
第20章 人文景观Human Landscape(6)

The cathedral suffered 14 hits by World War II aerial bombs but luckily didn,t collapse; reconstruction was completed in 1956. In the northwest tower,s base, an emergency repair carried out with badquality brickstones taken from a nearby war ruin remained visible until the late 1990s as a reminder of the War, but then it was decided to reconstruct this section according to the original appearance. It is possible to climb a spiral staircase to a viewing platform about 98 metres above the ground.

In 1996, the cathedral was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List of culturally important sites. However, in 2004 it was placed on the “World Heritage in Danger” list.

The Aachen Cathedral






The Aachen Cathedral, frequently referred to as the “Imperial Cathedral” (in German: Kaiserdom) of Aachen, is the oldest cathedral in northern Europe. Charlemagne began the construction of the Palace Chapel in 786. When he died in 814, he was buried in his own cathedral, and his bones are still preserved in a special shrine.

A great example of Byzantine architecture, the Aachen Cathedral was built by Emperor Charlemagne of the Holy Roman Empire. This Palatine chapelchapel n.小礼拜堂, 礼拜, with its octagonal basilica and cupola, has long been regarded as one of the greatest achievements in Cathedral construction. Originally inspired by eastern churches of the Roman Empire, splendid facings were added during the course of the Middle Ages.

The cathedral obtained its present shape in the course of more than a millennium. The core of the Aachen cathedral is the Palace Chapel; being surprisingly small in comparisoncomparison n.比较, 对照, 比喻, 比较关系 to the later additions, at the time of its construction it was the largest dome north of the Alps. Its fascinating architecture with Classical, Byzantine and GermanicFranconian elements is the essence of a monumental building of great importance: for 600 years, from 936 to 1531, the Aachen cathedral was the church of coronation for 30 kings of the Holy Roman Empire.

In order to bear the enormous flow of pilgrims in the Gothic period a choir hall was built: a twopart Capella vitrea (glass chapel) which was consecrated on the 600th day of Charlemagne,s death.

Ever since, the magnificent architecture of the “glass house” of Aachen has never stopped being admired. In 1978, it was one of the first 12 items to make the entry into the UNESCO list of world heritage sites, as the first German and one of the first three European historical ensembles.

The Aachen cathedral treasury displays sacralsacral adj.祭典的, 圣礼的, 荐骨的 masterpieces of the late Classical, Carolingian, Ottonian and Staufian period - among them there are some unique exhibits like the “Cross of Lothair” the “Bust of Charlemagne” and the “Persephone sarcophagus”. The Cathedral Treasury in Aachen is regarded as one of the most important ecclesiastical treasuries in northern Europe.

In 1000, Otto III had Charlemagne,s vault opened. It is said that the body was found in a remarkable state of preservationpreservation n.保存, seated on a marble throne, dressed in his imperial robes, with his crown on his head, the Gospels lying open in his lap, and his sceptre in his hand. A large picture representing Otto and his nobles gazing on the dead Emperor was painted on the wall of the great room in the Town Hall.

In 1165, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa again opened the vault and placed the remains in a sculptured sarcophagus made of Parian marble, said to have been the one in which Augustus Caesar was buried. The bones lay in this until 1215, when Frederick II had them put in a casket of gold and silver.