
第2章 佛蒙特州(2)

Vermont has seen many changes during the last half of the 20th century.Tourists have discovered the State’s natural beauty,ski slopes,and small town character.While tourism in Vermont has soared,other aspects of Vermont’s economy,such as farming,milling and quarrying(采石)have experienced a decline.


州长James Douglas1951年6月21日出生在马萨诸塞州的斯普林菲尔德,1972年毕业于佛蒙特州的Middlebury学院,并获得文学学士学位。同年,他当选为佛蒙特州的议员。1979年,他退出本州立法机关成为州长Richard Snelling的高级助理。2002年当选为本州州长。他的得票数超过佛蒙特州有史以来任何一届州长的得票数。这也证明他在本州人民心中的威望。

Governor James(Jim)Douglas was born on June 21,1951in Springfield,Massachusetts.He graduated with an A.B from Middlebury College in Middlebury,Vermont in 1972.

Governor Douglas has been serving the people of Vermont for 30years.Elected to the Vermont House of Representatives in 1972—the same year he graduated from Middlebury College—his influence as a legislator increased quickly,becoming assistant majority leader in his second term and majority leader in his third term at the age of 25.Governor Douglas retired from the state legislature in 1979to become a top aide(副官)to Governor Richard Snelling.In 1980,Governor Douglas was elected Secretary of State,a post he held until 1992—winning reelection five times and receiving the nomination(任命)of both parties on three occasions.Governor Douglas was elected State Treasurer in 1994,receiving the nomination of both parties and winning with 94percent of the vote.He served as Treasurer until being elected Governor in 2002.

Governor Douglas has been a member of the Middlebury Republican Town Committee for 30years.

Over the course of his career,Governor Douglas has received more votes than any other person in Vermont history-a testament to his appeal to voters of all political persuasions.

His counterparts elected Governor Douglas as President of the National Association of Secretaries of State and as president of the National Association of State Treasurers.

Outside of government and politics,Governor Douglas has been active in many community organizations.He’s a past President of the Addison County Chamber of Commerce and Porter Medical Center.He was master of his Masonic Lodge,Treasurer of the State 4-H Foundation and President of the Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ.He has served on the boards of the Mary Johnson Day Care Center,the Counseling Service of Addison County,the Vermont Symphony Orchestra(交响乐团)and the United Ways of both Addison County and Vermont.

The First Lady of Vermont is Dorothy Foster Douglas.The Governor and Mrs.Douglas have two grown sons,Matthew and Andrew.

State Bird州鸟


No.1of the Acts of 1941established the Hermit Thrush as the official State Bird,effective June 1,1941.Attaining this status was not,however,an easy flight for Catharus guttatus.Among other things,it was not considered a true Vermonter because,unlike the blue jay(鸟)or crow(乌鸦)(which were favored by some legislators),the Hermit Thrush leaves Vermont during the winter in its southward migration.The record is not clear,but this bird was selected to represent Vermont,among other things,because it has a distinctive(与众不同的)sweet call,and because it is found in all of Vermont’s 14counties.The bird’s usual habitat is the ground and low branches of shrubs and trees in woodland(林地)areas.

Here is identification:

1.6inches length

2.Eastern United States have olive-brown upperparts-gray-brown in western birds

3.White eye ring

4.Dark spots on breast

5.Underparts white with brownish(呈褐色的)to grayish flanks

6.Pink legs

7.Thin bill with pale base to lower mandible(下颚)

8.Sexes similar

9.Often forages(草料)on forest floor

10.Distinctive song

11.Only brown-backed thrush(画眉)to regularly winter in the United States

12.Migrates earlier in Spring and later in Fall than similar-looking thrushes

State Flower州花


No.159of the Acts of 1894,effective February 1,1895,designated the Red Clover as the official State Flower.Both an integral part(主要的部分)of many a cultivated hay field and a common sight along numerous Vermont roadsides,the Red Clover is symbolic of Vermont’s scenic countryside generally and of its dairy farms in particular.Oddly enough,however,Trifolium([植]三叶草)pratense is not a native of Vermont but was“naturalized”from Europe.

Longevity(寿命):Perennial(acts as Biennial)


Winter Hardiness(抗寒性):Good

Drought Tolerance:Fair

Cool or Warm Season:Cool

Bloat Hazard:Yes

Use and Comments:Excellent pasture renovation crop,short-term hay crop.

Distribution in U.S.:Eastern half and Northwest.


Leaves:Palmately trifoliolate(有三小叶的);leaflets not serrated(有锯齿的);inverted V-shaped “water mark”usually present;large stipules([植]托叶);stems leaves and petioles(叶柄,柄部)pubescent(有软毛的).

Inflorescence(花序):Heads consisting of up to 125flowers;rose purple or deep purplish-red;heads nested in 2—3leaves.


Drainage:Somewhat Poorly Drained


Color:Pure yellow to purple

Shape:Shortened mit

Pounds Per Bushel:60

Seeds Per Pound:275,000

Seeding Rate:8—10pounds PLS per acre.

Emergence Time(Days):7

Optimum Germ.Temp.(F):70

State Flag州旗


The history of the Vermont state flag must include a reference to the United States flag,adopted on June 14,1777and described as follows:“The flag of the United States shall be thirteen stripes(斑纹,条纹),alternate red and white,that the union be thirteen stars,white in a blue field.”