
第3章 五言律诗(3)

Autumn sunset floods the peaks.

...Far away, beside Mount Song,

I shall close my door and be at peace.



太乙近天都, 连山接海隅。

白云回望合, 青霭入看无。

分野中峰变, 阴晴众壑殊。

欲投人处宿, 隔水问樵夫。

Wang Wei

Mount Zhongnan

Its massive height near the City of Heaven

Joins a thousand mountains to the corner of the sea.

Clouds, when I look back, close behind me,

Mists, when I enter them, are gone.

A central peak divides the wilds

And weather into many valleys.

...Needing a place to spend the night,

I call to a woodcutter over the river.



晚年惟好静, 万事不关心。

自顾无长策, 空知返旧林。

松风吹解带, 山月照弹琴。

君问穷通理, 渔歌入浦深。

Wang Wei

Answering VicePrefect Zhang

As the years go by, give me but peace,

Freedom from ten thousand matters.

I ask myself and always answer:

What can be better than coming home?

A wind from the pinetrees blows my sash,

And my lute is bright with the mountain moon.

You ask me about good and evil fortune?...

Hark, on the lake theres a fisherman singing!



不知香积寺, 数里入云峰。

古木无人径, 深山何处钟。

泉声咽危石, 日色冷青松。

薄暮空潭曲, 安禅制毒龙。

Wang Wei

Toward the Temple of Heaped Fragrance

knowing to the Temple of Heaped Fragrance,

Not Under miles of mountaincloud I have wandered

Through ancient woods without a human track;

But now on the height I hear a bell.

A rillet sings over winding rocks,

The sun is tempered by green pines....

And at twilight, close to an emptying pool,

Thought can conquer the PassionDragon.



万壑树参天, 千山响杜鹃。

山中一夜雨, 树杪百重泉。

汉女输橦布, 巴人讼芋田。

文翁翻教授, 不敢倚先贤。

Wang Wei

A Message to Commissioner Li at Zizhou

From ten thousand valleys the trees touch heaven;

On a thousand peaks cuckoos are calling;

And, after a night of mountain rain,

From each summit come hundreds of silken cascades.

...If girls are asked in tribute the fibre they weave,

Or farmers quarrel over taro fields,

Preside as wisely as Wenweng did....

Is fame to be only for the ancients?



楚塞三湘接, 荆门九派通。

江流天地外, 山色有无中。

郡邑浮前浦, 波澜动远空。

襄阳好风日, 留醉与山翁。

Wang Wei

A View of the Han River

With its three southern branches reaching the Chu border,

And its nine streams touching the gateway of Jing,

This river runs beyond heaven and earth,

Where the colour of mountains both is and is not.

The dwellings of men seem floating along

On ripples of the distant sky-

These beautiful days here in Xiangyang

Make drunken my old mountain heart!



中岁颇好道, 晚家南山陲。

兴来美独往, 胜事空自知。

行到水穷处, 坐看云起时。

偶然值林叟, 谈笑无还期。

Wang Wei

My Retreat at Mount Zhongnan

My heart in middle age found the Way.

And I came to dwell at the foot of this mountain.

When the spirit moves, I wander alone

Amid beauty that is all for me....

I will walk till the water checks my path,

Then sit and watch the rising clouds-

And some day meet an old woodcutter

And talk and laugh and never return.



八月湖水平, 涵虚混太清。

气蒸云梦泽, 波撼岳阳城。

欲济无舟楫, 端居耻圣明。

坐观垂钓者, 空有羡鱼情。

Meng Haoran

A Message from Lake Dongtin

to Premier Zhang

Here in the Eighthmonth the waters of the lake

Are of a single air with heaven,

And a mist from the Yun and Meng valleys

Has beleaguered the city of Youzhou.

I should like to cross, but I can find no boat.

...How ashamed I am to be idler than you statesmen,

As I sit here and watch a fisherman casting

And emptily envy him his catch.



