
第24章 Words of Sages智者之言(7)




The Roman Peace

Aelius Aristides

If one considers the vast extent of your empireempire n.帝国, 帝权 he must be amazed that so small a fraction of it rules the world, but when he beholds the city and its spaciousness it is not astonishing that all the habitablehabitable adj.可居住的 world is ruled by such a capital...Your possessions equal the sun,s course ...You do not rule within fixedboundaries, nor can anyone dictate the limits of your sway ...

Whatever any people produces can be found here, at all times and in abundance ...Egypt, Sicily, and the civilized part of Africa are your farms; ships are continually coming and going ...

Vast as it is, your empire is more remarkable for its thoroughness than its scope: there are no dissidentdissident n.持不同政见者or rebelliousrebellious adj.造反的, 反叛的, 反抗的, 难于对付的 enclavesenclave n.被包围的领土 ...The whole world prays in unison that your empire may endure forever.

Governors sent out to cities and peoples each rule their charges, but in their relations to each other they are equally subjects.The principal difference between governors and their charges is this - they demonstratedemonstrate vt.示范, 证明, 论证 vi.示威the proper way to be a subject.So great is their reverence for the great Ruler [the emperor], who administers all things.Him they believe to know their business better than they themselves do, and hence they respect and heed him more than one would a master overseeing a task and giving orders.No one is so selfassured that he can remain unmoved upon hearing the emperor,s name; he rises in prayer and adorationadorationn.崇拜, 爱慕, 受崇拜(或爱慕)的对象 and utters a twofold prayer - to the gods for the ruler, and to the ruler for himself.Andif the governors are in the least doubt concerning the justice of claims or suits of the governed, public or private, they send to the Ruler for instructions at once and await his reply, as a chorus awaits its trainer,s directions.Hencethe ruler need not exhaust himself by traveling to various parts to settle matters in person.It is easy for him to abide in his place and manage the world through letters; these arrive almost as soon as written, as if borne on wings.

But the most notable and praiseworthypraiseworthy adj.值得称颂的 feature of all, a thing unparalleled, is your magnanimous conception of citizenship.All of your subjects (and this implies the whole world) you have divided into two parts: the better endowed and morevirile, wherever they may be, you have granted citizenship and even kinship; therest you govern as obedient subjects.Neither the seas nor expanse of land barscitizenship; Asia and Europe are not differentiateddifferentiate v.区别, 区分.Careers are open to talent...Rich and poor find contentment and profit in your system; there is no other way of life.Your polity is a single and allembracing harmony ...

You alone are, so to speak, natural rulers.Your predecessors were masters and slaves in turn; as rulers they were counterfeits, and reversed their positions like players in a ball game...You have measured out the world, bridged rivers, cut roads through mountains, filled the wastes with posting stations, introduced orderly and refined modes of life ...

Be all gods and their offspringoffspring n.(单复数同形)儿女, 子孙, 后代, 产物 invoked to grant that this empire and this cityflourish forever and never cease until stones float upon the sea and trees forbear to sprout in the springtide.May the great Ruler and his sons be preserved toadminister all things well.



