
第4章 C


n. a restaurant where people collect their own food and drink and carry it to the tables, often in a shops, factory, college 自助餐厅(通常在商店、工厂、学校等内)

A cafeteria is a restaurant, at which customers collect their meals on trays at counters and carry them to tables.

cafeteria 是顾客自己从柜台拿饭菜至餐桌食用的餐馆。


n. strong coarse cloth used for making tents, sails, etc. and by artists for painting on 帆布 piece of canvas for painting on 画布;油画


n. small soluble case containing a dose of medicine and swallowed with it 胶囊 detachable compartment for men or instruments in a spacecraft 航天舱, 太空舱


adj. held as a prisoner; unable to escape 被俘虏的;被监禁的 n. captive person or animal 被捉住的人或动物

captive animals 关在笼子里的动物/captive birds 笼鸟/captive audience (无法走开的)受制听众(或观众)/detain captives 拘押俘虏/exchange captives 交换俘虏/free/release captives 释放俘虏/a lifelong captive 终身被监禁的人/hold sb. captive 活捉……,俘虏……

All the captives were kept in a darkened room with their hands tied.



n. drawing dealing with current events in an amusing or satirical way 漫画,讽刺画 film made by photogaphing a series of gradually changing drawings, giving an illusion of movement 动画片,卡通片


v. form sth. by cutting away material from a piece of wood or stone 雕刻 inscribe by cutting on a surface 刻字,铭刻 cut up cooked meat into pieces or slices at or for the table 将肉切块或片以便食用

carve from/out of 用……雕出……/carve an image in wood (marble, metal, stone) 用木头大理石、金属、石头)雕像/carve out 创(业),发(财)/carve up 分割,瓜分

These statues are carved out of marble.



n. person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident (战争或事故中)伤亡者 thing that is lost, damaged or destroyed in an accident 事故中损失的物品 part of a hospital where people who have been hurt in accidents are taken for urgent treatment 急诊室

civilian casualties 平民伤亡/heavy/serious casualties 伤亡惨重/light casualties 轻微伤亡/military casualties 军队伤亡人员/traffic casualties 交通事故伤亡/inflict casualties on... 使……遭受伤亡/suffer casualties 遭受伤亡

The train crash resulted in more than twenty casualties.

火车相撞事故造成 20多人伤亡。


n. division or class in a system for dividing objects into groups according to their nature 种类,范畴,类别


v. provide food and services, esp. at social functions 提供饮食及服务 provide what is needed or desired 提供;迎合

表示“包办筵席”作vi. 时,后常接for或at,而美国英语则作vt.用,后接宾语。表示“满足需要,迎合”时,英国常用cater for sb.(sth.),美国用cater to sb. (sth.)。

cater to low tastes 迎合低级趣味/cater to sb. s needs 满足某人的需要/cater for all age groups 满足所有的年龄组/cater for weddings and parties 承办婚礼和宴会

Freedomofspeech advocates accused the societies of catering to politicians, and even disputed the number of studies (most were review articles and essays, they said).



n. main church of a district under the care of a bishop 总教堂,大教堂


n. a member of the Roman Catholic Church 天主教徒 adj. of or relating to all Christians or the whole christian church 天主教的


n. careful forethought to avoid danger or harm 小心;谨慎;警告vt. warn sb. to be careful 警告

caution (vt.) sb. against (doing) sth.作“告诫某人不要做某事”解。如:We were cautioned against driving fast.(我们得到告诫不要快速行车。) caution sb.against (doing) sth.=caution sb. not to do sth.。caution多指提出善意的忠告,尤指告诫人们不要轻率、粗心或做出愚蠢的事。而同义词warn着重强调及时提出警告,以便尽可能地避免险情或麻烦。如:The weather station warned that a storm was coming.(气象台预报暴风雨即将来临。)

exercise/use caution 小心,谨慎/extreme/great caution 极其小心/with caution 小心翼翼地


adj. showing or practicing caution; careful 谨慎的;小心的

be cautious of 留意;谨防

However, Westhusin is cautious about his work.

但是,Westhusin 对待他的工作非常谨慎。(2005年1月阅读理解)

They are cautious investors who always make thorough investigations both on local and international markets before making an investment.



n. empty space within sth. solid 腔,洞


n. an underground room, usu. without windows and used for storing goods 地窖


n. official counting of a country s population or of other classes of things 人口统计,人口普查

a national census 全国人口普查/a traffic census 交通状况调查/conduct/take a census 进行人口普查/at/in the last census 在上次人口普查中

We conduct a census in our country every ten years.



adj. of or relating to pottery 陶器的;与陶器有关的


n. any of various types of grass producting edible grains 谷类植物 grain produced by such a grass 谷物 food made from the grain of cereals 谷类食物;麦片粥


n. the state of being certain 确信;确实;确定性 a clearly established fact 必然的事;确定的事

for a certainty 肯定无疑地/It can be said with certainty that... 可以断言……/to a certainty 必然;一定

I had the certainty that he was at home.



vt. to declare that sth. is correct or true 证明;证实 to issue a certificate or license to 发证书(执照)给


certify a check 保证支票非假/certify... as 证明/certifiedadj. 被证明了的;持有证明的

After a sixmonth training, those who pass the qualifying test will be certified as thirdclass cooks.



n. a state of complete disorder and confusion 混乱,紊乱

leave... in chaos 使……陷入混乱

The room was in a state of chaos when the burglars had left.



v. describe or portray the character of sb./sth. 描述……的特征 be typical of sb./sth. 表现出……的特征;以……为特征


n. loving kindness towards others; tolerance in judging others 慈善,慈爱;宽容,宽厚 giving money, food, help etc. to the needy 施舍,布施;慷慨 society or organization for helping the needy 慈善团体

Far from a kind of charity they once were, senior citizen discounts have become a formidable economic privilege to a group with millions of members who don t need them.



n. power of pleasing, fascinating or attracting people; attractiveness 魅力,感染力 act or words believed to have magic power 魔法,咒语 v.please, fascinate or attract sb. 取悦,迷住或吸引某人 influence or protect (sb./sth.) by or as if by charm (如有魔法般)影响或保护


n. a written or printed signed statement from a ruler, government etc.; giving rights, freedoms, etc., to the people, an organization, or a person 宪章 v. to hire or rent (a plane, train, bus, etc.) for a special use 租船;租车

The travel company had chartered three aircraft for their holiday flights.



n. friendly informal conversation 谈天,闲聊 vi. have a chat 谈天,闲聊


vt. car for tenderly 珍爱;抚爱 keep alive (hope,ambition,feelings,etc.)in one s heart 心中怀着(希望、志愿、感情等)


n. thin piece cut or broken off from wood, stone, china, glass, etc. 薄片,破片,碎块,碎屑 place from which such a piece has been broken (这种碎块所留下的)缺口,瑕疵 (usu.pl.)thin strip of potato fried in deep fat(复数)炸土豆条v. break or cut sth.at the edge or surface(在边缘或表面)打破或切削break or cut a small piece from the edge or surface of sth.削(或凿,铲,碰)下(碎片或碎屑)shape or carve sth.雕刻成形;砍成;凿成

