
第15章 Zhaotoin Casts Greedy Eyes ......(3)

According to Choru, the people of the Ling area were welcome to live there as long as they liked. There was no need for any rent either. Even the palace and castle built by the Han and Tibetan merchants would be given to them as a present.

All the heads of the Ling tribes agreed on the migration. The Old Chief Rongcha Chageng decided that on the 10th day of the 12th Tibetan month all the Ling tribes should meet at Teya Tatang Chamo in the Yellow River Valley and wait for Choru to allot the land.

All the Ling people were happy with this but not sure how the land would be allotted by Choru. Zhaotoin was especially afraid that his part wouldn’t be good or big enough.

It was the 10th day of the 12th Tibetan month and all the people from the Ling area met at Teya Tatang Chamo. Choru stood in front of them. Choru looked extremely fine wearing a bowler hat, formal dress and shining riding boots. All the people present couldn’t help holding him in awe.

Choru first introduced and explained the geographical position of the Yellow River Valley and then he began to allot the land:

“The Yellow River area is a good and holy land. The best part should be for the Nyiboin Daya and Sersi Tribes. The best ravine in the Yellow River Valley is home to lots of wild animals. This land is suitable for brave men to live in. This part should be for the Paseng and Wenbo tribes. The area north of Chelha, the middle reaches of the Yellow River, is blessed with lush grasslands and plenty of water. This area is suitable for a powerful person to live in. I give it to my uncle, the head chieftain. There are many dagobas and monasteries in the Zhadorcho Gully where Dragon Mother holds a worshipping ceremony when descending into the world. I give this area to my father Senglong. The area north of Logo in the lower reaches of the Yellow River is covered with snow perennially and has a perilous terrain. It is really a place for a tough man to live in. I give this area to my uncle Zhaotoin.”

All the Ling people were very satisfied with the result, except Zhaotoin. Even so, he could not show his dissatisfaction.

On the 15th day of the 12th Tibetan month, Choru opened his storehouse and allocated numerous treasures, silks and tea for the Ling people. Everybody was very happy. From then on, the people of the Ling Tribes started their new life in the Yellow River Valley.

Seeing that the Ling people had settled down in the Yellow River Valley and led a peaceful and well ordered life, Choru felt that he had finished a significant mission. He thus wanted to go to Mamei Yulong Songtog to set up a new home. Being afraid that no one would agree, he played the same trick as he did in the Ling area, creating many disgusting incidents. The Ling people were not yet aware of the prophecy and believed that Choru had become a terrible demon again. As a result, Choru and his mother were banished to Mamei Yulong Songtog where demons and spirits abounded uncontrollably.

In Mamei Yulong Songtog, using his magic power, Choru turned into many incarnations and defeated all the demons and spirits, big and small. As a result this land began to become prosperous. As time passed by, Choru grew into a 12-year-old boy.

It was on the eighth day of the Tibetan month of Yin. The day hadn’t broken and Choru was still in a sound sleep. Aunt, Norman Garmo, came to Choru, riding on a white lion and surrounded by many fairies. She whispered in Choru’s ear:

“Although Choru has done lots of good deeds for the Ling area, people will still live in misery if you don’t ascend the throne.”

Being half awake, Choru heard Aunt’s voice: “Child, at this time tomorrow, you should turn into Diamond King with a Horse Head and make a prophecy for Zhaotoin. Tell him that the Horse Races must be held at once and the stakes should include the throne, the Seven Treasures and the most beautiful girl in the Ling area, Sengcham Cholmo of the Chalho Tribe. You should also tell him that the winner of the Horse Race will be his Yocha horse.”

Norman Garmo reminded Choru that to win the Horse Race, he must be equipped with an unrivalled heavenly horse. “If you get the heavenly horse you will have no problem winning the race. Go quickly and make preparation for the race! It is time to display your invincible power,” his Aunt added.

Suddenly, Choru woke up. It was still dark around him. His Aunt was gone, but her words were clearly remembered. Choru said to himself: “Aunt is right. In the past 12 years, I have brought lots of benefits to the Ling people. However, no one understood me. On the contrary, misunderstanding occurred frequently. Now, it is time for me to reveal my talent to everyone. I shall follow the instructions of my Aunt and take part in the Horse Race to take over the leadership of the Ling tribes.”

At this time, Zhaotoin was deeply immersed in praying to the Buddhist Guardian, the Horse Head Diamond King. This was really a good opportunity for Choru. After midnight of the ninth day when Zhaotoin was half asleep, Choru turned into a crow and sang a prophetic song for Zhaotoin:

“Don’t sleep, Zhaotoin King, I am the Buddhist Guardian, the Horse Head Diamond King. Hurry and prepare for the Horse Races. The stakes will belong to the Darong’s. The throne, the Seven Treasures and pretty Sengcham Cholmo will be bestowed on you. The fine horse Yocha will give you a helping hand.”

When Zhaotoin opened his eyes the crow had disappeared into the Buddhist Guardian, the Horse Head Diamond King, worshiped by him. Zhaotoin had no doubt over the prophecy. He got up immediately to kowtow to the Horse Head Diamond King. He told his princess Tansa the prophecy from the Horse Head Diamond King and asked her to make full preparations for the Horse Races.

Tansa felt very doubtful and she felt that she had to tell her husband:

“My king don’t believe the words of a crow at midnight. It is not the deity but the demon. Its words are not a prophecy but deceit. My king …”

Not bothering to hear the princess out, Zhaotoin thought of the prophecy of Horse Head Diamond King: