
第23章 威斯康星州(2)

Governor Doyle has now signed into law virtually every major piece of legislation called for under“Grow Wisconsin”including financial modernization legislation,tax reforms to help manufacturers pay the rising costs of energy,a bill to increase venture capital available to Wisconsin of entrepreneurs(〈法〉企业家),the single sales factor tax reform bill which repealed(撤销,废除)the tax penalty on companies that create jobs,and the most aggressive(敢作敢为的)regulatory reform in the Midwest.

From funding the BioStar initiative to expanding access to technology zone tax credits,Governor Doyle is capitalizing on Wisconsin of leadership in research,biotechnology(生物工艺学),and stem cells,and laying the foundation for a vast expansion in high tech jobs.

Health Care

From day one,Governor Doyle has made protecting health care a major priority.At a time when other states were cutting hundreds of thousands of people off of health care,Governor Doyle protected eligibility(合格)and benefits for SeniorCare,BadgerCare,and Medical Assistance.Governor Doyle also created a pharmaceutical(制药(学)上的)purchasing pool that will help reduce the cost of prescription drug purchases for state employees and will be expanded to allow companies to share in the savings generated from the buying power of the state.

Governor Doyle has also been a national leader in the fight to give Americans access to safe,affordable(花费得起)prescription drugs from Canada.Under his leadership,Wisconsin became the second state in the country to create a website drugsavings.wi.gov—that allows citizens to purchase lower price prescription drugs from companies that the state has visited and found to be safe,reputable(著名的)and reliable.

Governor Doyle signed a health care co-op bill that will help farm families lower health care costs by creating five regional health care purchasing alliances to negotiate better coverage,lower premiums(保险费)for farmers,and improve health care delivery for farmers and others who are underinsured(保险(额)不足的).He also signed legislation to require all universities and colleges in the state to provide students with information on meningitis,and on the availability and effectiveness of vaccines(疫苗).

State Bird州鸟


In 1926-1927,Wisconsin school children voted to select a state bird.The robin received twice the votes given any other bird.Chapter 218,Laws of 1949,which created Section 1.10of the statutes(法令,条例),officially made the robin the state bird.

Familiar in the summertime throughout North America,the American Robin is seen from Alaska to Virginia.Most people do not know that many Robins spend the entire winter in New England.They roost(栖息,安歇)among the evergreens(常绿树)in the swamps(沼泽,湿地)where they feed on winter berries(浆果).

The following is identification:

1.8.5inches length

2.Black to dark gray head

3.Broken eye ring

4.Dull red breast and belly(腹部)

5.White undertail coverts

6.Gray upperparts

7.Streaked throat

8.Thin yellow bill

9.Sexes similar-female somewhat paler

10.Winter plumage is somewhat paler than Summer plumage

11.Juveniles have spotted,whiter breasts

12.Common in residential(住宅的,与居住有关的)areas where it often forages(草料)on lawns(草地,草坪)

13.Often sings very early in morning

14.Often found in large flocks(大量,众多)outside of breeding season

State Flower州花


The violet is also the state flower for Illinois,New Jersey,and Rhode Island.

Wisconsin’s school children were asked to vote for an official state flower in 1908,which left four finalists(参加决赛的选手):arbutus([植]杨梅),violet(紫罗兰),white water lily(百合,百合花)and wild rose.The following year they voted again using the four finalists and the violet won.However,the violet was only named Wisconsin’s unofficial state flower until 1948.Finally,during the Centennial celebration,a youth committee was set up to officially adopt several state symbols.At this time the official flower,tree and bird were decided.On Arbor Day 1909,the final vote was taken,and the violet won.Chapter 218,Laws of 1949,which created Section 1.10of the statutes,named the wood violet Wisconsin’s official flower.

Plant Type:This is a herbaceous plant(草本植物).It is variable(易变的)in flower color and to a lesser extent leaf shape.

Leaves:This plant has basal leaves only.Each heart shaped leaf is bluntly toothed(有……齿的,锯齿状的)and born on long stem.High in vitamins A and C it used to be a very welcome raw salad or cooked green early in the spring when fresh vegetables were hard to come by.The flowers are more often used nowadays.They can be candied and also used in jellies(凝胶剂).

Height:Less than 1’

Frequency:Many plants found in low woods.This is the violet commonly found in yards and along roadsides(路旁).

Flowers:April;It is one of the first plants to bloom[(使)开花,(使)繁盛]in the low,wet woods of the preserve in early spring.The flowers are irregular in shape .They are Deep blue or violet sometimes almost white with blue markings.Blooms first appear in early spring and continue into early fall.The side petals(花瓣)have beards or tuffs near the center of the flower.The flower grows on its own stem.There are also special flowers that stay near the ground and do not open...but they still produce bazillions of seeds!

Habitat:Almost anywhere.Prefers damp locations.

Range:Most of eastern US except extreme north and south.

State Flag州旗


An official design for Wisconsin’s state flag was initially(最初)provided by the legislature in 1863at the request of Civil War regiments who wanted an official flag to fly during the war on the battlefield.