He helped his father chipping old paint from the side of a ship.



n. (in music ) combination of notes usu sounded together in harmony (音乐的) 和弦,和音, usu sounded together in harmony (音乐的)和弦,和音


n. (usu. large) group of singers; choir( 常为大型的)合唱团;唱诗班 song for all to sing 合唱曲;合唱部分 thing said or shouted by many people together 齐声说或齐声喊的内容 v. sing or say sth. all together 同时唱或说

in chorus 一齐,一致,共同

A hearty chorus of “O Canada.”



adj. (esp. of a disease) lasting for a long time; continually recurring (尤指疾病)长期的,慢性的,连续复发的 having had a disease or a habit for a long time 长期患病的;长期有某种习惯的

a chronic disease 慢性病/a chronic cough 百日咳/chronic unemployment 长期失业/a chronic complainer 老爱抱怨的人/a chronic alcoholic 酒鬼/a chronic liar 说谎成癖的人

Treatments for chronic conditions can easily top 2 000 a month—no wonder that one in four Americans can t afford to fill their preions.

慢性病的治疗随随便便就会高达2 000美元/月——难怪多达四分之一的美国人付不起他们医疗处方的费用。(2006年6月阅读理解)


n. the flow of gas or liquid around a closed system 循环;流通 the movement of something such as news or money from place to place or from person to person 传播;发行

the circulation of blood 血液循环/in circulation 在发行中/a newspaper with a daily circulation of over one million 发行量超百万的报纸/put into circulation 开始发行/withdraw... from circulation 停止流通

The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increased circulation, a wider range of publications and an expansion of newspaper jobs.



n. a traveling show, usu. given in a large tent of performing animals, clever horseriding, etc.; persons and animals giving such a show 马戏表演;马戏团 (in ancient rome) round or oval place with seats on all sides for public games 圆形竞技场


vt. speak or write (words taken from a passage, a book, an author, etc.); quote; to mention, esp. as an example in an argument, statement, etc. 引述,引用,引证 to call sb. to appear in a court of law 传讯某人出庭


n. person not serving in the armed forces or the police force 平民百姓


v. to demand recognition of the fact that one is,or owns,or has a right to (sth.)要求承认某人身份、所有物或对(某物)享有某种权利 to assert;say that sth.is a fact 宣称,说出某种事实n. a demand for something as one s own by right 要求 a right to something 权利 a statement of something as fact 声明

Glaser claims that these earth works,built between AD 400 and 1400, were at the heart of urban civilizations.Now it seems the richness of the Terra Preta soils may explain how such civilization managed to feed themselves.

Glaser 说,这些工程建于公元后400年至1400年之间,位于城市文明的中心。现在看起来,Terra Preta 土壤的富饶可以解释这种文明是怎样自给自足的。(2005年6月阅读理解)


n. clearness; lucidity 清楚;明晰;清澈

the clarity of the atmosphere 大气的明净/the clarity of diamond 钻石的无瑕疵的程度/the clarity of expression 表达清晰/the clarity of thought 思维清晰/with great clarity 非常清晰地

The clarity of the lake water was amazing.



v. strike together with a loud,harsh noise 碰撞撞击come together and fight,disagree seriously 冲突,交战,分歧happen inconveniently at the same time,(of colours,designs,etc.)not match or harmonize 时间冲突,(颜色、样式等)不搭配,不和谐n. clashing noise 碰撞声,撞击声violent contact,fight,serious difference,conflict 打斗,极大的区别coinciding of events or dates,failure of colours,designs,etc.to match or harmonize 事情或日期的冲突,(颜色或样式等的)不相配

In response, the alarmists accuse critics and news reporters of being deceived by the entertainment industry. Such clashes help neither science nor society.



n. device with two parts that fasten, used to keep together two things or two parts of one thing 钩子;扣环;扣子 firm hold with the hand; grasp; grip 抓,攥 embrace 拥抱 v. hold tightly in the hand 握紧;攥 hold sb. tightly with the arms; embrace 抱紧;拥抱 fasten with a clasp 扣住


adj. having the highest quality 第一流的; of the first or highest class or rank 不朽的,古典的 n. a piece of literature or art of the first rank and of lasting importance 杰作;名著

His manual of botany has become a classic among scientists.



n. (grammar) group of words that includes a subject and a verb, forming a sentence or part of a sentence 从句;分句 paragraph or section in a legal document, stating a particular obligation, condition, etc. (在法律文件中陈述具体义务、条件等的)段落;条款;款项


n. the act of removing or tidying sth.清除;清理 space between for moving past 余地;空隙 an official approval or permission 许可(证);批准

make a thorough clearance in our dormitory 对宿舍进行大扫除/be responsible for slum clearance and rehousing programs 负责贫民窟的清理及重建方案的实施/get clearance from sb. 得到某人的批准

The EPA has not commented on the dispute.But an email to the network from Janet Anderson, director of the EPA s biopesticides(生物杀虫剂)division, says “there is no record of a review and/or clearance to field test” the organism.

美国环保署没有对争论做出任何评论。但是环保署生物杀虫剂部的主管 Janet Anderson 给新西兰生命科学网写了一封电子邮件说,“没有关于有机实地试验的评论或清除的记录”。(2005年6月阅读理解)


n. person who perceives help or advice from a professional person. esp. a lawyer 委托人,当事人 customer 顾客


n. an event, point of greatest interest or intensity 顶点;高潮;最令人兴奋的部分

at the climax of 处于……高潮/bring... to a climax come to the climax 戏剧性的(激动人心的)高潮

The story reaches its climax when Oliver says, “God damn you, Jenny! Why don t you get the hell out of my life!”

当奥利费说:“该死的,珍妮,你给我滚,” 故事达到了高潮。


vi. to stay near or touching 粘住;依附 to hold tightly 紧紧抓住 to remain faithful to or in favour of an idea, belief, etc. 坚持

cling to a hope 坚信/cling to old ideas 墨守陈规/cling to a policy of hostility 坚持敌对政策/ cling to one s friend 忠于朋友

At the party we found that shy girl clinging to her mother all the time.



n. private or specialized hospital 诊所;专科医院


n. wire or metal device for holding things tightly together 夹子 a short piece of newspaper, a film that is shown separately 剪报;(电影/视)片断v. to fasten onto sth. With a clip (用夹子等)夹住;扣住 to cut with scissors or shears. 剪;修剪


clip指夹子,别针,回形针; clamp指夹具。如:A clip for papers is often made of a piece of bent wire. 曲别针通常是用一段弯曲的金属丝做的。 Hold the parts together with a clamp until the glue hardens. 用夹钳把各个部分夹在一起直到胶粘牢为止。

clip one s hair close把头发剪短/clip a sheep 剪羊毛/a hair clip 发夹/pain a diamond clip t one s dress 在衣服上别一枚钻石别针/show a film clip 放映电影片断/clip... to 将……夹在/clip nails修剪指甲

The shepherd gave the sheep a close clip.



adv. &; adj. moving in a curve in the same direction as the hands of a clock 顺时针方向地/的


n. cupboard or small room for storing things (储存物品的) 橱柜或小房间 small room for private meetings 私室 toilet room 厕所

In department stores and closets all over the world, they are waiting.



n. a number of things of the same kind growing or being close together in a group 簇,丛,团,串,群vi. form a cluster 群聚,丛生

When we go abroad, we tend to cluster in hotels and restaurants where English is spoken.


