
第5章 五言律诗(5)

That hearing first your surname, I thought you a stranger-

Then hearing your given name, I remembered your young face....

All that has happened with the tides

We have told and told till the evening bell....

Tomorrow you journey to Youzhou,

Leaving autumn between us, peak after peak.



故人江海别, 几度隔山川。

乍见翻疑梦, 相悲各问年。

孤灯寒照雨, 深竹暗浮烟。

更有明朝恨, 离杯惜共传。

Sikong Shu

A Farewell to Han Shen at the Yunyang Inn

Long divided by river and sea,

For years we two have failed to meet-

And suddenly to find you seems like a dream....

With a catch in the throat, we ask how old we are.

...Our single lamp shines, through cold and wet,

On a bamboothicket sheathed in rain;

But forgetting the sadness that will come with tomorrow,

Let us share the comfort of this farewell wine.



静夜四无邻, 荒居旧业贫。

雨中黄叶树, 灯下白头人。

以我独沉久, 愧君相访频。

平生自有分, 况是蔡家亲。

Sikong Shu

When Lu Lun My Cousin Comes for the Night

With no other neighbour but the quiet night,

Here I live in the same old cottage;

And as raindrops brighten yellow leaves,

The lamp illumines my white head....

Out of the world these many years,

I am ashamed to receive you here.

But you cannot come too often,

More than brother, lifelong friend.



世乱同南去, 时清独北还。

他乡生白发, 旧国见青山。

晓月过残垒, 繁星宿故关。

寒禽与衰草, 处处伴愁颜。

Sikong Shu

To a Friend Bound North

After the Rebellion

In dangerous times we two came south;

Now you go north in safety, without me.

But remember my head growing white among strangers,

When you look on the blue of the mountains of home.

...The moon goes down behind a ruined fort,

Leaving starclusters above an old gate....

There are shivering birds and withering grasses,

Whichever way I turn my face.



天地英雄气, 千秋尚凛然。

势分三足鼎, 业复五铢钱。

得相能开国, 生儿不象贤。

凄凉蜀故妓, 来舞魏宫前。

Liu Yuxi

In the Temple of the First King of Shu

Even in this world the spirit of a hero

Lives and reigns for thousands of years.

You were the firmest of the pots three legs;

It was you who maintained the honour of the currency;

You chose a great premier to magnify your kingdom....

And yet you had a son so little like his father

That girls of your country were taken captive

To dance in the palace of the King of Wei.



前年伐月支, 城下没全师。

蕃汉断消息, 死生长别离。

无人收废帐, 归马识残旗。

欲祭疑君在, 天涯哭此时。

Zhang Ji

Thinking of a Friend Lost

in the Tibetan War

Last year you went with your troops to Tibet;

And when your men had vanished beyond the citywall,

News was cut off between the two worlds

As between the living and the dead.

No one has come upon a faithful horse guarding

A crumpled tent or torn flag, or any trace of you.

If only I knew, I might serve you in the temple,

Instead of these tears toward the far sky.



离离原上草, 一岁一枯荣。

野火烧不尽, 春风吹又生。

远芳侵古道, 晴翠接荒城。

又送王孙去, 萋萋满别情。

Bi Juyi


Boundless grasses over the plain

Come and go with every season;

Wildfire never quite consumes them-

They are tall once more in the spring wind.

Sweet they press on the old highroad

And reach the crumbling citygate....

O Prince of Friends, you are gone again....

I hear them sighing after you.



旅馆无良伴, 凝情自悄然。

寒灯思旧事, 断雁警愁眠。

远梦归侵晓, 家书到隔年。

沧江好烟月, 门系钓鱼船。

Du Mu

A Night at a Tavern

Solitary at the tavern,

I am shut in with loneliness and grief.

Under the cold lamp, I brood on the past;

I am kept awake by a lost wildgoose.

...Roused at dawn from a misty dream,

I read, a year late, news from home-

And I remember the moon like smoke on the river

And a fisherboat moored there, under my door.



红叶晚萧萧, 长亭酒一瓢。

残云归太华, 疏雨过中条。

树色随山迥, 河声入海遥。

帝乡明日到, 犹自梦渔樵。

Xu Hun

Inscribed in the Inn at Tong Gate

on an Autumn Trip to the Capital

Red leaves are fluttering down the twilight

Past this arbour where I take my wine;

Cloudrifts are blowing toward Great Flower Mountain,

And a shower is crossing the Middle Ridge.

I can see trees colouring a distant wall.

I can hear the river seeking the sea,

As I the Imperial City tomorrow-

But I dream of woodsmen and fishermen.



遥夜泛清瑟, 西风生翠萝。

残萤栖玉露, 早雁拂银河。

高树晓还密, 远山晴更多。

淮南一叶下, 自觉老烟波。

Xu Hun

Early Autumn

Theres a harp in the midnight playing clear,

While the west wind rustles a green vine;

Theres a low cloud touching the jadewhite dew

And an early wildgoose in the River of Stars....

Night in the tall trees clings to dawn;

Light makes folds in the distant hills;

And here on the Huai, by one falling leaf,

I can feel a storm on Lake Dongting.


本以高难饱, 徒劳恨费声。

五更疏欲断, 一树碧无情。

薄宦梗犹泛, 故园芜已平。

烦君最相警, 我亦举家清。

Li Shangyin

A Cicada

Pure of heart and therefore hungry,

All night long you have sung in vain-

Oh, this final broken indrawn breath

Among the green indifferent trees!

Yes, I have gone like a piece of driftwood,

I have let my garden fill with weeds....

I bless you for your true advice

To live as pure a life as yours.



凄凉宝剑篇, 羁泊欲穷年。

黄叶仍风雨, 青楼自管弦。

新知遭薄俗, 旧好隔良缘。

心断新丰酒, 销愁斗几千。

Li Shangyin

Wind and Rain

I ponder on the poem of The Precious Dagger.

My road has wound through many years.

...Now yellow leaves are shaken with a gale;

Yet piping and fiddling keep the Blue Houses merry.

On the surface, I seem to be glad of new people;