
第16章 人文景观Human Landscapes(1)

The Parthenon巴特农神庙




The Parthenon is the most important and characteristiccharacteristic adj.典型的,特有的,表示特性的 n.特性,特征 monument of the ancient Greek civilization and still remains its international symbol. It was dedicated to Athena Parthenos, the patron goddess of Athens. It was built between 447 and 438 B.C. and its sculptural sculptural adj.雕刻的, 雕刻般的 decoration was completed in 432 B.C. The construction of the monument was initiated by Perikles, the supervisor of the whole work was Pheidias, the famous Athenian sculptor, while Iktinos and Kallikrates were the architects of the building. The temple is built in the Doric order and almost exclusively of Pentelic marble. It is peripteral, with eight columns on each of the narrow sides and seventeen columns on each of the long ones. The central part of the temple, called the cella, sheltered the famous chryselephantine chryselephantine adj.用金和象牙做成的 cult statue of Athena, made by Pheidias.

The sculptural decoration of the Parthenon is a unique combination of the Doric metopes and triglyphs on the entablature entablature n.[建]柱上楣构, 柱顶线盘, 支柱, and the Ionic frieze on the walls of the cella. The metopes depict the Gigantomachy on the east side, the Amazonomachy on the west, the Centauromachy on the south, and scenes from the Trojan War on the north.

The relief frieze depicts the Procession of the Panathenaea Panathenaea n.泛雅典娜节(希腊宗教中一个十分古老和重要的节日), the most formal religious festival of ancient Athens. The scene runs along all the four sides of the building and includes the figures of gods, beasts and of some 360 humans.

The two pediments pediment n.山形墙, 三角墙 of the temple are decorated with mythological scenes: the east, above the building,s main entrance, shows the birth of Athena, and the west, the fight between Athena and Poseidon for the name of the city of Athens. The Parthenon retained its religious character in the following centuries and was converted into a Byzantine church, a Latin church and a Muslim mosque.

The Turks used the Parthenon as a powder magazine when the Venetians, under Admiral Morosini, sieged the Acropolis in 1687. One of the Venetian bombs fell on the Parthenon and caused a tremendous explosion that destroyed a great part of the monument which had been preserved in a good condition until then.

The disaster was completed in the beginning of the 19th century, when the British ambassador ambassador n.大使 in Constantinople Constantinople 君士坦丁堡( 土耳其西北部港市伊斯坦布尔), Lord Elgin, stole the greatest part of the sculptural decoration of the monument (frieze, metopes, pediments), transferred them to England and sold them to the British Museum, where they are still exhibited, being one of the most significant collections of the museum.

The Parthenon was elaboratelyelaborately adv.苦心经营地, 精巧地 decorated with marble sculptures both internally and externally. These survive only in part, but there are good descriptions of most of those parts that have been lost. On the eastern pediment (the triangular triangular adj.三角形的, 三人间的 area above the columns on the “front” and “back” of the temple) was a depiction of the birth of Athena. The western pediment showed Athena,s battle with Poseidon for possession possession n.拥有, 占有, 所有, 着迷, 领土, 领地, 财产(常用复数), 自制 of the land of Attica. Metopes ran along the outer frieze of all four sides of the temple, above the lines of columns and below the pediments. These showed, on the southern side the battle of the Lapiths and the Centaurs, on the east the battle of the gods and the giants, and on the west the battle of the Greeks and the Amazons. It is not known what was depicted on the northern side: it may have been scenes from the Trojan War.

Internally, the cella was lined on three sides with a frieze showing the great procession of the Panathenaia, the main annual festival honouring Athena. On the fourth, eastern side was a frieze showing all the gods of the Greek pantheon.

Although the pure white marble of surviving Ancient Greek temples appeals to the modern aesthetic aesthetic adj.美学的, 审美的, 有审美感的, the Parthenon, like all ancient buildings, was at least partly painted, though scholars dispute the extent and the colour scheme. It is known that the internal ceilings were painted a deep blue, and that the statuary groups on the pediments were painted in bright colours. Some scholars believe that the upper parts of the Parthenon were painted bright red and blue, so that the sculptures would stand out in greater relief when seen from below.

Temple of Athena Nike胜利女神殿



This is a small, elegant elegant adj.文雅的,端庄的,雅致的,〈口〉上品的,第一流的 Ionian monument built on a bastion bastion n.(可扩大射击范围的)棱堡, 堡垒, 阵地工事 on the southwest side of the rock of the Acropolis. The temple must have been built between 427~424 B.C. and Kallikrates is mentioned as its architect. Excavations have brought to light, on the same site, building elements from the Mycenaean period.