At its core is a cluster of neurons deep in the brain known as the amygdala.



v. to hold tightly 牢牢抓住,紧紧抱住 n. act of clutching or seizing 抓,握,抱 an apparatus, esp. in a car, which allows working parts of an engine to be connected or disconnected 离合器


grasp 指用手指或手臂“抓住,抓紧,抱住,抱紧”。如:The blind man grasped one of the elephant s legs.这盲人抓住象的一条腿。 grip 与 grasp 同义,但语义较强,指“紧紧握住”。如:He gripped my band, unable to speak.他紧紧握住我的手,说不出话来。 seize 指猛然地“抓住、捉住”,表示突然的猛烈动作。如:She seized the gun from him.她夺了他的枪。 clutch 指紧紧握在手中,或用手紧抓某物,也指一般抓住,握紧,此外还有由于感到危险或不安全而抓住某物。如:She clutched her purse frightly fearing that a thief might snatch it.她紧紧抓住钱包,生怕小偷会夺走它。 grab 指突然抓住,抢夺。如:She grabbed the money and ran off.她抓了钱就跑开了。 snatch 指突然迅速地夺取。如:The monkey snatched the biscuit out of my hand.猴子把我手中的饼干抢走了。

clutch at a branch 抓住一根树枝/clutch at an opportunity 企图抓住时机/clutch at a straw 抓住救命稻草;急不暇择/fall into sb. s clutches 落入某人的魔掌,陷入某人的控制/get into sb. s clutches 落入某人的魔掌,陷入某人的控制/be in eg. clutches 在某人的控制下

Walking on the bridge, she clutched her hat so the wind didn t blow it off.



adj. being naturally or reasonably; consistent 条理清楚的;连贯的,协调的;一致的,粘着的

a coherent argument 前后一致的论点/a coherent thinker 一个思想很有条理的人

No single intellectually coherent vision dominates U.S. educational practice in math or science.


The driver was so upset that he could not give a coherent account of the accident.



to happen at the same time or during the same period 一致;符合

coincide with 与……相符

It is fortunate for the old couple that their son s career goals and their wishes for him coincide.



n. a combination of events, happening by chance, but in such a way that it seems planned or arranged 同时发生(的事) the condition or fact of being in agreement 一致

a mere coincidence 纯粹的巧合/by coincidence 碰巧

It was no coincidence that Kalkaska shut its schools two weeks after residents rejected a 28 percent property-tax increase.

在居民们拒绝提高 28% 财产税的两周后,Kalkaska 关闭了学校,这不是巧合。(2003年1月阅读理解)

It is a mere coincidence that the man reported dead looked like my son.



n. work together with other esp. in literature 合作;协作 work reasonably, esp. with enemy forces 勾结

collaboration with 与……合作;与……勾结;/in collaboration with sb. 与……合作;与……结在一起

The book was written by my father in collaboration with his friend.



vi. to meet and strike together violently 碰撞;冲突 to disagree strongly 抵触

collide with 与……相撞; 与……相抵触(冲突)


adj. of, relating to or possessing a colony or colonies 殖民的;殖民地的


n. fight or fighting between two people, armies, etc. 格斗,搏斗,战斗 v. fight or struggle against sb./sth. 格斗,搏斗,战斗


n. a funny play, film, or other work in which the story and characters are amusing and which ends happily 喜剧 amusing aspect of sth.; humor 趣事,幽默


n. object that moves round the sun and looks like a bright star with a long, less bright tail 彗星


vt. be in memory of 纪念give honour to the memory of 庆祝

commemorate sb. 纪念某人/commemorate sth. 纪念某事,庆祝某事

To commemorate important dates in history, countries create special holidays.


Gathered all together in this square, they commemorated those who lost their lives in the September 11 attack.



v. to begin; to start 开始

作vt.时,后接动名词或不定式;作vi.时,接with,在口语中用begin, start。如commence studying (to study) law开始学法律,commence with this work从这件工作开始。

commence a lawsuit after falling in the store 在商店摔伤后开始提出诉讼


vt. to represent as worthy, qualified, or desirable;recommend 称赞;表扬;推荐;委托;吸引

commend sb. (sth.) to sb .s care 把某人(某物)交给某人照顾/commend itself to 为……所喜爱,爱……欢迎,使……感兴趣/ commend me to 请代我向……致意


n. spoken deion of an event as it happens 实况报道;现场解说 set of explain notes on a book, etc. (对书等的)集注

give a commentary 做出评论/write a commentary 写一篇评论/a commentary on 对……的实况解说,对……的评论


n. committing or being committed;thing one has promised to do; pledge; undertaking 承诺;允诺;保证;承担 the commitment of a patient to a mental hospital 把病人送进精神病院 commitment of funds to medicine 对医学方面的拨款

I m overworked at the moment —I ve taken on too many commitments.


A commitment to pay £100 to charity.

承担捐赠慈善事业 100 英镑的义务。

We re looking for someone with a real sense of commitment to the job.



n. group of persons appointed (usu. by a larger group) to attend to special business 委员会

daily commodities 日用品/essential commodities of life 生活必需品/farm commodities 农产品/household commodities 家庭用品/marketable commodities 适合市场销售的商品

The country s most valuable commodities include grain and cotton.



adj. ordinary; not interesting 平常的,平凡的;不引起兴趣的 n. remark, etc. that is ordinary or unoriginal; truism 陈词滥调,老生常谈 event; topic, etc. that is ordinary or usual (普通的或寻常的)事情,主题等


n. independent state or community 独立的国家,团体,集体 group of states that have chosen to be politically linked 联邦,共同体


v. to substitute one thing for another; exchange 交换;抵偿

commute between... and...,/commute from... to...经常往返于……与……之间/commute pain for pleasure 变痛苦为快乐/commute foreign currency to domestic 把外币兑换成本国货币


adj. closely packed together 紧凑的;小巧的;袖珍的 neatly fitted 简短的;精练的 vt. to press or pact closely together 压缩;使紧凑 n. an agreement between two or more people, countries, etc. 契约

agreement,contract, compact

agreement “协定,协议”,指人们、团体、行业或国家之间所达成的谅解或诺言,也指最后双方确定下来的条款。这种协定或协议可以是书面的,也可以是口头的。如:You have broken our agreement by not doing the work you promised.你没有完成答应做的工作,从而破坏了我们的协定。 contract “契约,合同”,指具有法律效力的正式的书面契约或合同。如:He broke his contract with the firm.他毁弃了和公司签订的合同。 compact “契约,合同,协定”,指两个以上国家或团体间签订的契约或条约式的协定。如:The seven nations made a compact to regulate tariffs.七国签订了一项调整关税的条约。

a compact car 小型汽车/compact disc 激光唱片;光盘/a compact body 结实的身体/ a compact camera 袖珍照相机/ compact all the clothes in the suitcase 把所有的衣服紧塞在手提箱里

The kitchen was small and compact so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.



adj. that can be compared (to) 比得上的 worthy of comparison (with) 可比较的

comparable作“可比较的”解时,后接介词with。如:His achievements are comparable with the best.(他的成绩可与最优秀者的相比。) comparable作“比得上的”解时,后接介词to。如:This dinner is comparable to the best French cooking.(这一餐可与最好的法国菜媲美。)

comparable to 可与……比拟的/comparable with 可与……相比的/a comparable car 类似的车

Being granted a yearly bonus can be considered comparable to getting a raise in pay.