人事有代谢, 往来成古今。

江山留胜迹, 我辈复登临。

水落鱼梁浅, 天寒梦泽深。

羊公碑字在, 读罢泪沾襟。

Meng Haoran

On Climbing Yan Mountain With Friends

While worldly matters take their turn,

Ancient, modern, to and fro,

Rivers and mountains are changeless in their glory

And still to be witnessed from this trail.

Where a fisherboat dips by a waterfall,

Where the air grows colder, deep in the valley,

The monument of Yang remains;

And we have wept, reading the words.



林卧愁春尽, 开轩览物华。

忽逢青鸟使, 邀入赤松家。

丹灶初开火, 仙桃正发花。

童颜若可驻, 何惜醉流霞。

Meng Haoran

At a Banquet in the House

of the Taoist Priest Mei

In my bed among the woods,

grieving that spring must end,

I lifted up the curtain on a pathway of flowers,

And a flashing bluebird bade me come

To the dwellingplace of the Red Pine Genie.

...What a flame for his golden crucible-

Peachtrees magical with buds !-

And for holding boyhood in his face,

The rosyflowing wine of clouds!



北阙休上书, 南山归敝庐。

不才明主弃, 多病故人疏。

白发催年老, 青阳逼岁除。

永怀愁不寐, 松月夜窗墟。

Meng Haoran

On Returning at The Years End to

Zhongnan Mountain

I petition no more at the north palacegate.

...To this tumbledown hut on Zhongnan Mountain

I was banished for my blunders, by a wise ruler.

I have been sick so long I see none of my friends.

My white hairs hasten my decline,

Like pale beams ending the old year.

Therefore I lie awake and ponder

On the pineshadowed moonlight in my empty window.



故人具鸡黍, 邀我至田家。

绿树村边合, 青山郭外斜。

开轩面场圃, 把酒话桑麻。

待到重阳日, 还来就菊花。

Meng Haoran

Stopping at a Friends FarmHouse

Preparing me chicken and rice, old friend,

You entertain me at your farm.

We watch the green trees that circle your village

And the pale blue of outlying mountains.

We open your window over garden and field,

To talk mulberry and hemp with our cups in our hands.

...Wait till the Mountain Holiday-

I am coming again in chrysanthemum time.



一丘尝欲卧, 三径苦无资。

北土非吾愿, 东林怀我师。

黄金燃桂尽, 壮志逐年衰。

日夕凉风至, 闻蝉但益悲。

Meng Haoran

From Qin Country to the Buddhist Priest Yuan

How gladly I would seek a mountain

If I had enough means to live as a recluse!

For I turn at last from serving the State

To the Eastern Woods Temple and to you, my master.

...Like ashes of gold in a cinnamonflame,

My youthful desires have been burnt with the years-

And tonight in the chilling sunsetwind

A cicada, singing, weighs on my heart.



山暝听猿愁, 沧江急夜流。

风鸣两岸叶, 月照一孤舟。

建德非吾土, 维扬忆旧游。

还将两行泪, 遥寄海西头。

Meng Haoran

From a Mooring on the Tonglu

to a Friend in Yangzhou

With monkeys whimpering on the shadowy mountain,

And the river rushing through the night,

And a wind in the leaves along both banks,

And the moon athwart my solitary sail,

I, a stranger in this inland district,

Homesick for my Yangzhou friends,

Send eastward two long streams of tears

To find the nearest touch of the sea.



寂寂竟何待, 朝朝空自归。

欲寻芳草去, 惜与故人违。

当路谁相假, 知音世所稀。

祗应守寂寞, 还掩故园扉。

Meng Haoran

Taking Leave of Wang Wei

Slow and reluctant, I have waited Day after day, till now I must go.

How sweet the roadside flowers might be

If they did not mean goodbye, old friend.

The Lords of the Realm are harsh to us

And men of affairs are not our kind.

I will turn back home, I will say no more,

I will close the gate of my old garden.



木落雁南渡, 北风江上寒。

我家襄水曲, 遥隔楚云端。

乡泪客中尽, 孤帆天际看。

迷津欲有问, 平海夕漫漫。

Meng Haoran

Memories in Early Winter