
第30章 名校风采Famous Universities(3)

Today,s Cornell reflects this heritage of egalitarian excellence. It is home to the nation,s first colleges devoted to hotel administration, industrial and labor relations, and veterinary medicine. Both a private university and the landgrant institution of New York State, Cornell University is the most educationallyeducationally adv.教育地,有关教育地, 教育上地 diverse member of the Ivy League.

On the Ithaca campus alone nearly 20,000 students representing every state and 120 countries choose from among 4,000 courses in 11 undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools. Many undergraduates participate in a wide range of interdisciplinary programs, play meaningful roles in original research, and study in Cornell programs in Washington, New York City, and the world over.

In his first inaugural address, at the Weill Cornell Medical College campus in Qatar in October 2004, Jeffrey Lehman, the first Cornell alumnusalumnus n.男毕业生, 男校友 to become its president, articulated a vision projecting Cornell as “the transnational university of the future.”

In addition to its 745acre Ithaca campus in the Finger Lakes region of New York State, Cornell operates the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City and now the Weill Cornell Medical College in Doha, Qatar.

The Cornell extended campus includes field stations and programs in the Isle of Shoals, Maine; Washington 8.D.C.; and Geneva, New York. Arecibo, Puerto Rico, is home to Cornell,s radio telescope, the world,s largest. The Bridging the Rift Technology Center, a joint venture among Cornell, Stanford, and the governments of Jordan and Israel, is under construction on the IsraelJordan border. The College of Architecture, Art, and Planning,s Rome Program has its headquarters in the Palazzo Lazzaroni.

Cornell Abroad operates program offices in every corner of the world.

Princeton University普林斯顿大学

普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)1745年建校,是美国第4座最古老的大学,位于新泽西州小城普林斯顿(Princeton),正好处于费城和纽约的正当中,环境幽雅、生活富裕,是新泽西州人均收入最高的城镇之一。在美国革命史上,这一带也相当有名,是乔治·华盛顿领军打仗多次往返的地方,有不少历史遗迹。在常春藤盟校中,普林斯顿大学是学生人数第二少的,仅比学生数最少的达特茅斯学院多一点。它的本科生只有4500多人,研究生只有本科生的三分之一。比起学生超过1.7万人的康乃尔大学,普林斯顿校园的气氛要恬静许多。

作为全美第4座最古老的学府,普林斯顿大学在学术和资源方面都名列前茅。它拥有着名的教授学者,数量巨大的校友捐款,世界领先的核能实验室,以及450万册藏书。在普林斯顿,很难找到哪个系不好。它的数学、哲学和物理系尤其有名。历史、英语、政治和经济系在学术上也备受尊重。特别是1993年诺贝尔文学奖获得者、黑人女作家托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison)等着名作家执教于英文系,必然能让喜爱文学和写作的年轻人受益匪浅。




Princeton University, located in Princeton, New Jersey, is the fourth oldest institution of higher education in the United States. One of the nation,s foremost universities, Princeton has, in addition to its noted undergraduate college and graduate school, important schools of architecture, engineering, and public and international affairs. Research is carried on in many areas, including plasma physics, meteorology, and jet propulsionpropulsion n.推进, 推进力. The Forestal Campus has facilities for plasma physicsplasma physics 等离子物理 and meteorological research. The university is affiliated with the Brookhaven National Laboratories. The Harvey S. Firestone Library (opened 1948) and the art museum house many outstanding collections. It was founded as the College of New Jersey in 1746, and was originally located in Elizabeth, New Jersey. The school moved to Princeton in 1756. The name was officially changed to “Princeton University” in 1896. While originally a Presbyterian institution, the university is now nonsectarian and makes no religious demands on its students. Princeton, one of the eight schools in the Ivy League, is consistently placed at the top of college and university rankings.

History of the University

Established by the “New Light” Presbyterians, Princeton was originally intended to train ministers. The college opened at Elizabeth, New Jersey, under the presidencypresidency   n.任期 of Jonathan Dickinson as the College of New Jersey. (It was proposed to name it for the colonial Governor, Jonathan Belcher, but he declined.) Its second president was the father of Aaron Burr; the third was Jonathan Edwards. In 1756 the college moved to Princeton, New Jersey.

From the time of the move to Princeton in 1756 until the construction of Stanhope Hall in 1803, the University,s sole building was Nassau Hall, named for William III of England of the House of OrangeNassau. During the American Revolution, Princeton was occupied by both sides, and the college,s buildings were heavily damaged. The Battle of Princeton, fought in a nearby field in January of 1777, proved to be a decisivedecisive  adj.决定性的 victory for General George Washington and his troops. Two of Princeton,s leading citizens signed the Declaration of Independence, and during the summer of 1783, the Continental Congress met in Nassau Hall, making Princeton the country,s capital for four months. The muchabused landmark survived bombardmentbombardment   n.炮击, 轰击 with cannonballs in the Revolutionary War when General Washington struggled to wrest the building from British control, as well as later fires that left only its walls standing 1802 and 1855, and innumerable minor insults. Rebuilt by Joseph Henry Latrobe, John Notman, and John Witherspoon, the modern Nassau Hall has been much revised and expanded from the Robert Smithdesigned original. Over the centuries, its role shifted from an allpurpose building, comprising office, dormitory, library, and classroom space, to classrooms only, to its present role as the administrative center of the university(Princeton Companion).