Agriculture was a step in human progress to which subsequently there was not anything comparable until our own machine age.



adj. able to exist together with 能相处的,合得来的,一致的,协调的,兼容的

注意compatible作“能和睦相处的,合得来的”解时,后多接介词with。如:Personal interest is not always compatible with public interest.(个人利益同集体利益并不总是一致的。)His act is not compatible with reason.(他的行为不合情理。)Accuracy is not always compatible with haste.(忙中难免出错。) 注意compatible作“适合的,协调的”解时,后多接介词to。如:You should choose a roommate more compatible to your tastes.(你应当挑个和你意气更相投的同住一室。)He wants a running mate with a philosophy compatible to his own.(他要一位政见和他一致的竞选伙伴。)

compatible with 与……相一致的/be compatible with sb. (sth.) 和某人(某物)相符

Do you think religion is compatible with science?



v. to give sth. to make up for 补偿;赔偿

常与for连用,compensate(sb.) for sth.赔偿(某人)的……(损失) compensate sb.for sth.作“赔偿某人某事”解。如:We must compensate him for the time he spent in helping us.(我们必须补偿他为了帮助我们而花去的时间。) compensate for作“补偿”解。如:No amount of learning rules can compensate for practice.(多少条学习规律也补偿不了具体实践。)

compensate sb. for sth. 给某人赔偿某物/compensate a person for loss 赔偿某人损失/compensate for sth. 补偿


n. being competent; ability 胜任,能力,称职 legal authority 管辖权,权限

communicative competence 交际能力/professional competence 业务能力/social competence 社交能力/competence for...……的能力/competence in... 在……方面的能力

I doubt his competence for such an important position.



adj. of or involving competition 比赛的,竞争的 able to do as well as or better than others 有竞争力的

New product, process,and distribution technologies provide powerful levers for creating competitive value.



vt. produce (a book, list, report, etc.) in the way of collecting information and arranging it 编纂,编辑,编写,编制

compile a dictionary 编纂一部词典/compile an encyclopedia 编纂一部百科全书/compile materials into a book 把资料编辑成书

A dictionary of the English language, compiled by Dr. Samuel Johnson, was the first real attempt as a systematic written survey of English usage.



n. sth. that completes or make perfect 补充物;补足物 to make sth. (语法)补语vt.complete 补充;补足

complement是“补充,补足”,而compliment是“赞美(话);敬意”。如:The TV networks and newspapers complement each other and should not quarrel.(电视台和报纸相辅相成,不应争吵。) Love is the complement of the law.(爱的精神是法律的补充物。)He complimented his wife with a dozen roses.(他送妻子一打玫瑰以表敬意。)She accepted his compliment about her dress with a smile.(她以微笑接受他对她服装的赞美。) complement (vt.)与supplement (vt.)同义。

an indispensable complement to 对……必不可少的补足物


n. state of being complex, intricate or difficult; involved condition 复杂的情况;麻烦事 thing that makes a situation more complex or difficult 使情况更加复杂的事

avoid complications 避免复杂化,避免并发症/cause complications 引起复杂化,引起并发症/foresee complications 预见到复杂情况,预见到并发症/complications arise 出现了复杂情况,出现了并发症/complications set in 出现了复杂情况,出现了并发症

If no complications arise, the doctor says that he ll be able to come home within two weeks.



n. expression of praise, admiration, approval, etc. 赞美敬佩之词 (pl.) greetings, usu. as part of a message 致意,问候,祝贺 vt. express praise or admiration of sb. 表示赞美或敬佩

a backhanded/lefthanded compliment 言不由衷的恭维话,口是心非的恭维话/a fitting compliment 恰如其分的称赞/a sincere compliment 由衷的赞美/convey/present/send/extend one s compliments to 向……致意,向……致以问候/pay sb. a compliment 恭维某人,赞扬某人/lavish/shower compliments on 过分地恭维,大肆恭维/shower sb. with compliments 称赞某人/exchange compliments 互相问候/fish for compliments 故意引人说恭维话,故意讨别人的赞扬/a compliment on... 对……的赞美,对……的祝贺/compliment sb. on/for sth. 赞美某人的……

I paid him a nice compliment on his success.



vi. to act in accordance with another s command, request, rule, or wish 顺从;答应;遵守

comply作“遵从,依从”解时,同义词是obey,但comply是不及物动词,后要接with,而obey是及物动词,不需接介词。comply with的宾语往往是the rules of an organization(一个团体的规矩),the requirements of a law(法律的要求),或者sb. s desires or requests(某人的意愿或要求)。而obey的宾语也可以是人。

comply with 同意;答应;遵守;服从

Dependent, as they are, on politicians for much of their funding, scientists have little choice but to comply. Like the rest of us, they are members of a society that rates the creation of wealth as the greatest possible good.



adj. made up of different parts or materials 由不同的成分或材料组成的事物;混合的;合成;混合物

a composite substance 混合物 /a composite illustration 拼图

The play is a composite of reality and fiction.



adj. put into force by the law, orders, etc. 义务的;必须的;强制性的 required 必修的

compulsory education 义务教育/compulsory subjects 必修科目

Many countries have adopted systems of compulsory education in order to promote the average level of education.



v. to admit as true, just or proper often unwillingly 承认 to yield 认输;让步

The State Secretary conceded to newsmen that an immediate agreement in the Middle East was nowhere in sight.



v. to form an idea, plan, etc. 想像;设想(出) in the mind 认为 to become pregnant 怀孕

conceive an idea 想出一个主意/conceive of death as emptiness 把死亡想像为虚伪/conceive of 想出;想像/conceive the design of a new type plane 构想出一种新型飞机的图样/conceive of living without electricity 想像没有电的生活/conceive of... as 把……想像成……;认为……是……/conceive a child 怀孕/conceive a prejudice 抱有偏见

Living alone was conceived to be negative -dark and cold, while being together suggested warmth and light.But then came along the idea of singles.



n. a general understanding 思想;观念;概念 the act of forming an idea, plan, etc. 构想;设想

concept, conception

concept 指个别、具体的概念,指从同一类事物中归纳出来的“概念”或对某一事物所有的“概念”。如:The concept of “cat” arises from the many cats we see.“猫”这一概念是由我们所看见的许多猫而产生的。 conception 多指理性的概念活动,着重于概念的形成,思想的形成,也指具体的“概念,观念,想法”。如:The child s conception of the fancies is formed by his limited experience and his own fancies.小孩子关于宇宙的概念是凭借他有限的经验以及自己的想像而形成的。

have a clear conception of sth. 对某事有清晰的了解/have no conception of sth. 完全不懂某事/legal conceptions 法律观念/in sb s conception 据某人看

