
第17章 Life and Diet生活与饮食(2)

Club life started with coffee drinking which began around 1650.Limited to fifty,list of membership of this club includes prominent members of the Commons and the Lords and other distinguished people.However,one of the famous clubs is a nonpolitical club and was given the name the Other Club because its aims always to hear the other man,s point of view.

In contrastcontrast vt.使与……对比,使与……对照 vi.和……形成对照 n.对比,对照,(对照中的)差异 with club,there is the popular Pancake Day.It is on the first day of Lent,and usually occurs between February 2 and March 8. It is believed to remind that butter and eggs were forbidden during Lent and housewives were anxious to use up all they had left before the start of the frugalfrugal adj.节俭的,朴素的 period.





Seattle,s Coffee Culture

It is one o,clock in Seattle. You are walking down the street. A lot of people are outside for lunch. You see a woman. She is holding a white and green paper cup. You see another person. He is also holding a cup in his hands. You see another and another. Everyone has a cup in their hands! What are they all drinking? You smell the Seattle air. It,s coffee!

People in Seattle love coffee. Some say it,s because Seattle has many rainy days and people need coffee to be happy. Others say coffee shops are popular because Seattle people are very laidback and relaxedrelaxed adj.不严格的,不拘束的.

Coffee shops in Seattle are a lot like teahouses in China. In Seattle,people go to coffee shops to talk to friends,read,play games,work on the computer,or relax. Coffee is an important part of people,s day.

The world,s largest coffee shop chain,Starbucks,first opened in Seattle in 1971. But Starbuck is not the only popular coffee shop in the city. There are other large chains,like Seattle,s Best Coffee,Caffe Ladro,or Tully,s. Seattle also has many small neighborhood coffee shops. Everyone has their favorite.

The best coffee shops in Seattle:

Bauhaus Books and Coffee (Capitol Hill)

Great place to spend an afternoon. Floortoceiling used books and paintings on sale. Sit at a table downstairs and use the Internet or sit outside on the balconybalcony n.阳台,包厢,(戏院)楼厅. Enjoy the great coffee!

Espresso Vivace Sidewalk Bar (Capitol Hill)

Seattle,s best coffee. Vivace motto is “Una bella tazza di caffe.” It means “a beautiful cup of coffee.” People wait in long lines for Vivace famous espressoespresso n.(蒸汽加压煮出的)浓咖啡. This is caffeinecaffeine n.咖啡因,茶晶兴奋剂 with class!

Victrola Coffee and Art (Capitol Hill)

Everything a coffee shop should be. High ceilings,lots of room,and art on the walls. Free live music a few times a week. Great coffee,friendly baristas,and wonderful carrot cake. Wireless internet.





星巴克,这个全球最大的咖啡连锁店,1971年首先在西雅图开张。不过西雅图知名的咖啡馆不止星巴克一家。还有其他大型连锁店,比如西雅图极品咖啡,Caffe Ladro和Tully,s。另外这里也有许多小型社区咖啡馆。每个人都有自己的最爱。


Bauhaus 书籍和咖啡 (国会山庄)


Espresso Vivace 街边吧 (国会山庄)

提供西雅图最好的咖啡。Vivace口号是:“Una bella tazza di caffe”,意为“一杯美丽的咖啡”人们排着长队等Vivace着名的意式浓缩咖啡。这可是经典咖啡因饮品!

Victrola 咖啡和艺术 (国会山庄)

具备咖啡馆的一切要素。高大的天花板、开阔的空间、墙壁上挂着艺术画作。每周都有 几次免费音乐表演。这里还有香醇的咖啡、友好的服务生、美味的胡萝卜蛋糕和无线网络。

The Greek Salad

Salads were the rage of the 1980s when people started making this classicclassic n.杰作,名着 adj.第一流的 restaurantfavored dish at their homes.


3 mediummedium adj. 半生熟的,中间的,中等的,tomatoes,cut into wedges 1 medium cucumber,halved lengthwise and thinly sliced 1 small red onion,cut into thin wedges 1 recipe Greek Vinaigrette 8 to 10 Greek black olives 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese (2 ouncesounce n.盎司,少量,architectural details.

In a salad bowl combine the tomatoes,cucumbercucumber n.[植]黄瓜,and red onion. Add Greek Vinaigrette; toss to coat. Sprinkle with Greek olives and fetafeta n.羊乳酪 cheese.

For Greek Vinaigrette,in a screwtop jar combine 2 tablespoons olive oil or salad oil; 2 tablespoonstablespoon n.大汤匙 lemon juice; 1/8teaspoon salt; and 1/8teaspoon pepper. Cover and shake well.







The Paella of Spain

It,s a sunny afternoon in the Mediterranean city of Valencia,Spain. Friendly Spaniards smile and wave as you strollstroll n.漫步,闲逛,四处流浪 v.闲逛,漫步,跋涉于 by. Suddenly,a rich,delicious smell fills your nostrilsnostril n.鼻孔. Up ahead,an excited group of locals is standing around a large,round pan of food that,s cooking over a fire. “Paella”- the word rolls off your tonguetongue n.舌头,舌状物,语言,说话方式,口vt.舔,闲谈,斥责 vi.吹管乐器 as your mouth starts to water.

Valencia,s paella is famous,but most Spanish provinces have their own versions of this traditional dish. Paella,s ingredientsingredient n.成分,因素` include rice,olive oil,roasted rabbit,chicken,shrimp,red and green peppers,onions,and plenty of garlic. But the key ingredient is saffron,an exotic,fragrantfragrant adj.芬芳的,香的 spice that gives paella its rich flavor and orangeyellow color.

The word “paella” comes from patella,which is Latin for “pan.” A paella pan is round,shallow,and flat,and has two large handles. It,s usually made of iron. To prepare an authenticauthentic adj.可信的 paella,a good paella pan and a hot wood fire are essentialessential adj.本质的,实质的,基本的,提炼的,精华的 n.本质,实质,要素,要点.

