
第19章 人文景观Human Landscape(4)

The number of electorate MPs. is calculated in three steps. The less populated of New Zealand,s two principal islands, the South Island, has a fixed quota of 16 seats. The number of seats for the North Island and the number of special reserved seats for Maori are then calculated in proportion to these. (The Maori seats have their own special electoral roll; people of Maori descent may opt to enroll either on this roll or on the general roll, and the number of Maori seats is determined with reference to the number of adult Maori who opt for opt for v.选择 the Maori roll.)

The number of electorates is recalculated, and the boundaries of each redrawn so as to make them approximately equal in population within a tolerance of plus or minus 5%, after each quinquennial quinquennial n.每五年发生一次的事件 adj.每五年的, 每隔五年发生一次的 census census n.人口普查. After the 2001 census, there were 7 Maori electorates and 62 general electorates, or 69 electorates in total. There were therefore normally 51 list MPs.. By a quirk of timing, the 2005 election will be the first election since 1990 at which the electorates have not been redrawn since the last election. The next census will be in 2006 and will apply to the 2008 election.

A party is not entitled to any list MPs. unless it either wins 5% of the “party vote” (the more important of the two votes in MMP, which determines the overall proportionality of Parliament) or wins at least one electorate seat. The electorateseat escape clause has twice saved parties from Parliamentary oblivion: New Zealand First in 1999 gained 4.26% of the party vote and five MPs thanks to its leader,s razorthin 63vote margin in his home electorate of Tauranga, and Jim Anderton,s Progressive Coalition (since renamed the less ponderous “Progressive Party”) gained two MPs. from 1.7% of the vote after its leader comfortably held his electorate of Wigram. In addition, in both 1996 and 1999 the United Party won an electorate, but not enough party votes to entitle it to any additional list MPs.

If a party wins more electorate seats than it would be entitled to proportionally, the size of Parliament is increased by the number of these socalled “overhang MPs” until the next election. This has not yet occurred.

International Antarctic Centre






The International Antarctic Centre, a winner of the New Zealand Tourism Board,s award for “Best Visitor Attraction”, recreates the atmosphere of Antarctica and provides the visitor with an interactive exciting experience of this Southern Continentcontinent n.大陆, 陆地which very few people have the opportunity to experience first hand. Whilst at the International Antarctic Centre (and included in the tour) is a 40 minute ride on the Hagglund allterrain snow mobile. The ride includes a visit to the U.S. Clothing Warehouse, the special Antarctic Departure Terminal and an exhilarating offroad adventure course to test the Hagglund,s unique capabilities.

The International Antarctic Centre, which opened in 1990, is a working campus and home to Antarctica New Zealand (managers of New Zealand,s activities in the Antarctic), the Antarctic Heritage Trust, the United States and Italian Antarctic programmes, the International Centre for Antarctic Information and Research (ICAIR), an Antarctic passenger terminal and warehouses for US and NZ cargo and specialist cold weather clothing.

The Visitor Centre International Antarctic Centre is the “must see” for visitors to Christchurch, The Visitor Centre, which opened in 1992, provides a fun and interactive Antarctic experience. The Gateway to Antarctica. The Visitor Centre is a short five minute walk from Christchurch International Airport and is located on a working Antarctic Campus.

The Visitor Centre International Antarctic Centre allows you to experience real Antarctic conditions with Audiovisualaudiovisual n.(常用复数)视听设备,视听教材 adj.视听的 and Touch Screen technology. Feel “genuine” Antarctic wind chill or slide down a snow slope in the real Snow & Ice Experience. You can even dress up in real Antarctic Clothing and see live fish and sea spidersspider n.蜘蛛, 设圈套者, 三脚架 from Antarctica!

Visitors can even dress up in Antarctic gear, slide down a snow slope and experience a real Antarctic windchill in the Snow and Ice Experience. The Visitor Centre has its own cafe and bar and Antarctic shop.