According to Maqxwell Maltz, our success and failure depend heavily on our own conception of ourselves, namely, how we see ourselves.



n. conceding 承认;让出;允许 thing granted or yielded, esp. after discussion, an argument 妥协,让步


adj. expressing much in few words 简明的;简短的;精练的

a concise answer 简洁的回答/be concise and to the point 简明扼要

The new secretary has written a remarkably concise report only in a few pages but with all the details.



v. to talk together in order to exchange opinions 商议;磋商 to give a gift, title, honour, etc. 授予;赋予

表示“授予某人(学位、称号、奖章等),常用on(upon)+sb.。作vi.时,表示“商议”,confer with sb. on (about) sth.与某人商议某事。


present指正式送给,常带有一定仪式,所送的东西总带有尊敬、客气的意义。如:A little girl presented the actress a bundle of flowers.一个小女孩献给女演员一束鲜花。 confer指有权者把荣誉、学位、勋章、文凭等授予做出成就的人。如:The university conferred its highest degree on the statesman.这所大学授予这位政治家最高学位。

confer a degree on sb. 给某人授学位/confer with sb. over (on) about sth. 就某事和某人商议

The school confers a medal on any student who is not absent a single day.



adj. to be kept secret 秘密的 not to be made know to others 亲信的

a confidential secretary 机要秘书

All personal information you supply to us will be considered confidential.


For a particular reason, he wanted the information to be treated as confidential.



n. arrangement of the parts of sth.构造,结构,布局 shape or outline 形状,外观


vt. to be obedient to 顺从 to be in agreement with 使适合;顺应

说“遵守”时,可以用conform to,也可以用conform with。如:conform to(或with) the rules (the laws)(遵守规则/法律);conform to(或with)sb. s wishes(依照某人的愿望)。conform用作及物动词时,后面与介词to连用。如:conform one s ideas to another s(使自己的思想和另一个人的相一致”;conform oneself to the customs of society(使自己适应社会习俗)。

conform to,conform with

conform to 和 conform with 都可用来表示“顺从,遵照”,但 conform to 是有主观意识的行为。 conform with 是无意识的客观结果,试比较:conform to the fashion 遵从时尚,conform with the fashion 入时。 如:Most people willingly conform to the customs of society. 大多数人乐于遵守社会习俗。如:His ideas not conform with mine. 他的想法跟我的不一致。

conform to (with) the law 遵守法律/conform to (with) sb. s wishes 依照某人的愿望/conform one s ideas to another s 使自己的思想和另一个人的相一致


v. make sb. face or consider sb. /sth. unpleasant, difficult, etc. 使面临,正视(困难等) (of a difficulty, etc.) face sb. threateningly; oppose (指困难等)降临到(某人)头上;面临 face sth. defiantly 对抗,面对

confront是及物动词,作“临到……头上”解时,通常以任务、困难等名词作主语。如:The difficulties that confront us seem insuperable.(我们所面临的困难似乎是不可克服的。) be confronted with后面所接的是某人的处境,或被置于、被带到某人面前的人或物。如:The explorers were confronted with gorges almost impassable.(探险者遇到了几乎是不可逾越的峡谷。) be confronted by用于后面所接的是“面对”的人或物。


face和confront作动词时,均有“面对”的意思。 face为一般用词,使用范围广,更口语化。作“面临”讲时,含有“有勇气、有决心或有信心”的意义。如:We were prepared to face the consequences.我们准备承担后果。 confront为书面语,指面临各种问题、困难、任务等。如:A soldier has to confront danger and death.军人必须面对危险和死亡。

confront danger and death 赴汤蹈火/confront hardships 不辞辛苦/confront sb. with sth. 把(某物)摆在(某人)面前/be confronted with (by) 面临;面对;碰上

The boy confronted his accuser and conducted his own defence in court.



n. bewilderment or embarrassment 迷乱,惶惑 disorder 混乱,杂乱 mistaking of one person or thing for another 混淆,混同 state of uncertainty 不确定状态


adj. (of people or conduct) careful to do what one ought to do, and do it as well as one can (批复人或行为)认真的,尽责的 done with great care and attention 小心谨慎的


adj. coming one after the other without stop; following continuously 顺序来的;连续不断的

consecutive days 连续几天/consecutive numbers 连续数,连号/a consecutive clause 结果从句/the fifth consecutive weekend 连续第五个周末

It rained for five consecutive days last week.



n. a general agreement (意见等的)一致;一致同意

by general consensus 根据普遍的意见/reach a consensus with sb. on sth. 在某事上与某人达成一致意见/build a consensus with sb. 与某人达成一致意见

The executives believed that consensus rather than conflict enhanced financial indicators.


There can be wide differences of opinion on separate issues with a broad consensus.


A large group will seldom have a consensus of opinion.



adj. following as a result 作为结果的,随之发生的

consequent on/upon 因……而引起;作为……的结果/be consequent on 跟着……发生的;因……而引起的/the experiment and consequent explosion 这次试验以及由此引起的爆炸

Nola s long illness and consequent absence put her behind in her work.



v. to keep from change, loss or destruction 保护;保存

conserve有表示完好无缺的含义,指为避免不必要的或过多的变化、损失、损耗而使用的手段。如:conserve one s energy(保存精力);而同义词preserve强调防御破坏的含义,指保持某物存在或不受损所使用的方法。如:Preserve the environment from pollution.(保护环境不受污染。)conserve后面的宾语一般是energy,health,resources这类的词,不能与“钱财”连用。

conserve our natural resources 保护我们的自然资源/conserve one s energy 保存精力/conserve water 节约用水

To conserve is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment.


By one calculation, daylight saving conserved the equivalent of 100 000 barrels of oil a day.



v. to make or become strong or firm 巩固;加强

consolidate one s position 巩固某人的地位/consolidate one s power 巩固某人的权力/consolidate one s reputation 巩固某人的威望/consolidate ideas 统一思想/consolidate banks 合并银行/consolidated fund (英)统一基金/consolidate at every step 步步为营/consolidate four small farms into a vast cattle ranch 把4个小农场合并为一个大牧场


noticeable; attracting attention; easily seen 显眼的;明显的

conspicuous是“显而易见的,引人注目的”,引申义为“显著的,卓越的”。如:A traffic sign should be conspicuous.(交通标志应该显明。)Lincoln is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded.(林肯是一个穷苦孩子而功成名就的出色例子。)


conspicuous “显著的”,主要用于引人注目的,非常明显不会错过或忽略的事物,该事物或因成绩显著或因外观奇特或因行为语言不合常规或色彩鲜艳而引人注目。如:She is always conspicuous because of her fashionable clothes. 她衣着时髦,总是惹人注目。 noticeable “引人注意的,值得注意的”。如:The water has a noticeable,but not bad taste. 这水有明显气味但味道不错。 remarkable “显著的,非凡的”,该词是在 noticeable 基础上增加评论。如:He made remarkable achievements in this field. 他在这个领域取得了显著成就。 prominent “突出的”,用于形容突出明显的位置,或突出周围环境,指人时表示有一定知名度,但语义较 outstanding 弱,程度也差。如:This book is on the most prominent site. 这本书放在最引人注目的地方。 outstanding “杰出的”,指在同类人或事物中出类拔萃的。如:The boy was quite outstanding. 这男孩是相当突出的。

be conspicuous for sth. 因……而著称/a conspicuous error 一个明显的错误

A visitor to a museum today would notice conspicuous changes in the way museums are operated.


