。

My dream now is to come back。China and Quzhou indeed has a place in my heart。