
第6章 犹他州(2)

As a business executive,he has held several leadership positions with Huntsman Corporation,most recently as Chairman and CEO of its holding company.His public service career includes serving as a White House staff assistant to President Ronald Reagan.Under President George H.W.Bush,he was deputy assistant secretary of commerce for trade development,deputy assistant secretary of commerce for East Asian and Pacific Affairs,as well as U.S.ambassador to Singapore(the youngest U.S.ambassador in a century).He is fluent in Mandarin(普通话).He also served as a deputy U.S.trade representative and U.S.trade ambassador under President George W.Bush.

Jon is a seventh generation Utahn,his wife Mary Kaye is a first generation Utahn.Together they have six children,one of whom is adopted from China.

State Bird州鸟


The California gull(Larus californicus)became the official state bird on February 14,1955,when House Bill 51was signed into law by Gov.J Bracken Lee.The bill was introduced by Richard C.Howe a member of the House of Representatives.

The gull was first protected under Utah law because it is an insectivorous(食虫的)bird(feeds on insects).It was protected along with the owl([动]猫头鹰),hawk(鹰),lark(云雀,百灵鸟),whippoorwill([鸟]北美夜鹰),thrush,swallow,snowbird,and any other insectivorous or song birds.The California gull was chosen as the state bird because it was credited with saving the pioneer’s crops from complete destruction in the summer of 1848.

Chiefly found in the interior regions,the California gull breeds on inland lakes from Canada south to Mono Lake,California,Great Salt Lake,and Yellowstone Lake,Wyoming.It winters along the Pacific Coast and inland in Utah,Oregon,and California.The mature California gull measures from twenty to twenty-three inches in length and has greenish yellow feet,a medium gray mantle,and a bill with an orange spot near the tip of the lower mandible(下颚).The outer primaries are black,tipped with white,the first two with subterminal(几乎在末端的)white spots.

The gull is about two feet long.The color of this bird is pearly-blue.It is sometimes barred or streaked with blackish gray.Aeronautic wizards,gulls are gymnasts of the sky,making the seemingly impossible appear effortless(容易的).They can appear motionless in midair(半空中)by catching wind currents with perfect timing and precision while positioning their bodies at just the right angle.They are quiet birds,considered quite beneficial by agriculturalists,and are usually gentle creatures,exhibiting neither antagonism(对抗)to nor fondness for man.

This is identification



Medium-sized gull

Fairly large bill with distinct gonydeal angle

Fairly rounded forehead and smaller bill give more“gentle”appearance than Herring Gull

Adult alternate

Bright yellow bill with complete black ring distal(末梢的)to red spot at gonys[(鸟类)嘴底]

Bright yellow legs

Brown eye

White head,neck,breast,and belly

Gray back and upperwings

White tertial crescent(新月,月牙)

Black primaries with white tips and two white mirrors on outer primaries

Adult basic Like adult alternate but blurry brown streaking and spotting on head and nape(颈背)


Black bill quickly developing pale pink base

Wholly brown body plumage

Dark brown primaries

Dark brown secondaries and greater secondary coverts appears as double dark bar on trailing edge of wing in flight

Black legs quickly become pink

Dark outer primaries

Dark tail Pale rump(尾部)marked with bark bars and appears dark

Second-year Green-yellow bill with black tip

Pale head,neck,upper breast,and belly with brown streaking

Dull brown upperwing coverts

Dark brown primaries and tail

Gray back White tail with dark terminal band

State Flower州花


The flower is important to Utah not only for its beauty but because the bulbs(鳞茎)were eaten by the early Mormon settlers during their first winter in the valley when food was scarce.The bulb,which is walnut-sized,was also eaten by the Indians before the Mormon settlers turned to it for sustenance and serves today as food for rodents(啮齿动物)and other animals.

The sego lily was made the official state flower of Utah on March 18,1911,when Senate Bill 225was signed into law by Gov.William Spry.The bill was introduced by William N.Williams,according to Heart Throbs of the West,after a census was taken of the state’s schoolchildren as to their preference for a state flower.

The sego lily grows six to eight inches high on open grass and sage rangelands(〈美〉牧场,放牧地)in the Great Basin during the summer months.This member of the mariposa family typifies the lilies,with sepals(萼片),petals(花瓣)and stamens(雄蕊)in the combinations of three with ivory-colored petals which may be tinted(带色彩的)from yellow to pink.A horizontal bar of darker color crosses the base of each petal within the flower cup.

The flower is important to Utah not only for its beauty but because the bulbs(鳞茎)were eaten by the early Mormon settlers during their first winter in the valley when food was scarce.The bulb,which is walnut-sized,was also eaten by the Indians before the Mormon settlers turned to it for sustenance and serves today as food for rodents(啮齿动物)and other animals.

State Flag州旗


The original Utah State Flag was adopted by the State Legislature in 1896and revised(修改)in 1913.

The Utah State Flag has a blue background with the State Seal inscribed(记下)in the center and is easily distinguished from other state flags.

American Eagle with wings outspread(扩张的,延伸的),grasping six arrows in its talons(爪),symbolizes protection in peace and war.

Bee Hive is the symbol of hard work and industry.

Sego Lily is a symbol of peace.