My aunt s bright red dress was conspicuous in the crowd of people wearing dull colors.



adj. forming or helping to make a whole 组成的,构成的 n. member of a constituency 选区的选民 component part 成分,要素


component 指一整体的组成部分,可分可合,如机器中的零部件,在化学中指混合物中的组成、成分;如:Copper and zinc are the components of brass. 铜和锌是黄铜的组成部分。 ingredient指在混合物中组成部分,是构成一物体的成分;如:Two of the ingredients of the cake are chocolate and sugar. 蛋糕的两种原料是巧克力和糖。 element指一整体中必不可少的,或固有的部分;如:Water is a compound containing the elements hydrogen and oxygen. 水是含有氢和氧的化合物。 constituent通常指整体中不可少的部分。如:What are the constituent parts of an atom? 原子是由哪些部分组成的?

constituent corporation 子公司/the constituent parts of an atom 原子的组成部分

In the notforprofit organizations, decisionmaking effectiveness was defined from the perspective of satisfying constituents.


Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from constituents on earth rather than bacteria on Mars.



vt. to prevent from developing freely 限制;约束 to make sb. do sth. 克制;抑制 by force 强迫;迫使

后接宾语+不定式(to do)。


force 指用权力或力量使人或物行动,或迫使人去做违心的事或不愿做的事,故暴力威胁含义较强,常带不定式作宾语、补语。如:We forced the enemy to surrender.我们迫使敌人投降。 constrain 指由于受外力、环境或某种需要所强加的影响迫使某人去做某事;常用来指受良心、情感等内在力量的驱使,常用被动语态。如:I feel constrained to write and ask for your forgiveness.我不得不写信请求你原谅。 compel 指强有力地迫使或催促对方去做,带不定式作宾语补语。如:Nobody can compel me to do such a thing.谁也不能迫使我做这样的事。 oblige 指必要性的意义较强,常指因生理上、理智上、道德上的需要促使某人去做某事;但强迫语气最弱,而 force 语气最强。如:The school regulation oblige us to be present at school on time.校规要求我们按时到校。

constrain oneself 强迫;自制/constrain one s anger 抑制愤怒/constrain sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事/be constrained to do sth. 不得不做某事/constrain sb. from sth. 忍着不做某事/constrain sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

He was tied to the wall, where he was constrained to stay till a kind passerby released him.


Sometimes environments constrain those people and sometimes environments give those people opportunity.



n. hospital doctor of senior rank 会诊医师;顾问医生 person who gives expert advice 顾问

I think we need to see an investment consultant before we make an expensive mistake.



n. person who buys goods or uses services 消费者;顾客;用户

electricity consumers 电力的用户/consumer rights, protection, etc 消费者的权利、保障等

Raised in an era of privatization and increased consumer choice. Today s techsavvy(精通技术的)workers have embraced a free and temperamentally independent enough to want to do so.



vt. make sth./sb. impure by adding dangerous or diseasecarrying substances 污染;使受污染

contaminate one s mind 毒害某人的思想/a contaminate reservoir 被污染的水库/contaminated water 污染的水/be contaminated by bureaucratism 沾染官僚主义作风/a wound contaminated by bacteria 受细菌感染的伤口


vt. to think deeply about 盘算;打算 to look at quietly and solemnly 注视;凝视


contemplate one s future 考虑自己的前途/contemplate one s fingertips in embarrassment 窘得目不转睛地看着自己的手指尖/contemplate doing sth. 打算做某事

He is contemplating a trip to the neighbouring countries during the sevenday holiday.



n. disparaging or haughty disdain, as for something base or unworthy; scorn 轻视;轻蔑;耻辱;不尊敬

contempt作“轻视,轻蔑”解时,通常只用作不可数名词,前面有时可加不定冠词,后面常接介词for。如:show a contempt for sb.(表示对某人极为蔑视)。

be beneath contempt 极为荒谬可鄙的;不屑一顾/ bring into contempt 使受人鄙视/bring contempt upon oneself 自取其辱;自讨没趣/commit for contempt (of court) 判处藐视法庭罪/fall into contempt 被人看不起;丢脸/have (hold) sb. in contempt 鄙视某人/in contempt of 不顾;不把……放在眼里;藐视

He refused to answer in contempt of the rules of the court.



vi. to compete as in a race or against difficulties 搏斗;斗争 to say with strength 坚决主张;争辩


contend against a disease (nature) 同疾病(大自然)做斗争/contend for spheres of influence 争夺势力范围/contend with sb. about a matter 与某人辩论某事/contend with sth. 全力对付某事/contend for first prize 为得每一名而参加竞赛/contend to excel oneself 为出人头地而奋斗


n. the setting of a word, phrase, etc., among the surrounding words, phrases, etc. often used for helping to explain the meaning of the word, phrase, etc. 上下文,(文章的)前后关系 circumstances in which sth. happens or in which sth. is to be considered (事情发生的)环境,背景


n. the state of being continuous 连续(性);持续(性)

break the continuity of the story 打破故事的连续性/a continuity of misfortunes 接踵而来的一连串祸殃

We must ensure continuity of fuel supplies.


This article lacks continuity ; the writer keeps jumping from one subject to another. 这篇文章缺乏连贯性,作者一味东拉西扯,杂乱无章。


v. to deny the truth of sth. 反驳;否认 to be contrary to 与……发生矛盾;与……冲突

contradict one s statement 驳斥某人的说法/contradict a rumor 辟谣/contradict a theory 与理论相矛盾/contradict each other 互相抵触


n. action of contributing 捐款,损助;贡献; 促成;投稿 thing contributed 捐赠;稿件

He was very much interested in the work of charities, and made a regular contribution to them.



vt. to plan, usu. with skill 谋划;策划 to form or make in a clever or skillful way; 设法做到 vi. to succeed in doing sth., esp. in spite of difficulty 料理家务;经营管理

表示“设法,谋划”时,后接不定式to do,有时to可省略。

contrive to do sth. 成功地做到某事/contrive a robbery 策划一场抢劫/contrive a new method 设计出一种新方法

They gathered to contrive her death.



adj. likely to cause or causing much argument or disagreement 引起争议的;有争议的

a controversial issue 引起争论的问题/a controversial person 有争议的人物


n. public discussion or argument, often rather angry, about sth. which many people disagree with 公开辩论,论战

The controversy began on 1 February, when Ingham testified before New Zealand s Royal Commission on Genetic Modification, which will determine how to regulate GM organisms.



to come together towards a common point (在一点上)会合;互相靠拢

常与at, on, upon连用。

converge at a certain point 集中在某一点/converge on the city for the horse race 从四面八方涌到这座城市观看赛马

