
第10章 蒙大拿州(5)

The one I understand.


Glory of the West

Of all the states from coast to coast,

You’re easily the best.


Where skies are always blue


Montana,I love you.

Montana Melody

I long to be in the places that I see

in the pictures of my dreams

Where there’s mountains full of trees,

meadows carpeted in green

Silent,snow-fall,clear running streams.

Where the bear-grass blooms

In the spring-time of the year,

And the larch(落叶松属植物)turn gold in the Fall

Where there’s deer,elk([动]麋鹿,软鞣粗皮)and antelope(羚羊)

Beaver[海狸(毛皮)],bears and birds and the yippin’


serenade(唱小夜曲)them all.


Yes,there’s no place like Montana,

the Big Sky country,my home.

A place to set my spirit free,

a Rocky Mountain melody,

These things are a part of me,

Montana,Montana,my home.

Charlie Russell clouds paint sunsets in the West,

in colors of red,blue and gold.

Snow-capped peaks reach endless to the sky,

and the grain-fields with gentle breezes flow.

There’s high mountain lakes,Missouri river breaks

and the open plains,where the buffalo

(〈美〉[动]美洲野牛)used to roam.

It’s a cowboy(〈美〉牛仔,牧童,美国西部牧人)

song,it’s where Indians belong

God’s country,my home sweet home.

I had a dream,of how Heaven’s s’posed to be,

and when I die,that’s where I want to go.

Cause there’s mountains full of trees,meadows(草地,牧场)

carpeted in green,silent snowfall,clear running streams.


Facts and Trivia相关资料

1.Montana has the largest migratory elk herd in the nation.

2.The state boasts the largest breeding population of trumpeter(喇叭手,号兵)swans in the lower United States.

3.At the Rocky Mountain Front Eagle Migration Area west of Great Falls more golden eagles have been seen in a single day than anywhere else in the country.

4.North of Missoula is the largest population of nesting common loons([动物]潜鸟)in the western United States.

5.The average square mile of land contains 1.4elk,1.4pronghorn(〈美〉[动](墨西哥与美国西部产的)叉角羚)antelope,and 3.3deer.

6.The Freezeout Lake Wildlife Management Area contains as many as 300,000snow geese and 10,000tundra(苔原,冻土地带)swans during migration.

7.At Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge it is possible to see up to 1,700nesting pelicans([鸟]鹈鹕).

8.The Montana Yogo Sapphire is the only North American gem to be included in the Crown Jewels of England.

9.In 1888Helena had more millionaires per capita than any other city in the world.

10.46out of Montana’s 56counties are considered “frontier counties”with an average population of 6or fewer people per square mile.

11.At Egg Mountain near Choteau dinosaur(恐龙)eggs have been discovered supporting the theory some dinosaurs were more like mammals(哺乳动物)and birds than like reptiles(爬虫动物).

12.Montana is the only state with a triple divide allowing water to flow into the Pacific,Atlantic,and Hudson Bay.This phenomenon occurs at Triple Divide Peak in Glacier National Park.

13.The notorious(声名狼籍的)outlaw,Henry Plummer,built the first jail constructed in the state.

14.No state has as many different species of mammals as Montana.

15.The moose,now numbering over 8,000in Montana,was thought to be extinct(〈古〉使熄灭)in the Rockies south of Canada in the 1900s.

16.Flathead Lake in northwest Montana contains over 200square miles of water and 185miles of shoreline.It is considered the largest natural freshwater lake in the west.

17.Miles City is known as the Cowboy Capitol.

18.Yellowstone National Park in southern Montana and northern Wyoming was the first national park in the nation.

19.The town of Ekalaka was named for the daughter of the famous Sioux(苏人的,苏语的)chief,Sitting Bull.

20.Fife is named after the type of wheat grown in the area or,as some locals contend,by Tommy Simpson for his home in Scotland.

21.Fishtail is named for either a Mr.Fishtail who lived in the area or as the area Indians prefer for some of the peaks in the nearby Beartooth Mountain Range which look like the tail of a fish.

22.The Yaak community is the most northwestern settlement in the state.

23.Montana has the largest grizzly bear(大灰熊)population in the lower 48states.

24.Near the Pines Recreation Area as many as 100sage grouse perform their extraordinary spring mating rituals(典礼,(宗教)仪式,礼节).

25.The first luge(竞赛用的小型撬)run in North America was built at Lolo Hot Springs on Lolo Pass in 1965.

26.Combination,Comet,Keystone,Black Pine,and Pony are names of Montana ghost towns.

27.Virginia City was founded in 1863and is considered to be the most complete original town of its kind in the United States.

28.Montana is nicknamed the Treasure State.

29.The bitterroot is the official state flower.

30.The density(密度)of the state is six people per square mile.

31.The highest point in the state is Granite(花岗岩)Peak at 12,799feet.

32.The most visited place in Montana is Glacier National Park,known as the crown jewel of the continent.It lies along Montana’s northern border and adjoins(邻接,毗连)Waterton Lakes National Park in Canada,forming the world’s first International Peace Park.

33.Buffalo in the wild can still be viewed at the National Bison(美洲或欧洲的野牛)Range in Moiese,south of Flathead Lake and west of the Mission Mountains.

34.Montana’s first territorial capital,Bannack,has been preserved as a ghost town state park along once gold-laden Grasshopper Creek.

35.The Old West comes to life through the brush and sculpture of famed western artist Charlie Russell at the Charles M.Russell Museum Complex in Great Falls.The museum contains the world’s largest collection of Russell’s work,his original log-cabin studio and his Great Falls home.

36.The Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman gained fame through the work of its chief paleontologist(古生物学者),Jack Horner.Horner was the prototype(原型)for the character Dr.Alan Grant in the best selling novel/movie,“Jurassic Park”.

37.Montana’s rivers and streams provide water for three oceans and three of the North American continent’s major river basins.

38.Just south of Billings,Lt.Col.George Armstrong Custer and his troops made their last stand.Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument features the Plains Indians and United States military involved in the historic battle.

39.The western meadowlark is the official state bird.