
第4章 政坛精英(4)

1937年5月15日她出生在布拉格一个犹太家庭。1939年3月,在希特勒到达布拉格不久,她的父亲约瑟夫·戈倍尔,一位捷克外交官,与妻子和两岁的女儿逃到伦敦一间地下公寓。这座城市不久就处于纳粹的空袭之下。“我一生中很大的一部分是在防空洞中度过的,并常会吟唱起挂在墙上的一百个绿瓶子,” 奥尔布赖特说。

Soon the family moved to WaltononThames, where “they had just invented some kind of steel table” Albright says. “If your house was bombed and you were under the table, you would survive. We ate on the table, slept under the table and played around the table.”


While her father worked against Hitler in Czechoslovakia,s governmentinexile, sixyearold Madeleine went to school. A 1943 report card described her as a “quick and lively” student who “learns easily and remembers well.” Her grades were solid - except for one surprisingly low grade in geography.


Albright was baptized and raised a Roman Catholic. She insists she was unaware of her Jewish background until recently, when Washington Post reporter Michael Dobbs disclosed the truth of her heritage. Albright learned that her grandparents and several other relatives had perished in the Holocaust.


How could she not have known? “Perhaps, when the truth about her family began to appear,” wrote Philip Taubman in the New York Times, “Albright thought it too late and too painful to dismantle the world her parents had constructed and she had preserved for herself and her children.”


Now she has to expand NATO, walk the tight line of engagement with China and persuade American taxpayers that keeping the world safe does not come cheap. That,s a tall order, but Madeleine Albright has made an auspicious start.


My American Journey:Colin Powell


Nevertheless, I do not unequivocally rule out a political future. If I ever do decide to enter politics, however, it will not be because of high popularity ratings, but because I have a vision for this country. Frankly, the present atmosphere does not make entering public service especially attractive. I find that civility is being driven from our political discourse. For all the present sensitivity over correctness, we seem to have lost our sense of shame as a society.


We say we are appalled by the rise of sexually transmitted disease, by the wave of teenage pregnancies, by violent crime. Yet we drench ourselves in depictions of explicit sex and crime on television, in the movies and in pop music. How do we find our way again? How do we reestablish moral standards? How do we end the ethnic fragmentation that is making us an increasingly hyphenated people? How do we restore a sense of family to our national life? On a speech circuit, I tell a story that goes to the heart of America,s longing. The ABC correspondent Sam Donaldson was interviewing a young AfricanAmerican soldier in a tank platoon on the eve of battle in Desert Storm. Donaldson asked, “How do you think the battle will go? Are you afraid?”


“We,ll do okay. We,re well trained. And I,m not afraid,” the GI answered, gesturing toward his buddies around him. “I,m not afraid because I,m with my family.”


The other soldiers shouted: “Tell him again. He didn,t hear you.”


The soldier repeated: “This is my family and we,ll take care of each other.”


That story never fails to touch me or the audience. It is a metaphor for what we have to do as a nation. We have to start thinking of America as a family. We have to stop screeching at each other, stop hurting each other, and instead start caring for, sacrificing for, and sharing with each other. We have to stop continually criticizing, which is the cry of the ideologue, and instead get back to the cando attitude that made America. We have to keep trying, and risk failing, in order to solve this country,s problems. We cannot move forward if cynics and critics swoop down and pick apart anything that goes wrong to a point where we lose sight of what is right, decent, and uniquely good about America.


Jefferson once wrote, “There is a debt of service due from every man to his country, proportioned to the bounties which nature and fortune have measured to him.” As one who has received so much from his country, I feel that debt heavily, and I can never be entirely free of it. My responsibility, our responsibility as lucky Americans, is to try to give back to this country as much as it has given to us, as we continue our American journey together.