Everything converges on to the eye as to the vanishing point of infinity.



vt. declare in a law court that sb. is guilty (of a crime) 宣判某人有(……)罪n. person undergoing punishment; criminal 囚犯


convict指宣判罪犯犯有被控的罪行, sentence指宣布判决。如:They jury convicted the prisoner of murder and was sentenced to life imprisonment. 陪审团宣判这犯人有谋杀罪,并被判处终身监禁。He was sentenced to six years imprisonment. 他被判处六年徒刑。

a convict murder 已定罪的谋杀犯/convict sb. of sth. 宣判某人有罪

It is said that the fingerprints found on the rifle will be used to convict him.



n. the convicting of a person for a crime 定罪 firm opinion or belief 确信,信服

I came away from my years of teaching on the college and university level with a conviction that enactment, performance, dramatization are the most successful forms of teaching.



adj. marked by cooperative venture, attempt, etc 合作的企业、尝试等 owned and run by those participating, with profits shared by them 共同掌握所有权和管理权并分享其利的;合作的n. cooperation business or other organization 合作企业其他组织

a cooperative effort 协同努力/a cooperative patient 愿意配合的病人/a cooperative society 合作社/a cooperative medical service 合作医疗(制度)/a cooperative bank 合作银行/a cooperative farm 合作农场/a cooperative store 合作商店/a credit cooperative 信用合作社/an advanced cooperative 高级合作社

These handicraft cooperatives are for all kinds of repairs.



adj. warm and sincere 热诚的 friendly 诚恳的 gracious 真挚的

a cordial smile 热诚的微笑/a cordial invitation 热诚的邀请/receive a cordial welcome 受到热情的欢迎/in a cordial and friendly atmosphere 在热烈友好的气氛中/be cordial to sb. 对某人热诚

He was cordial in all his letters.



adj. of or shared by all the members of a group; collective 团体的,共同的 of or belonging to a corporation 法人团体的,公司的

a corporate body 团体;法人组织/a corporate company 合股公司/a corporate town自治城市/corporate responsibility 共同责任/corporate effort 共同的努力/corporate assets 社团资产/corporate culture 社团文化/corporate image 公司形象/corporate property 集团财产

“If you are going into the corporate world it is still a disadvantage not to have one,” said Donald Morrison, professor of marketing and management science. “But in the last five years or so, when somone says, ‘Should I attempt to get an MBA,’ the answer a lot more is: It depends.”

“如果想进入商界,没有一个MBA学位还是处于劣势,”营销和管理学教授 Donald Morrison 说。“但是,在过去五年左右,当有人问‘我应该去读MBA吗’,得到的答复多半是:看情况吧。”(2003年1月阅读理解)

The success was due not to one man but to corporate effort.



n. (pl. unchanged) military force made up of two or more divisions 兵团,军 group of people involved in a particular activity 从事某活动的团体

an army corps 军团/a Signal Corps 通讯兵部队/a diplomatic corps 外交使团/a press corps 联合报道组/an air training corps 航空训练部队/a chemical corps 化学兵部队/a salvage corps 水火灾救护队/a dareto die corps 敢死队/a flying corps 航空队/an ambulance corps 野战卫生队

A large hospital has to have a corps of nurses.



v. have a mutual relation or connection, esp. of affecting or depending on each other 相关,相互有关系 n. either of two related things, esp. when on implies the other 相互关联的事物

correlate... with 使……与……发生关系,把……与……联系起来/correlate the theory with practice 把理论与实践联系起来

It is true that in this country we have more overweight people than ever before, and that, in many cases, being overweight correlates with an increased risk of heart and blood vessel disease.

我们国家超重的人的确比以前多了,而且,很多情况下超重的确与心血管疾病风险的加大相关。 (2002年6月阅读理解)

The diameter and the circumference of a circle correlate.



n. the act of exchanging letters 通信(联系) the letters exchanged between people 信件;信函

be in correspondence with sb. about 与……一致,就……与某人通信


n. person who contributes news or comments regularly to a newspaper, radio station, etc., esp. from abroad 通讯员,记者 person who writes letters to another通信者 thing that corresponds 对应物


v. be destroyed or destroy sth. slowly, esp. by chemical action 腐蚀,侵蚀

corrode easily 易受腐蚀/corrode badly 腐蚀严重

An iron tool, if never used, will corrode with rust.



adj. immoral; wicked; bad 腐败的;不道德的;堕落的 dishonest, esp. through accepting bribes 贪污受贿的;不诚实的 v. make sb./sth. comupt 使堕落,腐化;贿赂,收买

corrupt morals 腐败的风气/corrupt practices 舞弊行为/corrupt politicians 腐败的政客/corrupt sb. 贿赂某人


adj. of the cosmos; universal 宇宙的,广大无边的


n. the clothes or style of dress typical of a certain period or group or for a particular activity 戏装,(一个时期/国家流行的)服装;服饰


clothing 为衣服总称,包括各种内衣、外衣、长裤、短裤等,也指衣着用品、帽子、手套等;如:There are articles of clothing in this shop. 这家商店出售各种服装和衣着用品。 clothes指具体的各种衣服,如大衣、外套、内衣等;如:Put on your clothes, please. 请穿上衣服。 dress是衣服总称,但特指男女外衣,还指大正式社交场合穿的各种比较讲究的服装,如礼服等,也特指妇女的连衣裙和女孩子的外衣;如:He doesn t care much about dress. 他对穿着不太介意。 cloth指布料。如:Two yards of cloth will be enough for a skirt. 两码布料够做一件裙子。

historical costumes 古装/a hunting costume 猎装/national costumes 民族服装/the stage costume 戏装/traditional costume 传统服装/a winter costume 冬装/a sports costume 运动装/costume play 古装戏


vi. send out air from the lungs violently and noisily, esp. to clear one s throat or when one has a cold, etc. 咳嗽 n. act or sound of coughing 咳嗽

cough sth. up 咳出;勉强说出,不情愿交出

He coughed his refusal in friendly language.



n. advice 忠告;劝告; a lawyer 律师;法律顾问 vt. to advise 劝告;提议

counsel指的是严肃的advice,对于一些重要的问题起码是人们寻求的重要问题以正式的或者权威的水平给予咨询、评议。如:The senior asked the bank president for counsel about career in banking.(那个大学四年级学生向银行总裁询问关于银行业的职业问题。) counsel是不可数名词。


advise与counsel均表示“劝告,忠告”。 advise为一般用语,对重要的或一般的事情提出意见或忠告。如:Her mother advised her against marrying in haste.她妈妈劝她不要匆忙结婚。 counsel为正式用语,指权威人士或官员经深思熟虑、详细研究后对重大事情提出郑重的意见、劝告或咨询,有时也指为人出谋划策。如:The economists counseled increasing exports.经济学家建议增加出口。

keep one s own counsel 保密;不发表意见/take counsel together (with) 共同商量

You d better seek an architect s counsel before building the house.



n. person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as sb. or sth. 相对应或具有相同功能的人或物

have no counterpart in the world 举世无双

The sales manager phoned his counterpart in the rival firm.



