
第9章 Life Songs生命如歌(9)

Thrills, indeed, are merely an amusement, and their effect vanishes as quickly as the effect of a game of cards. Those who enjoy life most enjoy thrills least. Or it might be nearer the truth to say that they are least dependant on thrills for their happiness. The autobiographyautobiography n.自传 of the happiest man would not be record of sensationalsensational adj.使人感动的, 非常好的 experiences. Charles Lamb,s tenderest essay was called “Old China”, not “Murderers I Have Met”. Think yourself back into happiness and it is ten to one you will find yourself in a sunny garden and not at some exciting public show. The first time you heard a willowwren,s song and saw it lifting it beak to sing in the shadow of the sycamore leaves seems an infinitelyinfinitely adv.无限地, 无穷地 more wonderful thing to look back on than a riot in the streets with bayonets drawn and policemen charging and brokenskulled civilians borne off to the hospital.

Nor are the best books the most thrilling books. Guy Boothby was a more thrilling author than Jane Austen, yet who troubles even to remember any of Guy Boothby,s novels today? Great literatureliterature n.文学(作品), 文艺, 着作, 文献 has its exaltations, but a thrill is merely a superficial excitement of the nerves, and moves the imagination or the affections about as little or as much as a strong cup of coffee.

I confess to an occasional - may, frequent - craving for coffee and to an occasional - may, frequent - craving for thrills, but, as for happiness, I should prefer to grow broad beans and lettuces in a walled garden and to sit in a deckchair in my shirtsleeves, watching their brief lives till they were ready for the table.








The Essay and the Essayist

E. B. White

The essayist is a selfliberated man, sustained by the childish belief that everything he thinks about, everything that happens to him, is of general interest. He is a fellow who thoroughly enjoys his work, just as people who take bird walks enjoy theirs. Each new excursion of the essayist, each new “attempt”, differs from the last and takes him into new country. This delights him. Only a person who is congenitallycongenitally adv.天生地, 先天地 selfcentered has the effrontery and the stamina to write essays.

There are as many kinds of essays as there are human attitudes or poses, as many essay flavors as there are Howard Johnson ice creams. The essayist arises in the morning and, if he has work to do, selects his garb from an unusually extensive wardrobe: he can pull on any sort of shirt, be any sort of person, according to his mood or his subject matter - philosopher scold, jesterjester n.讲笑话的人, 小丑, raconteurraconteur n.健谈者, 善谈者, confidantconfidant n.心腹朋友, 知己, punditpundit n.印度学者, 梵文学家, 博学者, devil,s advocate, enthusiast. I like the essay, have always liked it, and even as a child was at work, attempting to inflict my young thoughts and experiences on others by putting them on paper. I early broke into print in the pages of St. Nicholas. I tend still to fall back on the essay form (or lack of form) when an idea strikes me, but I am not fooled about the place of the essay in twentiethcentury American letters-it stands a short distance down the line. The essayist, unlike the novelist, the poet, and the playwright, must be content in his selfimposed role of secondclass citizen. A writer who has his sights trained on the Nobel Prize or other earthly triumphs had best write a novel, a poem, or a play, and leave the essayist to ramble aboutramble about v.闲逛, 漫步于, content with living a free life and enjoying the satisfactions of a somewhat undisciplined existence. (Dr. Johnson called the essay “an irregular, undigested piece”; this happy practitioner has no wish to quarrel with the good doctor,s characterization.)

There is one thing the essayist cannot do, though he cannot indulge himself in deceit or in concealment, for he will be found out in no time. Desmond MacCarthy, in his introductoryintroductory n adj.介绍性的 remarks to the 1928 E. P. Dutton & Company edition of Montaigne, observes that Montaigne had the gift of natural candor...“ It is the basic ingredient. And even the essayist,s escape from discipline is only a partial escape: the essay, although a relaxed form, imposes its own disciplines and problems soon become apparent and (we all hope) act as a deterrent to anyone wielding a pen merely because he entertains randomrandom n.随意, 任意 adj.任意的, 随便的, 胡乱的adv.胡乱地 thoughts or is in a happy or wandering mood.”