
第5章 城市导航City Guide(3)

The city,s enviable position between the mountains and the sea ensures yearround outdoor fun. It is a place that is inconceivableinconceivable adj.不能想像的, 难以相信的 until you get there, unbelievable while you walk its streets and unforgettable after you,ve gone. The infrastructure is good, the hotels accommodating and comfortablecomfortable adj.舒适的 and of international standards. Thus a holiday or business trip here is a sensible optionoption n.选项, 选择权, [经]买卖的特权.

Barcelona, with its mild weather and dense medieval center, is renowned for its parks and open spaces. Besides the beaches, the Rambles and Parc Güell are the most famous of these.

The site of the Barcelona International Exhibition in 1929 and 1930, the Parque de Montjuc was laid out by engineer Jean C. N. Forestier and architect Nicolas M. Rubio Tuduri. It is chiefly notablenotable adj.值得注意的, 显着的, 着名的 now for the cultural institutions that use the former palaces and expositionexposition n.博览会, 展览会, 说明, 曝露, [戏]展示部分, [音]呈示部 buildings. The German Pavilion, a landmarklandmark n.(航海)陆标, 地界标, 里程碑, 划时代的事 of modern architecture designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe for this Exhibition was exhaustively reconstructed on its original site in 1986. Montjuc Stadium was renovated and expanded by Vittorio Gregotti for the 1992 Olympic Games.

In 1983 the Plaa dels Pasos Catalans in front of the Sants railway station was redesigned by Helio Pion Pallares and Albert Vaiplana Vea in pink granite paving with an undulatingundulate v.波动, 起伏, 成波浪形 adj.波浪形的, 起伏的 metal pergolapergola n.(藤本植物的)棚架, 藤架, 绿廊, 凉棚 and various hard furnishings that have become popular with skateboarders. At the same time, the neighboring Vapor Neu factory, was converted into the Parque de la Espaa Industrial for public recreation. This park, designed by Luis Pea Ganchegui and Fancesc Rius Camps and completed in 1985 integrated the industrial shapes of the site with a dominantdominant adj.有统治权的, 占优势的, 支配的 adj.[生物] 显性的 water feature and displays of sculpturesculpture n.雕刻, 雕刻品, 雕塑, 雕塑品, [地理] 刻蚀 v.雕刻, 雕塑, 刻蚀.

Since 1983 a formal program of park creation has been carried out by the Mancomunitat de Municipis de l,àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona. The purpose of this program has been to reclaim space for the public which is threatened either by neglect or overdevelopment. Typically these new parks are carefully designed by architects, planners and landscape architects concerned not just with functional elements, but also with the unique characteristicscharacteristic adj.特有的, 表示特性的, 典型的 n.特性, 特征 of the site and its position in a layered understanding of the city.

Discover it for yourself via these comprehensivecomprehensive adj.全面的, 广泛的, 能充分理解的, 包容的 guide pages before you go, to give you a better idea of what you are in for.








Seville (Spanish: Sevilla) is the artistic, cultural, and financial capital of southern Spain, crossed by the river GuadalquivirGuadalquivir 瓜达尔基维尔河[西班牙南部]. It is the capital of Andalusia and of the province of Sevilla. The inhabitants of the city are known as Sevillanos. Population of the city of Sevilla proper was 710,000 as of 2003 estimates. Population of the urban area was 1,043,000 as of 2000 estimates. Population of the metropolitan area (urbanurban adj.城市的, 市内的 area plus satellite towns) was 1,294,000 as of 2003 estimates, ranking as the fourthlargest metropolitan area of Spain.

According to legend, Sevilla was founded by Hercules and its origins are linked with the Tartessian civilizationcivilization n.文明, 文化, 文明社会 文明, 一个着名游戏的名称. It was called Hispalis under the Romans and Isbiliya with the Moors. Its high point in its history was following the discovery of America.

Sevilla lies on the banks of the Guadalquivir and is one of the largest historical centres in Europe, it has the minaret of La Giralda, the cathedral (one of the largest in Christendom), and the Alcázar Palace. Part of its treasure include Casa de Pilatos, the Town Hall, Archive of the Indies (where the historical records of the American continent are kept), the Fine Arts Museum (the second largest picture gallery in Spain), plus convents, parishparish n.教区 churches and palaces.

It has hosted two international exhibitions (1929 and 1992) and is the administrativeadministrative adj.管理的, 行政的 capital of Andalucía. The quarter of Triana on the other side of the river, La Macarena, Santa Cruz and San Bartolomé, the street of Las Sierpes, plus La Maestranza bullring, María Luisa park and the riverside walks are all representativerepresentative n.代表 adj.典型的, 有代表性的 images of Sevilla.

For all its important monuments and fascinating history, Sevilla is universally famous for being a joyous town. While the Sevillians are known for their wit and sparklesparkle v.发火花, (使)闪耀, (香槟酒等)发泡, 用眼神表达, 发光闪烁 n.火花, 闪光, 光彩, 活力, 发泡, the city itself is striking for its vitality. It is the largest town in Southern Spain, the city of Carmen, Don Juan and Figaro.