
第20章 风采(3)

At least life at the top hasn,t been dull for Craig Barrett, the 25year Intel veteran who stepped into the CEO slot at the beginning of 1998. Since then, the company has been blindsided by the sudden rise of the market for sub1,000 PCs, had its dirty laundry aired at the Microsoft antitrust trial, and settled a patentinfringement complaint by the U.S. Justice Department even as the feds continue to probe other Intel business practices. Worst of all, two Intel employees were murdered under horrifying circumstances in Uganda in early March. Throughout this trying time, Barrett has maintained his focus on Intel,s manufacturing operations. For good reason: As microchips find their way into ever more nonPC devices, they will have to become even smaller and more versatile. “You need a guy like Barrett to manage that transition,” says Cowen Co. analyst Drew Peck.


Business Philosophy: Look ahead rather than back. Set high expectations, and meet deadlines.


Headache: Competitors such as Advanced Micro Devices, which was much quicker than Intel to spot the growth potential of sub1,000 PCs.


True story: In 1986, when Japan ruled the semiconductor market, Barrett learned everything he could about Japanese manufacturing practices. He applied what he learned at Intel,s chipfabrication plants. Today, the Japanese emulate Intel.


Management Style: A plantfloor guy. Before he was named CEO, he personally inspected each of Intel,s dozens of fabrication plants around the world. Former CEO Andy Grove joked that Barrett had collected enough frequentflier miles to buy his own airline.


Personal Strengths: Detailoriented and disciplined. And to the relief of those weary of his predecessor,s fractious and intimidating style, he,s not Andy Grove.


Habits: Works in a ninefootsquare gray cubicle, like everyone else at Intel. Always takes the stairs up and down the five flights to his office space. Picks up after litterbugs.


Resume highlight: Before he joined Intel, he was a tenured Stanford professor (he holds a Ph.D. in materials science).


How he got the job: Worked handinglove with Grove for 24 years.


Other interest: Outdoor sports, especially flyfishing.


Corporate goal: To make Intel,s existing plants even more productive and efficient.


Financial reward: Barrett owns more than 840,000 Intel shares, worth in excess of 100 million.


CEO of the Apple


Here,s a guy with enough savvy and brainpower to effectively hold down two CEO jobs at once - and do a pretty amazing job at both. We,ve listed him for his post at Apple, but of course Steve Jobs also runs Pixar, the animation company. Jobs arrested Apple,s slow death spiral and even put some oomph back into the pioneering computer firm he helped found. Coming in after a 1 billion loss in fiscal 1997, Jobs turned a 106 million profit - 38 percent above Wall Street,s consensus target. A lot of credit goes to a very simple idea: Make computers in different colors. Jobs was the only one who thought to make it happen. The colorful midpriced iMac has also succeeded by playing down the compatibility conundrum. Apple positioned it as the machine for the Internet, where compatibility questions are no big deal. Behind the scenes, Jobs also streamlined the product line, reduced the head count, consolidated distribution, and slimmed inventory. Meanwhile, over at Pixar, A Bug,s Life nabbed a total 159 million in domestic box office, the highest domestic animated take since Toy Story and third highest ever, after Toy Story and the leader, The Lion King.

这儿我们要给您介绍的是一位能够同时兼做两份首席执行官工作的杰出能人。我们将他的任职公司写为苹果公司,而实际上史蒂文·乔伯斯同时还是另一家蓬勃发展的公司PIXAR的员工。乔伯斯被苹果公司慢耗损的螺线所吸引,他甚至为这家他帮助创立的电脑公付出了较大的努力。1997年,在这家公司亏损达到10亿美元的时候,乔伯斯加入了苹果公司,之后他为公司赚取了1.06亿美元的利润——有38%以上的产品销往美国华尔街。许多成功的实践均来自于一个很简单的创意:例如让电脑换一种颜色。乔伯斯是唯一的一个创意者和实践者。多色泽、中等价位的iMac的成功还在于它解决了计算机兼容性的难题。苹果电脑定位于因特网,因为在因特网上兼容性并不是一个较大的难题。乔伯斯新改进了生产线,减少了磁头数,稳定了分布率,并且还减少了库存。同时,PIXAR公司在国内市场中占有总计1.59亿美元的收入,位居第三位,仅次于Toy Story 和领头羊Lion King 。而另一方面乔伯斯在PIXAR也有着出色的表现。

Business philosophy: “The technology isn,t the hard part. The hard part is, Who,s going to buy it? How are they going to buy it? How do you tell them about it?”
