
第32章 An Expedition to Kill... (5)

“Yesterday, a white sheep was sick and I killed him. Maybe I was spattered by his blood or affected by his smell,” Chin’ en hastily explained.

“Well, maybe,” Nortsam said in a uncertainly way. “Chin’ en, sit down and have a rest please. I’ll go and have a look around myself. My queen, you stay here with Chin’ en.” Nortsam went out immediately.

Chin’ en knew that the demon king didn’t trust him but this was a very good chance to talk with the queen.

Seeing Nortsam leaving, Chin’ en immediately said to Mesa: “Oh, queen, yesterday an Indian businessman passing by here said he had come from Ling Garpo.”

“Well, what did he say?” Mesa was excited when she heard Ling Garpo mentioned.

“He said that there was no king in the State of Ling and that Gesar had already been dead for over a year.”

“What? What did you say?” Mesa couldn’t conceal her true feelings for King Gesar when she heard that he was dead.

Seeing that Mesa was anxious, Chin’ en spoke more gently: “Maybe I have misheard or maybe that Indian businessman got his facts mixed up, so the best way is that I bring him here and you can ask him face to face.”

“Ok! You bring him to Seraglio. Remember to keep this from Nortsam.”

“Yes, I understand.”

When Chin’ en left Mesa was utterly confused and disconcerted. She had expected that one day King Gesar would come to rescue her from this demon place but now she was in despair.

Today, she would ask that Indian businessman. If it was true she would follow Gesar and die. If it was false she would have the five-headed monster eat him because of his lies.” While Mesa was thinking Chin’ en had already brought Gesar in.

Looking at the face of this “Indian businessman,” Mesa had a sense of déjà vu, no, not the feeling of knowing but a quite familiar feeling.

Gesar stared at Mesa at the same time. The beautiful headwear couldn’t cover up her haggard face and the luxurious clothes couldn’t cover up her feeble body. She was much thinner now than when she had been in the State of Ling.

Gesar took off his merchant’s coat slowly revealing his Lion King costume. Meanwhile, Mesa also stripped down from her devil queen fineries to her white underdress. King Gesar and his queen Mesa embraced each other tightly. Mesa sobbed gently and Gesar shed tears silently.

“My King, please take me out of here quickly.”

“Wife, don’t worry, we will leave after I subdue the demon.”

“Ah….” Mesa was a little hesitant. She did not intend to prevent Gesar from killing the Demon King but she was worried that the Demon King would hurt Gesar. Mesa brought Gesar to the inner demon palace:

“My dear King. Look! This is Nortsam’s bed, this is his bowl and this is his iron ball and arrow.”

When Gesar lay down on the bed for a while, he was as small as a baby just covering one corner of the bed. Then he turned to the bowl, iron ball and arrow but he failed to lift them. When she saw this Mesa hurried to comfort him:

“It is extremely difficult to defeat this demon.”

“Then, should I give up now? Mesa, you must know the ways and means to defeat him. Please help me.”

“Well! I will kill his yellow cow for you. After you eat it you will get more power.”

Mesa went out immediately and killed the cow and boiled it. After Gesar had eaten the whole cow at one sitting he grew taller and stronger immediately. The bed wasn’t big enough for him and the bowl, iron ball and arrow were just like feathers for him to lift up. Gesar was quite delighted, so was Mesa. She said:

“At this rate, it is possible to defeat the demon.”