
第23章 名校风采Famous Universities(2)

In 1865, the first education orientationorientation: n.方向, 方位, 定位, 倾向性, 向东方 was followed by the special section for civil architects, according to which the school was dedicated to high engineering and technological research education. Inspired by Camillo Boito, the new course was characterized by its artistic direction connected to tradition and inspired by the Brera Academy and, at the same time, open to the new industrial sector. It spurred the creation of a true modern architecture high school not to be found in Italy at that time.

Giuseppe Colombo, who succeded Brioschi and remained Rector from 1897 to 1921, gave further impulse to the Politecnico by developing the relationships between the university and the industrial world and by establishing new companies like Società Edison which acted as an extraordinaryextraordinary adj.非常的, 特别的, 非凡的, 特派的 driver for the development of the electrical industry. Colombo, considered the father of Italian engineering and an Italian Senator, was the author of the fundamental Engineer,s Handbook.

In 1927 the School moved to its new and current building in Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, officially opened on December, 22nd. The name of Regio Politecnico di Milano was taken in 1937.

Since then, the Politecnico has never ceased to grow, and has played a significant role in the field of engineering and technology as well as in architecture and design, and contributed through its graduates, who then became professors, researchers and entrepreneursentrepreneur n.(法)企业家, 主办人, to making the history of scientific research in Italy and in the world.

Today, the university, with its premises in MilanoLeonardo, MilanoBovisa, Como, Cremona, Lecco, Mantova and Piacenza, offers its students some of the most advanced laboratories for scientific and technological research in the world.

University of L,Aquila



1949年夏,由于农业学教授,意大利研究院的研究员、宪法起草成员致意的Vincezo Rivera以及极为国会成员的努力下,为考入罗马大学Abruzzi学生开设了大学水平的夏季课程,这些课程所取得的成功为在拉奎拉建立一所免费的大学而奠定了基础。在当地机构的支持下,1952年12月15日,开始在Istituto Universitario di gestero进行教学。还是在Rivera教授的努力下在Cran Sasso山上的Capo Imperatore海拔2200米处建立了天文台以及气象台和高山植物园,地球动力观测台,国家磁力观测站及古生物学博物馆。医学院的建立是Paride Stefa nini教授努力的结果。


On 11th October 1458 and again on 9th May 1464, the city of L,Aquila petitionedpetition :v.请求, 恳求, 请愿 King Ferdinand of Aragon to open a Studium equivalent to those in Bologna, Siena and Perugia. Shortly before, the town had withdrawn support for the last of the Angevin and surrenderedsurrender: vi.投降, 自首 to the Spanish sovereign. The King granted this request, but there is no documentary evidence to suggest that the city authorities opened the Studium. On the other hand records do show that both before and after the date of the petition, citizens of L,Aquila (Fra, Giovanni da Capestrano, for example, and Berardino di Ludovico, nephew to the chronicler Francesco d,Angeluccio di Bazzano, who took a degree in 1474) went to study civil and canon lawcanon law: 教会法规 at the Studium in Perugia.

During the last years of the late 16th century, from 1596 on, the Jesuits were providing higher instruction at their college in L,Aquila. When, by a decree of 1767, the Jesuits were expelledexpel: v.驱逐, 开除, 排出, 发射 from the Kingdom, the Aquilanum Collegium became the Collegio Reale. To the chairs of theology, philosophy and history, mathematics, literature and Greek were added, in 1785, those of sciences such as chemistry, anatomyanatomy: n.剖析, 解剖学 and the theory and practice of medicine, and in 1792 surgery and midwiferymidwifery: n.助产术, 产科学, 催生, 促成. But when, by the decree of 30th May 1807, Joseph Napoleon reorganized all the Royal Colleges, he suppressed the one in L,Aquila and opened one at the monasterymonastery: n.修道院, 僧侣 of the Holy Spirit of Morrone, near Sulmona.

Seven years later, on 21st August 1814, a school of higher instruction for all the Abruzzi, with university level teaching in medicine, was inaugurated in L,Aquila by Joachim Murat, Napoleon,s brotherinlaw. Immediately after the Restoration, by a decree on 14th January 1817, King Ferdinand settled that in L,Aquila, as in Bari, Salerno and Catanzaro, a Reale Liceo be opened, teaching law, anatomy and physiology, surgery and midwifery, chemistry and pharmaceuticalpharmaceutical: adj.制药(学)上的 studies as well as forensicforensic :adj.法院的, 适于法庭的, 公开辩论的 medicine and various scientific subjects. By a decree of 3rd December 1874 the students of the L,Aquila Reale Liceo were recognised as qualified to practise pharmacy, surgery and landsurveying, but degrees were conferred by the University of Naples, upon which the Licei were dependant. As a result of this decree, the number of students attending the school in L,Aquila, which in 1861 had become the Scuola Universitaria di Farmacia, Notariato e Chirurgia minore, dropped considerably.

In 1923 the “University Schools” ceased to exist. It was not until the summer of 1949 that, due to the efforts of Vincenzo Rivera, professor of agricultural science, fellow of the Accademia Italiana, and a member of the Costituente and several time member of Parliament, summer courses at university level were started in L,Aquila mainly for the benefit of Abruzzi students enrolled at the University of Rome. The success enjoyed by these courses formed the foundation for a free University of L,Aquila, and, thanks to support from local bodies, on 15th December 1952 teaching was inaugurated at the Istituto Universitario di Magistero. It was also thanks to Professor Rivera that an astronomical observatory was established at Campo Imperatore on the Gran Sasso, at 2200 above sea level, as well as the observatory and high altitude botanicalbotanical: adj.植物学的 gardens, the geodynamics observatory, the national magnetism observatory and the museum of paleontologypaleontology: n.古生物学. The creation of an institute of medicine is due to the efforts of Professor Paride Stefanini.