
第5章 城市导航City Guide(3)

The city likes to party and a huge number of programmes and events run year round, well worth experiencing. Shoppers will be delighted to know that Glasgow offers the best UK shopping outside of London and lovers of cuisine, certainly won,t be disappointed with the culinary delightsdelight n.快乐, 高兴, 喜悦 v.(使)高兴, (使)欣喜 to discover.

Brimming with historical and important architecture, sports and festivities Glasgow,s culture embraces its heritage with open arms. It has received numerous awards like Cultural Capital of Europe in 1990 and UK City of Architecture and Design in 1999; adding to its tourism industry and proving the city has come a long way.

The heavy industries have long gone, but Glasgow has lost none of its energy and excitement, and its people possesspossess vt.占有, 拥有, 持有, 摆布, 支配 a style and swaggerswagger n.狂妄自大者, 大摇大摆, 吹牛 vi.昂首阔步, 虚张声势吓人, 大摇大摆, 吹牛 vt.吓唬, 恫吓 adj.漂亮的, 时髦的 that makes their Edinburgh counterparts look staid and stuffy by comparison.

Just take a stroll round the revived Merchant City or along Byres Road in the West End, and sit in one the countless stylish bars and restaurants, and you,ll witness a degree of posing that is Continental in its fervency.

Glasgow is without doubt the friendliest of Britain,s large cities.

Perhaps that,s because it doesn,t feel British. It is often described as European in character; for the remarkable diversity of its architecture, for the accessibilityaccessibility n.易接近, 可到达的 of its art, and for the optimism and openness of its people. It is also compared with North America; for its grid street system and for the wisecracking of its streetwise citizens.

Come and meet the people, wander its streets, gaze at its architecture and be pleasantly surprised by the new face of Glasgow. Warm, welcoming and sincere, it,s a perfect holiday destination choice.



阿伯丁(Aberdeen)是苏格兰6个指定市中,人口排行第三的城市(2001年4月时统计为212,125人)。行政上,阿伯丁市(City of Aberdeen)是苏格兰底下32个一级行政区(称为单一管理区)之一,也是阿伯丁郡(Aberdeenshire)的首府。该市位于苏格兰东北部,唐河(River Don)与迪河(River Dee)河口之间,是北海海滨的主要海港。由于北海有丰富的原油蕴藏,负责开采的许多大型石油公司都是以阿伯丁作为转运母港与总部所在地,因此该城又有“欧洲的石油首都”(Oil Capital of Europe)的美誉。





Aberdeen is Scotland,s third largest city, with a populationpopulation n.人口 of 212,125. It is the the chief town and seaport in the northeast of Scotland. The IATA airport code for the airport is ABZ.

It boasts the title of Oil Capital of Europe thanks to the plentifulplentiful adj.许多的,大量的,丰富的,丰饶的

supply of crude oil in the North Sea, and stands on a bay of the North Sea, between the mouths of the rivers Don and Dee. Aberdeen is also one of 32 unitary council areas in Scotland, officially known as the City of Aberdeen. The city is currently run by a coalitioncoalition n.合并, 接合, 联合 of Scottish Liberal Democrat and Conservative councillors.

Welcome to Aberdeen

Situated on the North Sea coast, between the Rivers Dee and Don, Aberdeen forms a natural port which has drawn people for around 8000 years. Aberdeen,s geography is reflected in the name: meaning either “mouth of two rivers” (a corruption of “aber daaevin”) or it is a compromise between AberDon and AberDee (“mouth of the Don/Dee”), combining the name of the city,s two rivers. AberdoniansAberdonian n.(苏格兰港市)阿伯丁人 adj.阿伯丁人的 have always looked out to sea: in expectation of the return of loved ones, in fear of attack or simply to allow their reflections to be stirred by the ever shifting waters of the North Sea. Aberdeen has been shaped by the waves breaking on its shores and by what the tides have brought and taken-as well as by the toil of its people.

Aberdeen Harbour is the principal commercial portcommercial port 商港, 商埠 in northern Scotland and an international port for general cargo, rollon/rolloff and container traffic.

Originally, the defective harbour, with a shallow sand and gravel bar at its entrance, retarded the trade of Aberdeen, but under various acts since 1773 it was greatly deepened. The north pierpier n.码头, (桥)墩, built partly by John Smeaton 1775~1781, and partly by Thomas Telford 1810~1815, extends nearly 3,000 ft (1000 m) into the North Sea and raised the bar. A wet dock of 29 acres (117,000 m2) and with 6000 ft (1800 m) of quayquay n.码头, was completed in 1848 and called Victoria Dock in honour of the queen,s visit to the city in that year. Adjoining it is the Upper Dock. By the Harbour Act of 1868, the Dee near the harbour was diverted from the south at a cost of £80,000, and 90 acres (364,000 m2) of new ground, in addition to 25 acres (101,000 m2) formerly made up, were provided on the north side of the river for the Albert Basin (with a graving dock), quays and warehouseswarehouse n.仓库, 货栈, 大商店 vt.贮入仓库, (俚)[经]以他人名义购进(股票). A 1050 ft (320 m) long concrete breakwaterbreakwater n.防浪堤, 挡浪板, 挡水板 was constructed on the south side of the stream as a protection against southeasterly gales. On Girdleness, the southern point of the bay, a lighthouse was built in 1833. Thirtytwo people were drowned in the harbour on 5 April 1876, in the River Dee Ferry Boat Disasterdisaster n.灾难, 天灾, 灾祸. Aberdeen Harbour was the first publicly limited company in the United Kingdom.

An Economic Dynamo