
第8章 蒙大拿州(3)

After graduation,Brian and Nancy began a career of irrigation(灌溉,冲洗)development that took them to Africa,Asia,Europe and South America.He has built hundreds of miles of roads,poured thousands of yards of concrete,buried many miles of pipe,and built hundreds of structures,from houses to warehouses to distillation plants.During seven years in Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯),Brian developed over 28,000acres of irrigated cropland(农田,植作物之农地).Brian and Nancy returned to Montana in 1986to raise a family and to build a ranching and irrigation business in Montana.

His business and agricultural experience is broad and deep,including extensive farming and ranching experience in Montana,and successful agricultural business projects on five continents.Brian has owned and operated Montana farms in Flathead,Sanders,Rosebud,and Judith Basin Counties.

In 1993,Brian was appointed by the U.S.Secretary of Agriculture to serve on the Montana State USDA Farm Service Agency committee.He served for seven years with the FSA,and his three-person committee was responsible for(为...负责)the operation of 46county offices,300employees and a budget(预算)of more than 300million.He resigned in 1999to run for U.S.Senate.

Brian has been active in developing and implementing national farm policy,and ensuring that the voice of local Montanans is heard.In 1995,he received an award from the Secretary of Agriculture for outreach efforts to Native Americans.In 1996,Brian was appointed to the Montana Rural Development Partnership Board.In 1999,he was appointed to the National Drought Task Force,a 16-member national board,to review policy and report to Congress an improved coordination response to drought emergencies(紧急事件)nationwide.

Brian’s life experiences are extensive and diverse(不同的,变化多的).He has learned to fly his own plane,obtained a Montana Boiler’s license(许可(证),执照),has communicated in several languages and has a chemical applicator’s(敷药用的器具,为人敷药的人)license.

On November 2,2004Brian was elected as Montana’s first democratic governor since 1988.Brian Schweitzer became the 23rd Governor of the great state of Montana on January 3,2005.

Brian and Nancy have three children,sons Ben,17,and Khai,16,and daughter Katrina,14.

State Bird州鸟


This bird is known for its loud,cheerful chirps(喳喳声,唧唧声).It is about as big as a robin with a bright yellow(嫩黄)chest and throat under a black collar.It builds its nest on the ground and lays between three and seven white eggs with purple and brown spots.The eggs only take two weeks to hatch(孵化).It can be found in spring and summer along most dirt roads,sitting on fence posts singing to other meadowlarks([鸟](北美产)草地鹨)nearby.Lewis and Clark were the first to write about the western meadowlark in 1805and it was chosen for state bird in 1931.

To Meriwether Lewis goes the distinction(区别)of not only “discovering”the Bitterroot([植]一种齿苋),but first recording what became Montana’s state bird.Under the date of June 22,1805,Lewis noted in his journal the appearance of a lark(云雀,百灵鸟)with a yellow breast and black spot on the throat.It resembled in size,action,and color the eastern lark with which he was more familiar,but the song was richer and more varied.

The western meadowlark’s cheerful song,consisting of a loud,clear,warbling(鸟鸣,用柔和的颤声唱)whistle,makes him easily recognizable.His peculiar(奇特的,罕见的,特殊的)flight habits,several short,rapid wing beats alternated with brief periods of sailing,also make the western meadowlark very recognoizable.This bird has its nest on the ground in a hidden spot and has from three to seven eggs of mixed white,brown and purple.

The western meadowlark has captivated(迷住,迷惑)the attention and interest of Montanans from Lewis to the present.When asked in 1930which bird best represented Montana,the state’s school children responded overwhelmingly(压倒性地,不可抵抗地)with the meadowlark.Legislators agreed the next session,and in 1931,the western meadowlark(Sturnella-Neglecta:Audubon)added its song as another official representative of the Big Sky Country.

The following is identification:

1.8.5inches length

2.Sharply-pointed bill

3.Buff and brown head stripes

4.Yellow underparts with black “V”on breast

5.White flanks with black streaks

6.Brown upperparts with black streaks

7.Brown tail with white outer tail feathers

8.Juvenile and winter plumages somewhat duller

9.Frequents open habitats

State Flower州花


Long before explorers Lewis and Clark wrote about the beautiful purplish-pink flower of the bitterroot,Native Americans were using its roots for food and trade.Tribes dug up the roots and dried them so they could be kept and used for months.The root was too bitter to eat unless it was cooked,and it was usually mixed with berries(浆果)or meat.An Indian story tells how the bitterroot came to be.It says the sun heard a mother crying because she couldn’t find food for her family.The sun changed her tears into the bitterroot so she would always have food for her children.You can find the bitterroot growing near the mountains and boulders of western Montana in spring and summer.Mice love its leaves and seeds.

A decade before the Spanish American War colored Montana’s seal,a more subdued movement began to add beauty and a mild fragrance(芬芳,香气,香味)to Montana’s list of symbols.

Delegates to the 1889Montana Women’s Christian Temperance Union,meeting in Missoula,selected a “little blue flower that grows near the snow banks”as the WCTU’s official state flower.Two years later,sentiment arose for change and the bitterroot received the WCTU’s designation.A perennial,the bitterroot has an exquisite(高雅的,精致的)pink blossom which grows close to the ground and its delicate shadings offer the eye one of the loveliest of wildflowers.