
第6章 城市导航(4)

The city is among the most important in Greece, and the largest in the Peloponnese.

It is also a major transportation centre, linking the country with Italy and the Peloponnese with the IonianIonian adj.爱奥尼亚的, 爱奥尼亚人的, 爱奥尼亚式的 n.爱奥尼亚人, 爱奥尼亚 islands.

The city extends from the shore up to the Castle. It is divided into two parts, the upper and the lower, whose layout, parks and piazzaspiazza n.广场, 走廊, 露天市场 give it a definite distinction.

The old city, at the foot of the castle, still has quite a number of attractive neoclassical houses, while the lower city has many mansions, such as those housing the Municipal Theatre, the Odeon, etc.

The Cathedral of St. Andrew, the city,s patronpatron n.(对某人, 某种目标, 艺术等)赞助人, 资助人, rises majestically above the lower city. To the left of it stands an older church built on the site of a Byzantine church that was destroyed by the Turks.

From here Trion Navarchon street leads to Psila Alonia - the “balcony” of Patras - a lovely spacious square with slenderslender adj.苗条的, 微薄的, 微弱的 palm trees and a sun dial.

Patras possesses a fine archaeological museum, an art gallery and a printing museum.

Dominating the city from on high looms the ruined shell of the castle, whose grounds have been transformed into a park. From here you have a view of the whole city and the sea beyond. Patras, famous Carnival - a festive sampling of its citizens imaginationimagination n.想象, 空想, 想象的事物, 想象力, 听觉, humour and high spirits - attracts thousands of visitors every year. Finally, the city,s innumerable pastry shops, its quiet little cafes, its wide range of tavernastaverna n. (希腊的)酒馆,餐馆, its lively streets bustling with locals, foreigners and transient travellers complete the picture of Patras, beautiful and celebrated throughout Greece.






Olympia is a city of ancient Greece in Elis, is known for having been the site of the Olympic Games in classical times, comparable in importance to the Pythian Games held in Delphi. Both games were held every olympiad (i.e. every four years), the Olympic Games dating back at least as far as 776 B.C.. In 394 C.E. emperor Theodosius I abolishedabolish vt.废止, 废除(法律、制度、习俗等) them.

Olympia is also known for its giganticgigantic adj.巨人般的, 巨大的 ivory and gold statue of Zeus, made by Phidias, which was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Very close to the temple of Zeus (see photo of ruins below) which housed this statue, the studio of Phidias was excavatedexcavate v.挖掘, 开凿, 挖出, 挖空 in the 1950s. Evidence found there such as sculptor,s tools, corroborates this opinion.

Excavation of the Olympia temple district and its surroundings began with a French expedition in 1829. German archaeologists continued the work in the latter part of the 19th century. The latter group uncovered, intact, the Hermes of Praxiteles statuestatue vt.以雕像装饰 n.雕像, among other artifactsartifacts n.史前古器物. In the middle of the 20th Century, the stadium where the running contests took place was excavated.

The Olympic flame of the modernday Olympic Games is lit by reflection of sunlight in a parabolic mirrorparabolic mirror 抛物柱面(反射)镜 at the restored Olympia stadium and then transported by a torch to the place where the games are held.

When the modern Olympics came to Athens in 2004, the men,s and women,s shot put competition was held at the restored stadium.

The ancient ruins sits north of the Alfeios River and lies next to Cronius or Kronios hill (the hill of Kronos, or Saturn). Kladeos, a tributarytributary adj.进贡的, 附庸的, 从属的, 辅助的, 支流的 n.进贡国, 附庸国, 支流 of Alfeios, flows around the area.

The town has a school and a square (plateia). Tourism is popular throughout the late20th century. The city has a train station and is the easternmost terminusterminus n.终点, [建]界标, 终点站 of the line of OlympiaPyrgos (Ilia). The train station which the freightfreight n.货物, 船货, 运费, 货运 vt.装货, 使充满, 运送 yard is west of it is about 300 m east of the town centre.

It is linked by GR74 and the new road was opened in the 1980s;the next stretch N and NE of Olympia will open in around 2005. Distance from Pyrgos is 20 km E(old: 21 km), about 50 km SW of Lampeia, W of Tripoli and Arcadia and 4 km north of Krestena and N of Kyparissia and Messenia. The highway passed north of the ancient ruins.

The sanctuary of Olympia spreads around the green wooded feet of the Kronion hill, where the rivers Alpheios and Cladeos meet. The valley amongst the two rivers was in ancient times full of wild oliveolive n.橄榄树, 橄榄叶, 橄榄枝, 橄榄色 trees, poplars, oaks, pines and plane trees and it was these trees that gave the centre of the sanctuary the name Altis, meaning alsos (grove).

The Altis is the name given to the area in Olympia that comprisescomprise v.包含, 由……组成 the main religious buildings, temples and votive offerings of the sanctuary. Out of the enclosure were the auxiliaryauxiliary adj.辅助的,补充的;备用的 buildings, priests, houses, baths, the areas for the preparation of the athletes, guest houses along with other buildings.

The beginning of worship, as well as the mythical confrontationsconfrontation n.面对, 面对面, 对质 that took place in Olympia, are lost in the depth of the centuries. At the end of the Mycenaean era there was already an installation in the area, and in the Geometric and early Archaic periods, the first simple buildings of the sanctuary were founded.