
第13章 宜人风景Natural Scenery(5)

On the island you will enjoy romantic walk in the narrows, graphical graphical adj.绘成图画似的, 绘画的, paved alleys. Generally, Hydra is famous for the calm life is offers to the visitors in the day, but also for the intense, cosmopolitan life, in the night. Bar, pub, disco, with foreignGreek music and revery till the morning.

Idra is undoubtedly an island that is difficult to let go once you get to know it. Trying to forget it is even harder. That,s why for the past 50 years this gorgeous gorgeous adj.华丽的, 灿烂的 island has become quite a cosmopolitan spot. With its varying seductive landscape, Idra has managed to acquire a very fanatical following and has become an attraction for the international jet set. The town of Idra is well sheltered deep in its naturally formed harbor and is spread amphitheatrically over two hills. Its magnificent harbor is one of the most picturesque in the whole of the Mediterranean Sea. It captures everyone at first sight. Visitors should definitely take the time to wander its narrow streets and get a taste of history and tradition, that have left their eternal mark on this island. Due to its nocar policy, transport on the island is conducted with boats or donkeys donkey n.驴子, 笨蛋, 顽固者, (=donkey engine)轻便发动机, (=donkey pump)辅助泵.

The oldest settlement to have been found on the island is Mycenaean. At a later period Hydra was seized by Hermione, which subsequently sold it to Samos. We know of no major historical events here down to the 17th century A.D., when the island began gradually to acquire a powerful merchant fleet merchant fleet 商船队, which was later at the time of the Napoleonic Wars, to monopolise monopolise vt.(=monopolize)垄断,获得…….的专卖权 sea transport throughout the Mediterranean.

Then the uprising against the Turks broke out in 1821, Hydra had a population of 30,000 and 150 vessels. The island,s wealthy wealthy adj.富有的, 丰裕的, 充分的 n.富人, 有钱人 seacaptains fitted out their vessels as warships and spent whole fortunes in order to help in the Struggle. Their feats and the heroism of their crews became a byword throughout Europe. Besides their vessels, the island seamen made use of fireships - small boats loaded with explosives which they brought by night alongside the Turkish vessels and then blew them up. The superiority superiority n.优越, 高傲 of the Hydriots and their companions in arms at sea was one of the determining factors in the success of the Greek Revolution.

Today, Hydra is one of the most cosmopolitan points in the Mediterranean. The fact that Hydra has a unique beauty in its architecture and its landscape, taken together with its proximity proximity n.接近, 亲近 to Athens and its important historical interest, have gradually raised the island to the level of an international tourist centre. Undoubtedly, Hydra is one of the most beautiful islands in Greece with a unique atmosphere. Here you can enjoy an unforgettable unforgettable adj.忘不了的, 令人难忘的 vacation.

Mount Olympus奥林匹斯山

奥林匹斯山(Mount Olympus),古希腊人尊奉为神山的高山,希腊神话中的诸神寓居之所。它坐落在希腊北部,近萨洛尼卡湾,为塞萨利区与马其顿区间的分水岭。其主峰米蒂卡斯峰,高2917米,为希腊最高峰。为了与南面相邻的下奥林匹斯山相区别,奥林匹斯山又称“上奥林匹斯山”。






Traditionally regarded as the heavenly abode abode n.住所, 住处 of the Greek gods and the site of the throne of Zeus, Olympos seems to have originally existed as an idealized mountain that only later came to be associated with a specific peak. The early epics, the Illiad and the Odyssey (composed by Homer around 700B.C.) offer little information regarding the geographic location of the heavenly mountain and there are several peaks in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus that bear the name Olympos. The most favored mythological mythological adj.神话学的, 神话的, 虚构的 choice is the tallest mountain range in Greece, the Olympos massif, 100 kilometers southwest of the city of Thessaloniki in northern Greece. The highest peak - shown in the photograph - is Mytikas at 2,918 meters (9,570 feet).

The deities believed to have dwelled upon the mythic mythic adj.神话的, 虚构的 mount were Zeus, the king of the gods; his wife Hera; his brothers Poseidon and Hades; his sisters Demeter and Hestia; and his children, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Athena, Hermes and Hephaestus. It is interesting to note that these Olympian gods and goddesses were understood in ancient times as archetypes representing idealized aspects of the multifaceted human psyche psyche n. 心智;灵魂;精神. Worship of the deities was a method of invoking and amplifying those aspects in the behavior and personality of the human worshipper. Zeus was the god of mind and the intellect, and a protector of strangers and the sanctity of oaths; Hera was a goddess of fertility, the stages of a woman,s life and marriage; Apollo represented law and order, and the principles of moderation moderation n.适度 in moral, social and intellectual matters; Aphrodite was a goddess of love and the overwhelming passions that drove humans to irrational behavior; Hermes was the god of travelers, of sleep and dreams and prophecy prophecy n.预言, 预言能力; Athena was spiritual wisdom incarnate; Hephaestus was the god of the arts and fire; and Ares represented the dark, bloodthirsty bloodthirsty adj.嗜杀的, 残忍的 aspect of human nature.