v. good manners 谦恭有礼;礼貌 n. a polite action 礼貌的举止

courtesy指“谦恭有礼”时,通常用作不可数名词。by courtesy of意为“蒙……的好意(或准许);蒙……提供(或赠送”。如:The costumes for the play were by courtesy of the museum.(戏装承蒙博物馆借予。)

by courtesy of 经……许可;蒙……的好意;由于……的作用

The costumes for the play were by courtesy of the museum.



n. person who lacks courage 胆小鬼 person who runs away from danger 懦夫

a great coward about the water 怕水的胆小鬼/much of a coward 很胆小/turn coward 变成懦夫/

His guilty conscience turned him into a coward.



n. small, low bed sometimes mounted on rockers, for a newborn baby 摇篮 place where sth. is born or begins 发源地,发祥地

from the cradle to the grave 从生到死/from the cradle 自幼

Mother put the baby in its cradle and rocked it to sleep.



n. acton of creating 创造;产生

the whole creation 宇宙,万物/the creation of the brain 思维的产物/the creation of an empire 帝国的创立/a creation of a great artist 艺术大师的作品/the creation of the world in seven days 七天的创世过程 the creation of a good impression 良好印象的产生

Like the rest of us, they are members of a society that rates the creation of wealth as the greatest possible good. Many have reservations, but keep them to themselves in what they perceive as a climate hostile to the pursuit of understanding for its own sake and the idea of an inquiring, creative spirit.



n. person who is unable to walk or move properly because of disease or injury to the spine or legs 跛子,残疾人 v. make sb. a cripple 使……跛,使……残废 damage or waken sth. seriously 使……受损害;使……丧失活动能力;严重损坏或削弱

cripple sb. 使某人受伤致残/cripple a machine 使机器陷于瘫痪/be crippled with rheumatism 因患风湿病而致残/be crippled for life 终生残废/a crippled plane 损坏的飞机/a crippled left arm 伤残的左臂/a crippling disease 致残性疾病

She was crippled in the car accident.



adj. hard, dry and easily broken 脆的,硬而易碎的 (esp. of fruit or vegetables) firm and fresh 清新的;令人爽快的 (of sb. s manner, way of speaking, etc.) brisk, precise and decisive( 态度、说话方式等)干脆明确的

crisp vegetables 新鲜蔬菜/crisp apples 脆脆的饼干/a crisp biscuits 松脆的饼干/a crisp uniform 挺拔的制服/crisp air 清新的空气/a crisp morning 一个干冷的早晨/a crisp reply 爽快的回答/a man with a crisp manner of speaking 说话爽快的人

The speaker has a crisp style of delivery.



an established standard by which sth. is judged 标准;尺度

criterion指那种人们借以做出或证实某一判断的标准,而standard指用以确定数量、重量、大小,尤其是价值、性能、水平或程度的权威性尺度、或标准。如:These laws do establish useful criteria of conduct.(这些法律确定了有用的行为准则。)This nation has a high standard of education.(这个国家具有很高的教育标准。)

a criterion for judging intelligence 判断智力的标准/the criterion of truth 检验真理的标准

Schwenk interpreted these results in terms of the criteria for effective decision making suggested by the executives.


Practice is the only criterion of truth.


In today s medical, little agreement exists on the criteria for defining mental illness.



of deciding importance 紧要关头的;决定性的

常与for,to连用。crucial用于指实际的危急的形势,有决定性的、关系重大的含义。如:at the crucial moment(在重要的关头);a crucial battle(决定性的战斗)。这个意义上的crucial与critical在意思上非常相近。如:We are at critical time in our history.(我们处历史关键时刻。)


acute通常指需要或缺乏的东西到危急程度,需要给予补充、增加。如:an acute water storage 严重缺水。crucial 用于指实际的危急的形势,期望迅速采取决策或得到外援,含有将产生决定性的结果。如:at the crucial moment 在紧要关头

a crucial decision (question) 关键性的决定(关系重大的问题)

Such personal sacrifices, even if they are largely symbolic, help to create the sense of community and employee loyalty that is crucial to the Japanese way of doing business.


One s attitude towards job hunting would be crucial to his prospects.


Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.



v. sail about, either for pleasure or, in wartime, looking for enemy ships 巡航,巡游n. pleasure voyage 巡游;海上航游

When the German cruise ship Wilhelm Gustloff was hit by torpedoes fired from a russian submarine in the final winter of World War Ⅱ, more than 10 000 people were packed aboard.

德国巡航舰 Wilhelm Gustloff 在二战期间受到俄罗斯潜水艇鱼雷的攻击,当时船上有10 000多人。(2004年6月阅读理解)


n. a word, phrase or action serving as a signal for the next person to speak or act 提示, 暗示,信号

on cue 恰好在这个时候/take one s cue from sb. 学……样;听……的劝告


vi. to have the specified final conclusion or result 以……告终

culminate in 以……告终/culminate in bankruptcy 以破产而告终/culminate in failure 以失败而告终


adj. increasing steadily in amount by one addition after another 累积的;渐增的

a cumulative dividend 累计红利/a cumulative penalty 加重处罚

Depressions often caused by the cumulative effects of stress and overwork.


The cumulative effects of many illnesses made him very weak.



n. thing that restrains or controls 起约束或控制作用的事物 v. prevent sth. from getting out of control; restrain 防止……失控;约束

curb one s enthusiasm 抑制某人的热情/curb inflation 控制通货膨胀/curb oil imports 限制石油进口/place a curb upon 抑制……/ease curbs on... 放松对……的限制/put a curb to the anger 抑制怒气/keep a curb on one s passions 克制自己的感情/at the curb 在路边/population curbs 人口控制/a curb on prices 物价控制

An energy tax would curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil imports and cut the budget deficit.


The driver parked his car at the curb.



adj.( of a speaker, his manner, what he says) rudely brief; abrupt 指说话者、态度、话语)简单粗暴的,唐突无礼的

a curt answer, rebuke, etc 唐突无礼的回答、责难等

He s rather curt when he s angry.


I was a little curt with him, ie spoke sharply to him.



n. money system in use in a country 通货,货币


n. (pl. curricular) course of study in school 课程

Among science courses, the international gap is even wider. U.S. curricula for this age level resemble those of a small group of countries including Australia, thailand, Iceland, and bulgaria.



adj. according to custom; usual 合乎习俗的;习惯上的

customary practice 习惯做法/customary promptness 惯常的迅捷

Is it customary to tip waiters in your country?


She gave the customary speech of thanks to the chairman.



n. a long round hollow or solid body 圆柱体 an object or container shaped like this 圆筒, 圆柱物 cylindershaped hollow part inside which the piston moves in an engine 汽缸

working/firing on all cylinders 开足马力,竭尽全力


denying the sincerity of people s motives and actions or the value of living 愤世嫉俗的;怀疑的

be cynical about sb. s motives 对某人动机的讥讽/get more cynical about life 更加愤世嫉俗

He developed a cynical attitude after years of frustration in his career.


With that cynical outlook, he doesn t trust anyone.
